Thursday, May 22, 2008

5 Article Writing Tips To Benefit Your Internet Marketing - Keep Following The Instructions

Walt Disney's Mary Poppins sang "In ev'ry job that must be done, there is an element of fun, you find the fun and snap! The job's a game....A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down..." People give up on article writing and submissions for several reasons, one of them is that they failed to follow instructions which tells the marketer not only why they should not to give up but what they should do in order to reap the benefits of article submission and traffic flow. If you were going into an exam would you fail to follow the instructions, the answer is no but the reality is yes. We fail to follow instructions everyday in our lives. You may have participated in the visual cognition video where you are asked to keep your eyes on the bouncing balls and count how many passes are made from one player to the other. After the video has played a question is asked about a non related event, if the participants answer the question correctly then they did not followed the instructions. It is an eye opening video and will let you know a great deal about yourself.

Here are 5 writing tips which will help you follow instructions and create powerful results

Belief: Many people rely on intuition to help them in life and business, you should consider if trust is really the factor which is stopping you from following instructions not your intuition. If there is an absence of belief you will not be convinced that it is going to work and so you will sabotage your own efforts by either your own skepticism or by listening to negative comments.

Focus: If you are easily distracted even when you are following the instructions try to refocus on your aims and objectives by using strategies which help you to review your actions and clarify if you are meeting your targets correctly.

Desire: It's a game but by which rules are you playing? Build up your strategies to playing the game, stay committed and aim to be on top of your league.

Passion: If you are going to play, give it 100% every time you take part, keeping excited and enthusiastic about the things you are doing and the possible results you achieve will help you meet outcomes.

Action: When looking at following instructions challenge your resistance to them and consider that they are tuition and training directives to help you not to hinder you.

Gradle Gardner Martin is a Social Worker, Trainer and Author. Her new book "Inducing Wellbeing In The Work Place: A Workers Guide To Stress Management" available to buy from her website and at all book stores.


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