Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Internet Marketing Advice for Beginners

For many people new to the internet, they see it not only as a source of information but also as a source of profit. For those who see it as a potential source of income, they search the web looking for a way to fulfill this dream. There are many traps that they can fall into and there are a few things they should know before starting this endeavor.

Internet usage worldwide increased 265% from 2000 to 2007( This creates a huge opportunity for business owners to capitalize on the navet of those new internet users. Claims of "wealth within hours", and "all of the answers in one ebook" are abound on the internet today. This leads to a lot of misinformation and false hope.

One opportunity that exists on the internet is in the form of affiliate marketing. This is a good way to start in the internet marketing realm for someone new to the concept. However, if someone is using a duplicated site that is offered to all of the members of that program; it is hard to stand out and be noticed. Free website offers can be very alluring to the untrained eye but in actuality they are very hard to market and even harder to profit from. It is always best to have your own site that is unique. Keeping content varied and different from "the rest of the pack" will give you an edge on marketing a product or program.

An even more popular program is in the form of a membership site. These programs will offer you all the tools of the trade to get your own internet business. Some of these programs are great to get involved with if the owners are reputable and care about their members. Other site owners are simply offering the memberships to profit from the fees and do not offer good products. It is always good to get unbiased testimonials before considering a membership.

Another common sight to see is people peddling ebooks with information varying from how to create a website, how to write an ebook, etc. These products can be good or they can be bad. The new internet marketers should be wary of spending lots of money on ebooks with fantastic claims. There are some great ebooks out there with great content, but it is not recommended to put a lot of money into a product when the information can likely be found on the internet for free. If you spend a few dollars to get the info you are looking for in one place would be okay, but to fork over several $20's or $50's for information you can readily find with a little bit of research of your own is not recommended.

To close, the greatest piece of advice for all new internet marketers is to do research. Just as CEO's of major corporations deliberate with a board of directors, you too should sit down and investigate any business venture before you dive in head first. It is very easy to get starry eyed and follow a self proclaimed "guru" or greatest "new product just launched". Try to differentiate your business from all the other internet marketers to get an edge, and offer a worthwhile and unique product that can be easily marketed. Anyone new to internet marketing who stays away from gimmicks and schemes, will have a greater chance to profit. Try to join a free internet marketers forum for more specific and detailed help and you should be well on your way.

For more affiliate marketing tips, visit my lens at Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also sign up at my website:


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