Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Handy Tips To Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

This article will focus on some tops tips which you can apply quickly and simply to increase your visibility in the search engines. These are just basic steps but even on their own can have a fairly dramatic affect on your rankings.

As we are looking at quick and easy tips these will mostly be concerned with on-page ranking factors.

Page URL
Having your keywords present in your URL have a great affect on your ranking scores. It gives you a serious advantage in achieving a high ranking. Of course it's not always easy to get the domain name you want but you should certainly consider this if possible - however don't change an existing established domain name.

These are in between the tags at the top of your page. Make sure your main keywords are in the title (the words you want to rank highly in). Try to keep a minimum of text here but make the title appealing to encourage clicks. Keep the title tags unique for each page on your site.

The title tags are important for all the search engines so spend some time getting them right!

Keyword Usage
Try to focus on specific targeted keywords on each web page (remember search engines rank pages not web sites). Try to repeat the keywords where relevant within the page - don't overuse as each engine has a different threshold of keyword variance. It is estimated that about 6-7% usage on a web page is optimum but only if the text makes sense.

URL Structure
URL structure is an often neglected SEO practice. It's worth doing as it brings long term benefits to your web site. Try to keep urls as simple and targeted as possible particularly avoid long, complicated dynamic urls if you can. Make sure they contain some of your keywords. If you're building a site from scratch that's the easiest time to get these right.

Site Map
Try to include a simple site map to include all the pages on your web site. You can find loads of free tools to help you create one just search on 'sitemap creator'

Try to include your keywords in headings in the page of possible. Use the tags to emphasise your keywords. As always though remember make your content readable and attractive to both the readers and search engines.

Meta Descriptions
This tag provides a brief description of your page. It provides the summary displayed in many of the search engines. However different lengths are used to try to include a concise description at the beginning of the tag. Meta tags have a limited effect on actual rankings but can be crucial on obtaining clicks so don't ignore them.

If you haven't considered these factors before you're ignoring a simple way to boost your search engine rankings and your income so give them a try.

Joe Simpson

Search Engine Rankings


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