Saturday, June 7, 2008

Link Building Strategies That Work And Cost Nothing To Use

Driving traffic to your website and gaining higher search engine rank positions can be done in several ways and each are important as an overall strategy, however in this article I am going to focus on one main way which is link building.

In specific when planning a link building strategy it is of the utmost importance to realise that not any old links pointing to your site are advantageous. In fact some links to your site can have the complete opposite effect and be detrimental to the performance of your websites rankings.

You need to plan which type of sites you are targeting to build link relationships with and the obvious first starting point on the link building platform is to look for links from sites that are of a similar nature and category as your own.

The saying goes that birds of a feather stick together and this is most true in search engine optimisation as in general most major search engines will tend to rank you higher if you site becomes what is known as an authority site and has many links from sites offering similar and complimentary content matter.

Combined with this criterion is the added fact that these similar content sites to your own should be quality sites that in turn may be well linked to from other quality content sites.

As you will see there is a constant theme emerging here that quality content sites with a similar theme when linked together aid and assist each other to improve their search engine ranking positions and in turn this brings increased visitor traffic.

Moving on one step further in our link building strategy we can improve our chances of increased search engine positioning even more by obtaining links from these high quality content sites in one direction only, in other words to optimise the benefits of these links we need to obtain them in such a way, if possible, that there is no requirement to link back.

One way links from quality content and authorities sites can be considered as the most beneficial links to obtain and are seen by most search engine optimisation experts as the best.

Now of course in general most website owners are unlikely to give you a one way link without some sort of compensation, but there are ways were you can obtain links and these methods should be part of your overall strategy.

Remember that, in my opinion, this should be looked at as a marathon and not a 100 yard dash, in other words working on a strategy to consistently obtain links to your site over a long period of time is far better than having one mad session for a day and then forgetting the whole business to move onto some other interest.

It has been suggested by some people that the longer a website has been registered online and operating the better it is perceived as far as search engine rankings is concerned and with this in mind it would also seem quite logical that the long term link building approach should also fall into line with these thoughts.

Some obvious ways of receiving one way links to your website could include writing articles and submitting them to article directories and also using website link directories.

Of course trends will come and go so you should always be prepared to adapt and look for new ways to increase your link building methods but the main quality you will need is to prepare a plan and take positive action on a regular basis.

Copyright 2008 Terry Till

Find out how you can get instant one way links to your site :

Webmasters and ezine owners may use this article provided they leave all content and links in full contact and without alteration.


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