Sunday, June 29, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The Internet is saturated with a lot of websites providing tons of quality articles. In such a situation, you should follow an efficient approach of writing and distributing the articles to divert a good amount of traffic on your website. How does this happen? There are article directories that can select your article as a supplement for publishing on their website or distributing it to their member websites on request.

Benefits of Effective Distribution

The question may arise, in the mind of the readers of this article, "Why give my articles instead of getting any price for it?" The answer could be seen in the form of benefits coming up your way:

  • The expert Ezine publishers don't modify the contents of your article and most importantly, provides a resource box where you will link your website along with your article.

  • The Ezine publishers distribute your articles to its member websites which increases the viewing of your article. Remember, your article is viewed by hundreds more viewers each time a publisher distributes your article. You do not need to do this manually, once you submit your article to the main article directory site the distribution process is effectively carried out.

  • The link popularity is the most important reason you want your article distributed as often as possible. Each time your link is clicked on it which will assist in bringing your website to the top ranking websites. Then when a user searches for quality contents in a search engine, your website will be thrown in the top search results.

There are set of guidelines that should be taken into account while writing and distributing the articles to increase your chances of getting noticed by good publishers:

  • First of all, write interesting articles that are short but informative. Make use of bullets to increase the readability.

  • Use only one or two links in the resource section below each article.

  • Don't add affiliate ads with your article, as publishers like Ezine don't prefer it.

  • Don't burden the articles with HTML codes and use plain text format.

  • Try to look for the subjects that are less explored by other writers.

  • Submit the articles to the websites visited regularly by the good article directory publishers.

  • Lastly, submit only one article to each website.

The ultimate objective for you is to bring a good flow of readers to your website. It is possible by writing and distributing the articles effectively. As fast as you attract the publishers the quicker the distribution rate of your articles will be. Always look for fresh content for your article. You can achieve the aim of getting thousands of views of your articles.

As an Internet Article Marketing writer you should be writing up to 400 articles per year. Taking time to also distribute and promote those articles is not necessary. Submit you articles to one or all of the article directories and let them do the distribution.

Toni Grundstrom is a freelance writer with emphasis in the Marketing field. With 17 years of experience I provide valuable content in all aspects of Marketing. Click Here for additional information about article marketing and how it can make you money.

This article may be distributed freely as long as this entire article, links and this resource box are unchanged.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Content is king on the web because content is information. People love information and search engines want to make people happy. Feed the search engines good content and the search engines will bring you people, just like one big happy family. It's easy-sort of.

1. Find your niche. Pick a manageable topic that will serve as your website niche. A search engine friendly website has a defined niche. Pick one topic or theme that will be covered on your website. If you are targeting leads in a specific geographic location, then choose one-and I do mean one-main area that will serve as your niche.

2. Do Keyword Research. Use a keyword research tool to determine what keywords and keyword phrases are being searched for most. I recommend the following tools:

a. Google Keyword Research Tool - Free

b. Wordtracker - Free Trial (I find that it's a bit overkill for typical SEO jobs)

c. Yahoo Keyword Tool - Gives precise numerical activity of searches

The goal of your keyword research is to obtain a list of keyword phrases elevant to your website's theme. Note the levels of searches being conducted for the various phrases. This will help you determine what you want your keywords to be.

Tip: Google's Keyword Research Tool allows you to Add your keywords to a list and export them into an Excel file.

3. Determine Main Keyword Phrase (Main KP). First, rank the keyword phrases you discover in the order of importance. The keyword phrases that are searched for the most should get higher ranking than the ones with no searches.

Second, rank the keyword phrases in terms of competition. If you find a phrase with a high search volume but a small amount of advertiser competition, you can bet that it will likely have less competition in the natural search area as well.

Choose the keyword phrase to be the Main KP of your site that does all of the following:

a. Has the most searches with the least competition

b. Accurately describe your web site's chosen theme

c. Describes your product or service in a very common way

d. Includes your main geo-target (city, state, country)

4. Determine your secondary Keyword Phrases (secondary KPs). The remaining keyword phrases play an important role in the content of your website. Keep your ranked list handy for integrating into your website's content. In fact, these secondary keyword phrases will later become the Main KPs of the interior pages of your Web site.

5. Choose topics of interior web pages. Start writing the content of your web sites interior pages before you write the home page. Decide how many pages of content your site will have and select one keyword phrase from your research that most closely relates to your theme and meets your objectives. I suggest starting with only 3-5 pages when you first launch the website. You can always add more pages later.

