Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You Have Identified Your Keyword Now What?

So you have done your ground work and identified your best targeted keyphrases now what? Well now you have the task of optimising your landing pages for best results in the search engines; however this doesn't mean spam your pages full of keyphrases. The trick to remember about optimising your webpage's for the search engines is to focus on the website visitor and not the search engines.

We all know that link building is very important but before you do that you will need to optimise your webpage's. Below I will detail some of the onsite factors that need to be addressed if your pages are to perform well.


The title tag of your webpage's should all be unique and contain a short description about your webpage. Here is a good opportunity to include one of your chosen keyphrases. Only if your keyphrase reflects what is actually contained in your webpage.


Your description tag also needs to be unique and contain a longer description of your webpage, around 130 characters. This is also another place where you can use your keyphrase but don't overdo it and make sure it reads well. Another good tip that is underused here is a call to action. Your search engine listing is really an advertisement for your website and you want it to be desirable for people to click on. There is many other listing fighting for the searchers attention so make yours stand out.


The keywords tag is more or less ignored by the search engines today because of spammers misusing it. They could not be bothered to properly learn search engine optimisation so they cheated. It is still a good idea to use them though just in case.


The proper use of headings should also be observed as these also offer a good indication to the surfer what your webpage is all about. If you can include a keyphrase in here all the better but make sure it all reads well.

Incidentally if you're wondering where you can find a good SEO company that can help you with this I would recommend these guys. I have used them and found them to be great. They can also help with your website design needs, other companies are available.

These are only the basics but will put you on the road to a well optimised website. There are of course many other factors that you need to think about but they will have to wait for another day.

Jack Mack


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