Monday, September 8, 2008

Tracking Your Article Submissions a Way to Maximize Your Traffic Part I

If you have a product or service you are trying to sell, you may want to consider publishing articles as a way to drive traffic to your site. With every article you author you get to include an authors resource box with your, name, website, e-mail if you chose and a brief description about you and your website. The beauty of this is it is a completely free form of advertising yourself and your website.

The average marketing article is usually around 500 words focused on a single topic. This topic is also usually related to the service the authors website is about so it can deliver targeted traffic on their chosen niche.

Article writing is not hard once you understand the basic structure of writing a good article. The first thing in making article marketing easier is in doing your research then write a synopsis of the research in an informatively interesting way in your own words.

When you have completed writing your niche article the next thing to do is get it published. There are a couple of ways to go about this each with their pros and cons. What you will want to do is submit your article to various article directories. Now there are many different schools of thought on which is the best way to submit articles here are a few of the most common.

1. You can hand submit to just a couple of the top directories as these few account for a lions share of all the republishing and traffic you will get from article publishing. Among a couple of the top directories there is eZine Articles, Article City, and Go Articles there are literally thousands more just Google article directories and you will get a huge list of them.

2. Another popular way is with the aid of article submission software where you enter your article pick the directories you want to submit to then with a couple of clicks your article is sent out to hundreds of directories. You can pick some of these programs up for almost nothing on ebay just search for article submission software or program and you will find dozens of vendors selling them.

3. The last way is to pay an article submission service these services take and submit your article for you by hand and some by software or help scripts to make it easier. The advantage here is you do not have to spend all the time that hand submission takes and you will get better publish rates than the software

Now your aim in this is to get it out there so webmasters looking for new content will hopefully pick up your article and publish it on their website creating a backlink and hopefully a traffic stream to your website. They might also use it in their newsletter to their subscribers and this should help drive traffic to your site through the use of the links in your resource box. This way, the publisher obtains precious content and the writer gains publicity. Everybody ends up pleased in the process a true win, win situation for all!

KC Kudra is Webmaster for, a published author, and an SEO expert in the field of directories. The writing bug first hit as a teenager writing short stories and poetry. You can often find him giving design ideas and writing content for various websites. The Internet gives an outlet to so many writers to get their writing out to an audience of like-minded people and really expands your world.

KC helps his wife with technical aspects of website design and SEO for her website business and is a contributor of article, content writing and design input. KC is a modern day Renaissance man with an overwhelming desire to excel at whatever he dose and to do it with passion. His real love is cooking and recipe making for her site and he loves making Grilled Vegetable Pizza for their four young sons.


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