Friday, September 12, 2008

How to Get Search Engine Rankings

The following article is going to give you a few tips to building high search engine rankings. High search engine rankings are very important to internet marketers, if you wish for swarms of free traffic coming to your website on an ongoing basis. How do we to get sought after and coveted high ranking on the search engines?

Building backlinks is the number one greatest tool in acquiring high search rankings. If you do not know what backlinks are, they're links to your site from another site. You can get back links from a variety of sources. The fastest way is to outsource a link building project. I always go through

Backlinks are what affects your search engine rankings the most is because if someone decides to put a link to your site on theirs, it's the equivalent to a popularity vote. The search engines pick up on this. The more popular your website is, the higher they will rank you. Be very careful of websites have the power to decrease your website's page rank if they link to you. There sites which will help you find out about sites which might hurt your ranking. You may consider looking at these sites.

Optimizing your website for targeted keywords is very important as well. The search engines need to know what your site is about in order to display it to searchers. The only way they can do this is by the words that are placed throughout your site. Once you have a list of targeted, and researched keywords place them strategically within your sites and/or blogs. Some places you may need to place the keywords are; Meta tags, the title tag, anchor tags, header tags, bold tags, the URL itself, and webpage names should include the most important keywords, your content should be keyword rich, especially at the top and bottom of the sites

In order for the search engine bots to favor you above other a lot of the other websites, your site needs to have a lot of keyword rich content. Going for roughly 20 pages of article sized content about your niche is a great rule of thumb. What I attempt to do is make a list of 20 of the most targeted keywords that we want our site optimized for. Then, write a keyword-optimized article for each keyword.

Utilize these tips and you should be delighted by your results. We do advocate that all articles will land you on the front page of the search engines. However, past experience has shown us that consistent and diligent application of the previous tips will greatly improve our page rank. Getting a high page ranking is not an easy task, a lot of the time. We have to work on it several times a week, and really need to post something of value, that people want and/or need on a daily basis. My suggestion, start by doing the best you are able to do. Taking into consideration the amount of time, skills/knowledge you have.

My thing is this. Regardless of where your at in the internet search engine world, start from where you are at. Thank you for reading.

Walter Scheu Sr. Th. D. writes article reviews for and about products and/or services etc., which may be seen on the internet. He and his bride run a small family farm in North Carolina. This article is about a affiliate marketing and how they did it, and he knows these tips work well! Hopefully you have found this article informative as well as interesting and desire more information. Please click this link:


Blogger Unknown said...

If a particular keyword has a higher density on your web page, then the likelihood of your page obtaining a better search engine ranking increases. Note that not all search engines bother with keyword density and indeed even those that do have their own algorithm for computing the density of a keyword. However, the principles described in this article is general enough to help your page improve its ranking in the engines that take keyword density into account.


October 7, 2008 at 3:09 PM  

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