Saturday, June 28, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

As many of you already know the success of any good optimization plan starts with the research of keywords. Normally you want to find words or word clusters that will open additional windows into your site while giving your potential visitors exactly what they're looking for.

Many Web site owners have the mind set that they should only optimize their Web site for the most popular keywords. Unfortunately this means that they are competing with millions of other sites competing for the same keywords. Those most common keywords are not the phrases that will bring qualified visitors to your site. Most times these popular keywords are to general and the competition is way too high.

Let me walk you through the steps of how I approach research when it comes to finding those valuable keywords.

First I think of the most common root word that I know for a fact is going to have a very high number of competing pages.

My session of choice in WT is Keyword Researcher I would much rather know what keywords people are searching on rather than using Keyword Universe where it shows me how keywords are being used on the top 200 Web sites.

For example purposes lets' work on a Web site about "bass fishing."

The most common and popular root keywords I would start with would be "bass fishing." Normally I like to start with just one root word but in this case the 2 word phrase bass fishing is more detailed then just fishing so I am starting there. I only want my responses to be related to that type of fishing "bass." In this step I am just looking for a keyword cluster that would have something to do with the overall purpose of my site. Also at this point I am not concerned with KEI or competing pages I am only looking for a keyword phrase that pertains to my site.

Just so I know what I am up against I make a note of the competition for the most common keywords "bass fishing."

bass fishing 253 446 6,530,000 0.01

Just as I suspected those are pretty high numbers to work with and even the most seasoned Professional SEO would not try to compete with that. Competing pages of 6,530,000 and a KEI of only 0.01.

As I look through my responses I see these ones:

flw bass fishing tournament 8 14 923 0.07

handmade bass fishing jigs 11 19 3 40.33

I found a couple to work through not great numbers but I know our site lists the top bass fishing tournaments around the country including the FLW Series and we also review fishing lures so I write these two phrases down so I can work through them.

Next I would search separately on each of the words above: flw - bass - fishing -handmade - jigs and tournament to see what I come up with.

The first word "flw" did not come up with anything I could use so I moved on to the next. I try really hard to not get side tracked, you can spend hours in WT and not get anything accomplished so stick to one 3 or 4 keyword phrase at a time and pick that one apart before going on to the next.

As I predicted the words bass and fishing both are too general and are not giving me anything I can use but I don't give up I still move on and explore each word of the phrase clusters I came up with in the beginning.

My next word was "handmade" which I know from experience I should try both "handmade" as one word and then separate it into two words "hand made." It usually gives us completely different results and it did as well this time.

hand made fish hooks 23 40 91 5.81

Not wonderful numbers but with 23 people searching on it I know I can optimize a page on our site for hand made fish hooks and actually give our visitors some resources for companies that produce hand made fishing hooks.

Lets' keep going with our next word which is "jigs." Just as before I want to try the word as "jigs" and "jig" it will always give us different results.

Now we are getting somewhere the word "jig" gave us this great result:

bass jig trailers 40 70 9 177.80

I know I can work this type of bass fishing lures into a separate optimized page of our site. But we are not finished yet lets' look at our last word "tournament" and the plural form"tournaments."

Fishing Report tournaments 24 42 46 12.52

bass tournaments florida 12 21 1 144.00

kentucky bass tournaments 9 15 5 16.20

As you can see above I found a couple different phrases I can work in our site. I see by my research people are looking for information on tournaments by state. This could open multiple windows into our site but posting tournament information individually on each state and optimizing each page for that states bass tournaments. Interesting ...something I would not have normally thought of came about by doing a little keyword research.

This is how I work through each session of keyword research. The whole process should not take you more than an hour and most times you come up with some great possibilities.

To recap:

1. Start with your most common root word

2. Find a couple 3 or 4 words clusters you can pick apart that pertain to your site even if they do not have great numbers

3. Research each word separately trying both singular and plurals

4. Remember not to get side tracked stick to one phrase at a time

5. Be open to discovering new windows into your site

6. And lastly go optimize the new phrase on your site

If you found these tips valuable you may want to sign up for FREE SEO Tips at:

Tracy Fredrychowski
Professional SEO Instructor with the Searh Engine Academy of SC


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