Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article ghost writers can make you money by taking a fresh look at your niche. If your website is getting a bit flat, and your visitors dwindling a bit, then you may need a bit more zing and pizzazz in your writing. Something to attract visitors and keep them there when they arrive. This is what a good ghost writer could give you.

Free Articles Are Not Free

Many web owners try to bulk up their websites with free articles from the internet. The trouble is, nothing is free on the internet. There is always a price, and the price for free article content is generally that you cannot put your name to the content. Free articles normally require you to keep the writer's name at the top and resource page at the bottom. This does three things.

Firstly it is apparent that you are not the article writer. If not, why not? Don't you know enough about your subject to write about it? If not, why should I visit your site? I'm not going to learn much from you if you can't even write your own articles. I think I'll leave and look for somebody who knows a bit about the subject. . . wait a bit. Who did write this article?

Free Articles Have Expert Writers Are You An Expert Writer?

That's when you get the second consequence: your visitor notices the article writer's resource page, which has a URL on it. Why not click on that this writer seems to know a bit about what he is writing about. Let's try him. So you lose your visitor to the guy that wrote the article. An article ghost writer adds no resource page. The third bad thing' that such an article brings you is a link away from your site. The writer's URL is actually a one-way link from your site which can harm your search engine ranking.

Use an article ghost writer, on the other hand, and your name appears under the article. You are the one that appears to be the authority on the topic of your webpage just as it should be. You keep your visitor who thinks you know a lot about the topic and that you may be able to solve his or her problem. Also, there is no resource box! No bleed off from your site and no competitor in view to attract your visitors from your site.

Not only that, but you get exactly the content you want. Somebody else's article might be just a bit off topic for you, but due to copyright restrictions you can't change it. You have to keep the article as it is. Bad news! With a ghostwritten article, you can have it modified until it is perfect for you.

Ghost Writers Bring You Authority

If you need content and can't. or don't have the time, to write it yourself, use a ghost writer. OK it costs, but it's way better than using a free article that could bring the opposite effect to what you want. How much is your traffic worth to you? And think of that publicity if you also use an amended version for the article directories. All these lovely back-links will do your rankings a world of good. All due to using the services of an article ghost writer.

Do What You Do Best Pay For The Rest

It's the fresh look' that's the main advantage though. If you've been writing your own content, you can get stuck in a rut and your site will become stale. To get good rankings it has to be dynamic, with frequent changes in content. A pair of fresh eyes can do just that. An article ghost writer can also save you a lot of time: let him spend his time writing while you do what you are best at, sorting out the joint ventures, arranging the deals and handling any affiliates you have. Leave the content to a professional who knows just what you need.

A Fresh Pair of Eyes Knows Content Is King

It has been said that the writer is as important as the article. This might be possible if search engine results are unimportant. A search engine cares not if the writer is you and I or Stephen King - in fact it might prefer you or I! The content counts. 'Content is King' as they say. It's not the writer, it's the article, and a fresh pair of eyes can frequently provide that article content with a difference.

That's where your ghost writer enters the scene. A 'fresh pair of eyes'. The word 'competition' frequently comes up in discussion about web page content. This is balderdash. No matter how good your product is, the more unique web page content will win the day in the eyes of search engine spiders. Article ghost writers are trained to produce this unique content. Leave it to them!

Peter is a professional freelance writer, currently specializing in website articles which are much in demand. He operates from and writes on any topic, uniquely for you. Not only is no one else sold your article, but you can get two versions on request - one for your site and one for submission to directories. He is a busy man but approachable for advice on


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