Saturday, May 3, 2008

Article Marketing - 5 Secret Ways to Turn Your Ad Into an Article That Drives Mega Traffic

That ten word ad could be a 300-500 word power-marketing tool that drives targeted traffic to your website with a sales pitch that not only grabs your readers attention but keeps them coming back for more... And more... And more. If you implement the process in just the right way, you may even get word of mouth referrals from your high-impact laser targeted ad copy articles.

1. Tell a story. Capture your audience with the creative writing you learned in high school Tell them a story about your product and how Cinderella succeeded in capturing the interest of her Prince Charming with your product.

2. Lead your audience to your website for more information. Leave off the ending of your tale and create the desire to know more by leaving a tag line that brings the reader to your website to get "the rest of the story".

3. Capture their interest before you admit you want to sell them something. Give them information that grabs their attention, sparks their curiosity, and drives them to your site, before you share the fact that you're selling merchandise or services they'll need.

4. Give them something of value in the article that brings them to your site, and welcome them with audacious guest rewards. When you give your reader incredible values, they come back often and bring friends because they want more. They'll buy from you, because you give them value.

5. Lead the reader with a question and while they're attempting to answer your question drive them to your website and share their solution with magnetically attractive product and service marketing that keeps them buying your "stuff".

Jan Verhoeff has been working with online marketing concepts successfully for more than a decade. Learn her secrets at Today!

Are you ready to click on the link that will make you a multi-millionaire? Grab your own Targeted Traffic Generator with a FREE Copy of 2 Article Template and ADvertiZe Ezine at and learn how you too can drive highly targeted buying traffic to your website with Valuable Content your readers can't resist.

How I Earn Thousands Of Dollars With Affiliate And Article Marketing And How You Can Do It Too!

Affiliate and article marketing works like crazy for me and I am going to show you exactly what I am doing to earn money with this. It doesn't require a lot of money to start and you can do this on a shoestring. Travis Sago has a system called bum marketing and it's similar to what I am doing except that I take this to a higher level.

The bum marketing method is an article marketing system to promote your affiliate programs via submission sites and classifieds ads websites like

All you need to do is to pick up an affiliate programs, research your keywords and write a 300 words keyword rich article with your affiliate link in the bio box.

It works very well, but it's a short term business model. In fact, Travis himself says that this is only the beginning of the whole story. The problem is that you are not building a valuable asset.

What's an asset?

An asset is something you created, It can be an ebook, a website a cd, a dvd set... anything. Every wealthy people on this planet owns one or several assets and if you are not building yours right from the start, you are planning to fail even if you are making an immediate profit. It won't last long.

I developed my own system through trial and errors, and I found it to be very effective in the long run.

It is similar to the bum marketing method, but your use leverage. Your own assets plus other people's asset. This double or triple your article writing efforts and will make you more money in the long run.

Let's see a concrete example of the powerful of this model.

You submit hundreds articles to directories and in the meantime, you build your own website and also feed it with articles.

Plus the articles you are promoting link to this very same site. You are gaining a lot of inbounds links.

Later on, you will be able to make a several figure income in one month. Just imagine that you built several sites and managed to get top rankings? Just head over and sell them.

If your site earns $1000 a month, you can instantly sell it for $10000 or more. This is only one way to earn money with this system.

You are also building a list that will make you a lot of money if you know the basic of relationship list building.

Franck Silvestre creator of the FREE Affiliate Marketing Course earns thousands of dollars every single year. His own methods have increased traffic to his website by more than 467%! If you want to boost your website traffic and sales, download his amazing report today. Visit his website at:

Productive Article Marketing - 5 Amazing Discoveries to an Effective Article Marketing

In marketing where articles are utilized, the most impacting to the potential clients is the article material itself. It is therefore a necessity to come up with an article that you know will create a positive impact to your expected readers and from there market and promote whatever it is that you want to advertise. Below are some of the amazing discoveries on how you can come up with an effective article marketing:

1. When creating an article, always think about how potential readers would perceive your writing. This means that you need to anticipate in the future the initial reactions of these people. You will clearly understand this when you are able to put yourself into their position.

2. In writing, it is always advised that you avoid the usage of unnecessary foreign expressions like Latin expressions such as et al., and e.g. These expressions can basically confuse the readers. The usage of such expressions in article writing may be allowed when you know in general the kinds of people who will be reading your material, although even when this is given, a little restriction is still imposed in the usage of such.

3. Know when to use and avoid technical jargons. These terms are specifically designed for types of people with a special set of skills. The usage of such terms on your article can bring confusion to your others readers who are not very familiar with the terms.

4. Eliminate any gaps in the presentation of logic. Every idea that you are presenting should be built logically on the preceding ideas. Readers should not be left hanging and begins to ask questions.

5. Always make use of concrete words and phrases rather than too generalized ones. This will make it a lot easier for your potential readers to have a clear grasp on what you are pointing at.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Powerful Article Marketing - 5 Simple Rules to Effective Article Marketing

Article writing, as your main tool in marketing your business is a very effective in terms of cost and yielded results. There are numerous ways on how you can market your online business, but article marketing is substantially and essentially a lot more efficient. Below are the five simple rules to attain better efficiency and effectiveness in article marketing:

1. Re-assess the methods used in titling your article material. The title of the article material says a lot about your style in writing and the actual article material itself. In addition, the headlines - meaning your titles -- which you put on it serve as the forefront towards attracting and enticing people to open and read your articles.

2. Always make an improvement on the quality of your article content. In article writing, what you write best today will no longer look the best tomorrow. This means that every moment that you write new articles, you have to make it a point that you always come up with something new and innovative.

3. To be more effective in article marketing, you need to make yourself more exposed as the article writer. People who get to read good materials tend to look first on the author that gave them what they exactly need. This means that if you submit more and more bearing good quality, people will get to remember you easily.

4. Use relevant keywords on your article material. Even when you think that you have the best quality of article content, when these do not have essential keywords on it, tendency is that it becomes so hard to be searched, thus making it substantially unopened and unread.

5. Check on how progressive your articles are. This is one the best ways to know what works best for you. You can proactively combat any potential failure in your materials when you know how people perceive your work.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.