6. Start writing interior pages. Start by putting your keyword phrase on the page. This will be your title. Research your page topic and write basic facts pertaining to the keyword phrase. Keep in mind that it's facts that people are looking for and stay away from all forms of puffery. Give the facts without a lot of hype. This will naturally pull more keywords into the equation. Feel free to weave keywords into your content, but be careful not to overdo it as you can set-off Google's penalty triggers.

If you find yourself writing sentences just to incorporate keywords-don't. Stop yourself and get back to the topic. If you are really writing on topic, keywords should flow naturally.

Web Content Writing Tips

a. Write scannable text. People scan the web, they don't read it so write text that can be scanned

i. Use bullets like they are on sale two for one

ii. Bold keywords

iii. Use a combination of compelling and keyword rich headings

iv. Use headings liberally (practically for each paragraph)

v. Write short, choppy sentences (long ones are for print)

vi. Use the shortest word possible to get your point across

vii. Write at the 9th grade level (even Rhodes Scholars prefer this when scanning)

b. Remember your goal is to provide information. The search engines today have become answer engines. People come on line wanting an answer to their question. Providing the answer to these information hungry visitors will help you put them at ease, gain credibility and build rapport. Credibility and rapport online can lead to the same in person when that visitor becomes a lead.

c. Incorporate KPs and Keywords. Add keywords liberally, but don't make it sound unnatural. It's wise to add them to the beginning of sentences, paragraphs and headings. The very end of the page is also important. Staying on topic is one sure way to get more than enough keywords on the page. Be sure not to over do it. You need a keyword density of 6% per phrase to get real recognition from search engine crawlers. More than that can get you penalized.

d. Don't try to sell too soon or too hard! Save your sales copy for the end. "Give to get." Provide the information they crave and at the end, offer your services. Do this as opposed to selling from line one which puts people off and puts them on guard. Be the one to give people the answers they are looking for and they'll respect you for it and be more open to your soft sell approaches at the end of the page or in the right and left columns.

e. Keep your opinions to yourself. Using words like "fantastic" or "incredible" too often sounds fishy. Take a look at the successful Wiki's and notice that there is very little opinion going on. Of course, your opinion is valuable, but it's more important to give the facts, Jack.

f. Edit to the bone. Please do not put copy that's destined for print on the web. Yuck! Copy written for print is just totally different than that on the web. The web is more succinct, choppier and less visceral, so get out your pencil and click "delete" to many of those extra words you don't need.

g. Be original. You can't get away with copying the content of someone else. Google will catch you, and if they even remotely THINK your content is duplicated, your page may never see the light of day. Try to take an angle that no one else is taking. Be thorough and go the extra mile to bring content to the table from sources other than the web (like the newspaper, the tv news or Barnes and Noble).

h. Do a spelling and grammar check. This goes without saying, since it's easy to get in a hurry when writing on the web.

7. Add photos to the page that accurately convey your topic. A picture really is worth a thousand words, so don't hold back. The more excellent photos you have on the page (within reason) that help define and describe your topic of interest, the better. Just be careful that you make the photos small enough to prevent your page from taking forever to download. Here's a few other warnings about photos:

a. Don't put low-quality photos on a page

b. Don't forget to use photo editing software

c. Keep photos consistent

d. Don't put photos up that are not precisely related to the topic

e. Don't OD on photos

f. Make sure you have padding around your photos to separate it from the content

g. If it's a short article, one nice photo will do

h. Consider visiting for cheap photos or for free photos

8. Use high quality font. Believe it or not, the font you use on your web site IS important. There are only three font types that are universal among all browsers, so you can forget about fancy scripts anyway. The Times New Roman font has been shown to be more difficult to read than Arial and Verdana on the web. I've decided that Verdana is the easiest to read online, but that Arial looks more professional. My own site uses Verdana: (Ah, made you look!)

a. Cool Tool to test different Typesets - See which font works best for you.

b. Font Tester -

c. Font Comparison Table - Compare fonts for the web

9. Write your home page. Write the home page of your website only after you've completed the interior web page content. Your home page should be mainly about your Main KP, but should also incorporate all the secondary topics and keyword phrares of the interior pages. This will send a signal to Google that you have your site themed and you're ready for business.

10. Link to interior pages from home page. Link to all your interior pages from the home page using the Main KP of each page as the anchor text for the hyperlink. This will increase the rankings for the home page and interior pages.

