Monday, May 26, 2008

Link Building With Blogs

Its been said time and time again that links are the currency of the web. Without links, your odds of achieving significant online traffic (either from other websites or search engines) without big ad bucks are slim to none.

Without links, no one knows you exist online. The Technorati search engine ranks the popularity of blogs by the number of incoming links. And Googles search engine algorithm thinks youre more important when you have links aimed at you from important people.

Its not enough anymore to just get people talking they need to be linking. Its more important these days that they spell your URL right, rather than your name.

It can be awfully lonely on the web when no one stops by.

If youre trying to do business online, lonely equals poor. Whether youre selling products, services or advertising, you need visitors who not only stop by, but return again and again.

First of all, youd better be blogging. Youve got to join the conversation and have something valuable to say before anyone will bother acknowledging you.

In the excellent business blogging book Naked Conversations, authors Robert Scoble and Shel Israel envision a day when a business that doesnt blog will be viewed with suspicion by the public. Blog marketing has been dismissed as fad and reviled as fanciful, but the denial stage is over, and everyone is getting in on the action.

Want to build links? Get yourself a blog and join the conversation.

Brian Clark is the founder of which provides free Internet Marketing video tutorials for effective online business. He also writes about online copywriting techniques at his blog

Copyright 2006 Brian Clark


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