Thursday, September 4, 2008

Managing Your Opt-In Mailing List

You Have Some Opted-In Subscribers. Now What?

If you've made it this far, you have a pretty good idea of how to start an opt-in mailing list. You have learned the basics of driving traffic to your capture page, and you understand the importance of a compelling free offer to entice readers to fill out your opt-in form and join your mailing list.

Now comes the real work.

All the effort you have put forth up to this point can be totally wasted if you don't take the time to properly manage your opt-in mailing list.

You can't just collect subscribers, then start blasting them right away with sales letters. If you intend to profit from your opt-in mailing list, and after all that's the whole point of building one, you need to approach your opt-in marketing campaign in an intelligent fashion.

Building a relationship with your new opt-in mailing list is a must. You want your subscribers to see you as a friend, and a source of good information, and not as somebody who just wants to sell them something.

Think about some of the products and services you spend money on. You probably have a favorite grocery store, where many of the cashiers recognize you. You may have a favorite gas station, or a mechanic that you use on a regular basis to maintain your car.

If you have pets, you probably take them to a vet you feel comfortable with. It's a safe bet that you spend most of your money with people who have treated you well and worked hard to satisfy your needs.

Most readers prefer to buy from individuals and/or businesses they feel comfortable with. This type of relationship is built over time.

A free e-course is a great way to start the process of relationship building with your opt-in mailing list.

As long as you are offering quality information, your subscribers will appreciate the fact that you are teaching them something for free.

Always give first, and ask later. Don't try to sell your subscribers anything until you have provided them with plenty of solid, useful information, and maybe even a couple of nice freebies.

Let your subscribers know who you are, and how they can get in touch with you. People are not going to respond well to a "webmaster" or to some silly username.

Always use your real name (first and last) as the "from" name when you send emails to your opt-in list. And most importantly, let your personality take over. Be yourself, and have fun with it! Your subscribers have to relate to you before they are ever going to buy from you.

Of course not all of your subscribers are going to like you or what you have to offer. You'll have people that unsubscribes from your opt-in list, and guess what?

That's a GOOD THING.

I know you're thinking, this guy is absolutely out of his mind.

Unsubscribers are a good thing?

Yes they are.

Okay, before you call me crazy, let me explain. Not everyone is going to like you, just as there are people that, for whatever reason, you don't like or what they have to offer.

The purpose of building your opt-in mailing list and building a relationship with your opt-in list is to get your subscribers to trust you and want to hear from you so that they WILL buy from you.

You are building your opt-in list so you can eventually promote your products and services to and make money, right?

What's the point of having subscribers on your opt-in list that really don't care for you and will never buy from you?

Cutting those people out is a good thing, so please don't be alarmed about getting unsubscribers.

Condition Your Opt-In List

Send valuable information to your opt-in list on a regular basis. Then, when you have an offer for them, they're already looking for your name in their inboxes.

Let your subscribers know up front that you plan to contact them often. The idea here is to get your opt-in list used to the idea of receiving messages from you. Also, when the time comes to refer a product or service to your subscribers, do so with confidence.

Present your offers with authority, and make it clear that your subscribers will benefit from following your recommendation. Again, the idea is to get your opt-in list used to the idea of receiving your recommendations in good faith.

However, nothing will destroy your credibility more quickly than recommending a program that turns out to be garbage.

Most of us have a few favorite subscriptions. You know, the emails you look forward to getting and are happy to read as soon as you find them. I'm more likely to buy from these lists, because I feel like I've gotten to know and can trust the publishers.

Do you think that they occasionally make money from me purchasing their offers? Of course they do. But what's wrong with that? They have proven themselves to be a valuable resource by providing solid information. Maybe they have helped me make money or save time.

Whatever the case, a relationship has been built, and I have been conditioned to expect emails from these people. More importantly, I have been conditioned to trust the recommendations of these opt-in list owners, which makes me more likely to buy from them.

Once you have your opt-in list conditioned to expect your emails, stay on track. Some type of regular mailing schedule is important.

For instance, if you're loading subscribers into an autoresponder series, be sure to set the follow-up messages at regular intervals. Or, if your opt-in list is based on the premise of a weekly update, make every effort to send out on the same day each week.

Additional communications are fine, as long each message contains something of value. But the most important thing is not to fall behind on your mailings, thus allowing your subscribers to lose the connection you have worked so hard to build with them.

Also, be sure you are giving your subscribers what you promised them on your capture page. If you invited them to subscribe to a newsletter about affiliate marketing tips, don't send them adverts about discount auto parts.

Sending something a little different from time to time might work if you have built a very strong relationship with your subscribers, but the general rule is to stay focused on the topic you promised your subscribers when they opted-in.

Give good information and let your personality come through. Don't sweat the unsubscribers, and keep in touch with your opt-in mailing list on a regular basis.

Follow this simple formula to become successful in managing your opt-in mailing list, and you will be surprised how your business will grow.

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