Saturday, June 28, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Search engine optimization also known as SEO -- technically is defined as being an Internet based marketing technique that involves the proper preparation, creation and development of a website to better enhance the chances that a particular website will receive a higher ranking in the results provided by a search engine when a relevant search is undertaken by a consumer. In other words, in more simple terms, search engine optimization or SEO means setting up your website the right way (including using appropriate content) to get high search engine rankings.

The reality is that the higher your website ranks when it comes to the results of searches of words or phrases (keywords or keyword phrases) that are relevant to your operations, the more traffic you will see heading to your website. The bottom line is: The more traffic you get to your website, the more money you will make.

When it comes to search engine optimization or SEO and your website, there are a number of factors that you do need to keep in mind, a number of factors that are or paramount concern when you are building your website:

- the content you select for your website

- the layout of your website

- the manner in which you use HTLM Metatags at your website


In the development of the content for your website, you will want to make certain that the content you utilize is keyword enriched. By this it is meant that you need to include within your website content keywords and keyword phrases that commonly will be utilized by consumers when using a search engine to find the products or services that you offer. By including an appropriate ratio of keywords and keyword phrases in your copy, you will work to enhance the positioning of your website on search engine results.


In addition to content, you also need to layout your website with an eye to search engine optimization as well. For example, you will want to make certain that you include important and vital information about your business and its operations on the home or front page of your website. Search engines actually pay closer attention to what is included on a home page than what might be included elsewhere on a website.


Finally, you will want to make absolutely certain that you include important, relevant keywords and keyword phrases in the Metatags that you will be incorporating at your website. As with layout issues, search engines lock onto the information that is included in HTML Metatags. When used correctly, with the proper implementation of keywords and keyword phrases into Metatags, you will be able to enhance the positioning of your website in search engine results.

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