Thursday, June 5, 2008

Adsense and Pay Per Click For Writers - Exchanging Words For Dollars

What is the main goal of every writer? Ask this question of one thousand writers and chances are strong that the overwhelming response will be: "To get published." I'm here to tell you that all of these writers are wrong. Here's why. If these polled writers were pressed further, I'd bet that they want to get published because that would get them to the real goal...Getting paid.

How many authors would agree to a publishing deal that offered no money? Would you? I thought not.

So, let's skip the publishing deal, and get you paid. We'll save the publishing thing until you're making a few dollars and generating consistent income from your writing. We've all done our share of research. Even when writing fiction, research comes into play and gives your writing a richer feel .You get depth and layers. But, this isn't a course on how to, or the benefits of, research. You'll need to know all of that to continue.

Think of Google as a publisher that will pay you to research a topic, and develop a web site with relevant quality content on that topic. You're also free to pick any topic you want. Once you write five to ten pages on the topic, all you do to get paid from Google is add some code to the pages from Google's AdSense site. If you don't already have an account, you will have to take the two minutes it takes to apply for one.

After inserting the code, when you post your pages to the web; they will display ads geared towards the topic you wrote about. Ads that will be targeted to, and of interest, to people who will visit your pages.

The AdSense ads aren't typical ads, meaning that no one needs to buy anything for you to get paid. They are Pay Per Click ads. You get paid every time someone clicks on the ad whether they buy something or not.

It's a great concept that writers just like yourself are using to build six figure incomes by building several sites. Once the initial work is done, the income is residual. The possible money to be made from dedicated writers is staggering. I've seen, and am, living proof of the power of this process. By employing these simple tactics, my online income has exceeded my offline writing income, and the online income continues to grow every month whether I work at it or not.

So, here's to you not getting published. Let me be the first to congratulate you.

Ray Mardo owns and operates various websites that employ pay per click monetization. An example can be found at


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