Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The bum marketing method has been around for a few years as the bum marketing method. Before that it was, and still is called, article marketing. It's not exactly a new concept, although it has taken off in recent years thanks to the founder of the Bum Marketing Method. I believe his wife actually gave him the name.

Bum marketing is nothing more than writing articles that either promote an affiliate product such as can be found on places such as Click Bank. Or these articles can refer traffic back to a site that has many affiliate products listed there.

Both ways have their pro's and con's, however I think there is one way that has worked well for me that might work well for you, in regards to article marketing and the bum method marketing idea.

First, you want to look at making a site around a specific niche. Be that the health category, making money from home via the internet, or anything else. As long as there is a product to be sold as an affiliate product you will be able to work with the article marketing, bum marketing method.

Once you've picked your niche, you will want to look for the best possible products within that niche. The thing to look for here is that the sales page created by the owner of the product is engaging. I find that the longer the sales page, however, is worse. This is contrary to what most people who are internet marketers think. I tend to be realistic and look at the end user. They don't want to sit through a huge list of reasons why they should buy a product. They want a few and then get on to buying the product.

I have to think the reason why so many products fail when be promoted is by a faulty sales page. The longer the worse it is. Yes there are some amazing sales pages out there that will damage your finger by the amount of scrolling you will have to do, but by and large most people will have either made a buying decision within the first few paragraphs of the sales page or they will decide it's not for them.

Once you've found your product you will then want to write your outstanding article with a captivating resource box that will lead people back to your site. Now this is where many people get tripped up. They want to them go back to an affiliate site, such as Click Bank, and look for another product. The thing to really do is to write another article for the same product and link it back to your site or blog.

Too many times people will write one article using article marketing, bum marketing techniques and decide that the product just didn't work, when really they should have written around five to ten articles regarding this one product.

If you are going to invest your time in creating an article using article marketing and bum method marketing techniques, be sure to make it the best article you can and be sure to focus on writing more than one article.

Learn how to generate better keywords to get your article to the top rank of google and learn how to use simple techniques to make $1,000 online in one month by going to http://www.make-fast-cash-online.blogspot.com

If you want ways to learn how to write better articles and get top rated keywords to place your articles on the number one slot on google, go to http://www.make-fast-cash-online.blogspot.com


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