Friday, May 16, 2008

Article Marketing Vs Traditional Methods Of Internet Advertising

In this article I would like to compare article marketing with other methods of internet advertising. The main reason for this is that traffic is the lifeblood of your internet business. Without traffic you cannot succeed.

Article marketing is my favourite form of generating traffic to my website. The main reason for this is that it is free. So I do not have to spend any money and whatever I money I make it is complete profit.

However, it is wise to always diversify your strategies. If for some reason one of your strategies is not working then you have a few others that will be and generating income for you.

I am a full time internet marketer so running my business is a very serious thing. If it is not generating money then I will not have money to buy food.

Originally I built my business with free advertising like search engines and article marketing. Now I have started marketing using safelists, co-registration, ppc and email marketing.

Each method takes a lot of work to get it to work. You need to track and test everything so that you maximize your earning. However, once you get one method to work you continually do it to grow your business and focus on the next.

This is the plan of action I suggest that you take. Use article marketing as a strong base. It will get you good search engine rankings and build your credibility as an expert in your specific niche market. Also as your articles become viral you will get traffic from many different sources. As you start making money reinvest a large part of those profits that you are making into paid advertising. So that one day if there is a big algorithm change on search engines you will not go out of business.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.


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