Jenna Ryan specializes in Search Engine Optimization for Real Estate Agents. Her company, The Marketing, Inc. serves Realtors, Brokers and Agents nationwide in building custom real estate websites that get to the top of the search engines and generate leads. Visit us on the web today! The Marketing

Jenna Ryan with The Marketing specializes in Real Estate Websites, Search Engine Optimization and Lead Generation for Realtors, Agents and Brokers. Visit us on the web today!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Now let us look at the typical internet marketer. Usually if they are using ppc to drive traffic to their web site then they will have the headache of tracking and monitoring their campaigns to make sure that they are profitable. Similarly if they are using another form of paid advertising like ezine advertising they have to follow a similar process.

Now let us look at the way these article directories work. They have advertising on the web sites and they allow publishers to submit their articles. If the article is of significant quality it will get approved and in return the writer of the article will get good search engine rankings on search engines like MSN because the article directories have very high page rank.

Also there is a viral component. When publishers look for valuable content to publish on their web site they get this from the article directories. This saves them from the time required writing the articles. So this creates many different sources from which you will get traffic from. In your article you are allowed to put your bio which is your unique selling proposition and a link to your web site.

Now this is where you monetize your web site. When a visitor visits your web site you capture their name and email address and market to them over and over again. This can be a product that you create or a wholesale product that you drop ship.

If you do this process of writing articles consistently and writing articles for MSN and other search engines you can become very wealthy over a long period of time. You may seriously want to start considering this as an alternative career if you have an entrepreneurial mindset.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new ebook.

Secrets To Make Money Online - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Thats right, I said Article Business. You can make significant money writing articles, six figures plus. But make no mistake; if you want to be truly successful writing articles, you have to treat it like a business. That means you have to write and submit, over and over again. You see more about exactly what is required to be successful later. For right now, know that you have to write and submit lots of articles.

Can you start your article business on a shoestring? Absolutely. Most successful writers started out this way. The steps outlined below, are designed to give you basic information regarding what is involved for that aspect of the business. In the sections that follow, youll get information on how to start, profit, and operate your article business.

1) Do you have a website? Few people are aware of it, but many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide free websites to their customers. Those that provide the service may also offer free tools to build the site. If your ISP does not give you free web space, do a search for free websites and you will see plenty to choose from. Having a website will make doing business much easier. Your website will need at least 2 pages.

A) A Sign-in (or squeeze) Page is an absolute necessity on your website. This is the page that all of your articles will link to. It is the place where people come and enter their name and email address to subscribe to your list. A list is very important to make money over the longer term writing articles. A good list cans double the amount of money that you make from your articles.

B) You should also have a download page. On this page you can offer your visitors the opportunity to download some of your articles for free. You should also have a number of ads and items that you are promoting on that page.

2) Unless you have your own product, you will have to start by promoting affiliate products. An affiliate product is merchandise that was created by someone else, that pays you a commission for each item you sell. You can make very nice profits selling affiliate products, but you can make much, much more by selling your own products. You would be well served by trying to create your own product as soon as possible.

3) You must have an autoresponder. The two biggest in the field are Aweber and Getresponse. They offer every just about every feature you can get in an autoresponder. I use Getresponse and have VERY happy with the features and the service. On a shoestring, you can start out with one of the free trial versions. Test them thoroughly before you choose, make sure that your emails dont all go to the bulk or junk folder.

4) Start writing articles, lots of them. The more you write, the more products you will sell and the more your list will grow. Dont get discouraged, like any other business, it takes time to ramp things up. You may not make your first sale until your twentieth or even your thirtieth article. Continue to submit articles and you will succeed.

By following these steps, you can start your article business with little, or even NO money. When you begin to bring in some money, reinvest the proceeds into your business. This is very important to your long-term success. Buy a Domain name, upgrade your autoresponder and your web hosting. Purchase information to gain knowledge on how to make money on the Internet. All of these important factors will influence how much money you make down the road. Good luck in your article marketing efforts.

Download our FREE REPORT and get access to tons of free articles, reports, and downloads relating to generating income by writing articles!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is popular for a reason: When done right, it drives traffic to a targeted Web site. It also allows a marketer to build back links to his or her Web site which, in turn, helps boost a Web site's page rank. In an increasingly competitive online marketplace, you cannot afford not to write articles as a means of promoting your affiliate products and/or services.

If you're an affiliate, there is simply no better way to promote products than article writing. Should you not have strong writing skills, or even if you don't have the time, you can and should hire a professional writer to write SEO articles for you. Some of the best SEO tips for affiliates are also the most simple.

Whether you're going to be posting your articles on your own Web site, on a blog, or you're going to submit them to article directories, you must ensure they contain commonly searched for keywords and keyword phrases. You can research keywords on such keyword tools as Word Tracker and Overture.

