Thursday, June 26, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

People use the Internet for so many things. Some use it as a social networking tool, some for chatting with friends and exchanging emails with family and still others use the Internet as their own personal cash machine. You'd be surprised at how many people have turned to the Internet as their only source of income-and they're making a killing at it. Perhaps you aren't surprised and you're one of them, or you're not surprised but you'd sure like to know just how they're doing it so you can do it too.

One method is to have a website where you sell something-a product, digital or otherwise, a service or a membership forum. Those are all terrific money-makers but they won't bring you a dime unless you can get people to visit your site. They can't buy what they can't see, right? Right.

So how do you get a flood of traffic to come breaking down your doors-and better yet-how can you make sure that the people visiting your site are the ones that are interested in what you have to offer them and are already willing to put some money out for it?

Article marketing is the way to go. Here's how it works. There are numerous article directories online. These are places where authors submit articles. They write articles about various subjects-generally on topics that coincide with what they're promoting online. Article directories exist just for these submissions. Depending on the article directory you are submitting to, you will be allowed to either insert a link or two to your website and your name.

Make sure to carefully study the submission guidelines before you submit your work. If you don't, be prepared to have your article rejected. The powers that be at the directories generally send you an email informing you that your article was rejected and why. You can rework it, fix the problem and resubmit.

Publishers visit article directories in droves, seeking out fresh content to place on their websites. The reason they do this is because you need to have regular new content placed on your website on a regular basis in order to get a good ranking in the search engines. Having a high page rank will bring you more traffic.

Let's say a publisher likes your article and decides to pick it up. They will download it from the directory and place it on their website. Now your article, with your resource box, name and links to your website are posted on their website. People coming to this website will read your expertly written piece, see your clink and click on it.

If the website your article is on gets a lot of traffic, you will reap the benefits of their traffic by receiving your own traffic. Now, consider that not just one publisher will pick up your article, but dozens! Perhaps more, and each time your article is posted somewhere else, you get traffic.

Traffic = money in your pocket and this is why article marketing for traffic is a good thing.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian T. Edmondson specializes in teaching others how to make money with Internet and Information Marketing. Discover his secrets of how fun and easy it is to make money on the internet at


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