Saturday, May 17, 2008

Discover How To Create Wealth Writing Articles

Making money is different than creating wealth. You can make money rather quickly and spend it just as fast. But wealth is accumulated over a longer time frame and is used for retirement purposes or passed on to future generations. For that reason, writing articles are the perfect tool to build and create wealth.

If you write an article today and submit it to 50 large directories, it is almost certain that it will still be in circulation (and working for you) three or four years from now. Your AdWord campaigns, along with other advertising that you use will stop working the second you stop sending them checks. And that is another benefit to writing articles, you can do it for free!

Given that information, you might ask, 'How does that create wealth?' It will create wealth through the power of compounding. If you write just one article today, you will generate traffic to your website or to products that you are recommending. Over a 3 month period, that article may attract 40 page views from one article directory. By submitting it to 50 directories, your article may be seen by 2000 visitors. Not bad for one article.

If you write one article every day, the numbers are staggering. Over that same 3 month period, you could generate about 180,000 page views. When you consider that these articles will continue to draw in viewers for years, the compounding effect can bring you traffic and income for many years to come and create wealth for the long term.

For that reason, do not date your articles. Write them so that they are just as relevant next year as they are today. Of course, this may not be possible in all niches. By writing in a timeless fashion, you can create wealth beyond your wildest dreams.

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? Get my Free ebook entitled, How To Make Money Every Day!

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