One of the best SEO tips for affiliates is to choose your keywords wisely. Knowing which keywords to use in your content is key to ensuring the search engines index your articles, Web site, and blog quickly and to ensuring that your Web site ranks high in the search engines.

Anyone who's surfed the internet has more than likely come across articles that are filled with the same words and phrases, but the content just makes no sense. Another of the key SEO tips for affiliates is do not saturate your articles with so many keywords and keyword phrases that the content makes no sense. If your articles are filled with nonsense, no one is going to read them. And, if people don't read your articles, you're not going to drive traffic to your Web site.

Another of the most popular SEO tips for affiliates is certainly to write your articles in an engaging, conversational tone. You want people to read your articles, to feel as though their time was well-invested in reading your articles, and to visit your Web site and purchase one of the products you are marketing as an affiliate. You can only achieve this goal by writing quality articles.

These are just several of the most popular SEO tips for affiliates. Tips, however, must be put into action to work. Article writing is an absolute necessity to your success as an affiliate marketer. Set a goal to write a set number of articles each week - two, for example - and write and publish those articles on a regular basis if you want to drive traffic to your Web site and to build a customer base.

About the Author:
Tim Godfrey is the founder of the exclusive internet marketing tips resource, To learn more ways to power up your affiliate profits grab our free 5 day affiliate masters course

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

In his one-of-a-kind writing style, Mike Dillard brings the idea of 'Building on a Budget' to life for networkers who have struggled to build their MLM business the old way.

Will you be able to implement his suggested strategies with the level of success promised?

Before I answer, let's first get into addressing, "what IS Building on a Budget teaching you exactly?"

Building on a Budget outlines how the average network marketer can generate his or her own prospects list on a shoe-string budget and then attract those prospects to them (either by phone call, email, or just by leadership attraction whereby they want to work with you).

These are similar ideas shared in Dillard's book, Magnetic Sponsoring, and his more expensive MLM Traffic Formula course manual. What makes Building on a Budget different, is it focuses in on 5 Building on a Budget strategies and he gives some instruction on how to go about it.

The Limitations...

The challenge with Dillard's book is that while he does a fantastic job at selling you on the concepts, the majority of network marketers aren't going to fight through figuring out all the technical aspects of setting up their own marketing.

A book is limiting. It doesn't visually show someone exactly what to do.

Building on a Budget is a fantastic value for the cost. It successfully sells you on the idea and introduces you to some fantastic resources to get started.

But it won't take most people to the finish line.

In other words, most network marketers will be assisted with Dillard's 'Building on a Budget,' but they won't all be able to do what it aims to teach them unless they find more guidance.

How does Building on a Budget compare to other new generation Internet marketing training systems that are teaching these and other 'building on a budget' strategies?

As many network marketers are quickly learning, the concept of generating your own prospects list and creating additional cash-flow streams as you do it is too attractive to pass on. Still, most are figuring out that it's a challenge to set it all up correctly.

Of Course, There's a Learning Curve.

Mostly, it's technical.

Just getting to the right web sites and setting these up takes a lot of time when you're guessing your way through the details.

While Building on a Budget sells the idea, and gets you started in the right direction, you still have to boot up the computer and fight through the details of getting your accounts and content all linked up the way it should be.

Some new generation training systems have appeared on the scene recently to fill the gap for frustrated networkers who know they're never going back to the old ways of business building, but are finding it hard to connect all the Internet marketing dots.

This is where Marketing Merge has really stepped up.

It's the first step-by-step training tutorial site that literally walks you through everything, from setting up your account at the new site location, onto creating the content that will be found by prospects, onto doing the actual marketing so it gets found--and it's all done mouse click by mouse click so you set things up as you watch.

There is another similar training program from Renegade University, but it's focused more on those who were introduced to the Renegade Network Marketer and System, rather than on Dillard's stuff.

Still, many of Dillard's members (Magnetic Sponsoring, MLM Traffic Formula and Building on a Budget) have migrated into Renegade University, which is free, and then into the more advanced visual tutorials at Marketing Merge.

So with all these other options, is Building on a Budget worth the time and money?

I actually think that it is. It's a fantastic place to start if you get the book with these realistic expectations that it will do a great job at selling you on the idea (because it's a powerful way to build your business, no doubt), and it will introduce you to some fantastic locations as well as offer some great tips that will be helpful going forward. But you will still be left to do the work after reading the book.

