Saturday, May 17, 2008

How To Find The Most Popular Keywords For Your Market

Finding the most popular keywords on the internet is pretty easy. If you guessed sex was the most popular searched for keyword, award yourself a "congratulations".

But the most popular keywords vary by season. Halloween has its own special set of keywords, so does Christmas, etc.

Likewise, the market you are targeting will have its own batch of popular keywords.

There are various tools you can use to find the most popular keywords. Some are free, such as Google's keyword tool, others are chargeable, such as Wordtracker. Whichever you choose, make sure you spend time to check out how popular your chosen keywords are.

The idea is to find keyword phrases that real live people are searching for. It doesn't matter what other people on the internet - whether they're in your industry or not - are targeting. If your industry jargon says that people are interested in "real time rendering", for example, that may or may not be what real people are searching for. Take the time to find out. Use all the different reference tools available to you.

For instance, Wordtracker will offer up a string of related terms. Or at least terms their computer thinks are related. Use your commonsense to check into these. Sometimes they are good suggestions, sometimes they are red herrings. But you won't know until you check.

If you don't subscribe to Wordtracker, use an online Thesaurus to find related keywords. Or go to the pages that your original search brings up and read the pages. See how else they phrase your search. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Once you've found your keywords that are popular with searchers, you will need to construct web pages, adverts and other ways of attracting people to your site. But that's another topic entirely!

Get more ideas to boost your internet income with this free report.


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