Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Article Marketing - No-Nonsense Advice About Article Writing

Do you want to make a decent living with article marketing? It can be done. There are internet professions who earn literally tens of thousands of dollars per month using nothing but article marketing. If they can do it, so can you.

One of the things that we all have to deal with in the article marketing business is coming up with new articles. It can be a bit frustrating especially to someone who has just started.

When I decided to make article marketing my sole form of advertising I ran into the same problem. At first I did not know how to come up with new articles, so I did some research. I read everything I could find on the subject.

The method that I use is not revolutionary or even new, but I will guarantee you one thing. It works. Here is how I come up with new articles.

Having the main topic I am going to write about firmly in mind, I break it down in to 10 sub-topics. Many times I come up with these sub-topics by visiting a forum where the main topic is being discussed.

This gives me insight into what information my potential readers may be discussing. If they are discussing it you can rest assured that they will read articles about it.

Once I have my list of 10 sub-topics I then break them down and come up with 10 bullet points for each.

Each of these bullet points actually becomes an article. So as you can see I have just given myself the basis for 100 articles.

I then sit down and start writing about each point. In no time it seems that I have finished these articles and I begin the process again.

No, its not flashy, not automated, nor even original but as I said it works. Give this method a try and I believe you will find it much easier to come up with new articles.

Lee Ruleman is an article marketing professional specializing in assisting others to achieve their goals in the internet business marketplace.

For a limited time, Lee is offering his new product A Complete Internet Business in an Easy Open Can! for Free.

To claim your Free gift and learn more about Article Marketing stop by


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