And that's where you may want to find one of the new generation visual tutorial training systems to help take you to that next level.

One thing's for certain...

The new model of attraction marketing is where it's at and where it will continue going. Approach this realistically and you'll be attracting a lot of prospects your way with this building on a budget Internet strategy.

About Mike Klingler

"It's a whole lot easier when the prospects are coming to you, Mike says."

Mike teaches network marketers Internet attraction marketing, emphasizing "no and low cost" strategies with Social Web 2.0 Media.

Magnetic Sponsoring and Building on a Budget Fans -- Attract More Prospects to You with This SEO Strategy

Learn with Mike to generate your own prospects list, and how to monetize with cash-flow strategies that allow you to afford to keep building the network marketing business you're in right now.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Writing articles but just not making the income you desire? This article is written especially for you. I'll show you how to create a nice 4-figure income just by writing articles on the Internet. Chances are, if you aren't making the income you want, you are missing some "links" along the way.

So here's how to dump massive paychecks into your bank account with article marketing:

Step 1 - Find 5 Niches

Instead of just going all out in one niche, go after 5 niches to really explode your income! Some niches you might want to take a look at include digital photography, weight loss, bodybuilding, parenting and dating. These niches are some of the hottest niches at the moment. Choose 5 niches which you will be concentrating your article marketing efforts on.

Step 2 - Find 5 Affiliate Products

You'll be finding 5 affiliate products to promote in your 5 niches. The best kinds of products are digital products because of the high commissions. Go to Clickbank, search for your niches and choose your products. You'd want to choose products with a high Gravity level, which means many affiliates have been selling the product well.

Step 3 - Write 5 Articles A Day

Write 5 articles a day, 1 article per niche. It's not difficult once you're accustomed to it. I regularly take 15 minutes to write an article! You might take an hour to write one article at first, but with practice, you'll eventually get faster and faster. Soon, you might feel the urge to churn out as many as 10 articles a day because you know they are bringing you money. If you write 5 articles a day, you'll have 150 articles in a month's time and 1,800 articles in a year. Will that bring you a lot of money? You bet it will!

Remember to add your affiliate link to your resource box to grab those sales! Submit your articles to the most popular article directories like Ezine Articles. And remember to buy your own domains to forward to your affiliate link since most article directories don't accept raw affiliate links.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

What probably happens--and I don't keep good track of it, I'm getting enough subscribers in, I focus on writing these new articles over focusing on every individual statistic. My conversion rate when somebody clicks through--if it's been an Article-Marketing article--is probably twenty-five percent, if I've used that Bio and I wrote an article on Article-Marketing. If I wrote an article on List-Building and used the same Bio, I'd probably only get a five-percent opt-in rate. On average, I'm at around ten-percent. If I write on traffic-building, and then I have an Article-Marketing link, I probably only averaging five-percent.

If I were to go in and write original Bio's for every single one, that opt-in rate would be higher. If you're only writing one or two articles per day, you really need to be writing original Bio's for each and every one. Until you find something that really works well for you, at least have that Bio--make it congruent with the article itself. In my case, writing fifteen or twenty articles in a day--frankly, a lot of times after writing that many articles I just don't have the creative juice to write fresh Bio's. Especially when I know that I've got a good one that works.

Number four, you're going to take these articles and you're going to submit them to the article-directories. To find a list, go to Google and type in: "Article-directories." You'll get tons of lists.

Those are really the four steps to article marketing. If I were writing this about web business using article marketing, then the fifth thing would be, build a list instead of sending people to a Squeeze-Page. The sixth thing would be, build a relationship with that list. The seventh thing would be to create your own products, and to sell those products that you create to your--sell those products to the people that are on your list. So those would be five, six and seven. List build, build relationships and then create your own products.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1400 articles in print and 10 published ebooks.

Optimizing Your Site Using Keywords

You have created a brand new, hot looking website that without a doubt will be placed ahead of your competitors in the search engines. Surely with all the work, time, and effort you expended creating your site, it will be up there in the ranks! Then you find out that you dont even have a page rank, and you cant find your site by doing a search. One of the reasons may be that you have not optimized your site using keywords. You wonder why and how this could be when you thought you used the best keywords possible, but what you thought was best were actually the most competitive keywords. In this case, no matter how great your site, you would never get ahead of your competitors.

One way to get ahead is by doing your keyword research with a keyword research tool that tells you a terms popularity. This is a step that simply cannot be missed when trying to optimize your site. When searching for keywords, you do not want to use highly competitive terms. What I mean by this is that you dont want the word to come up with several million hits, even if this initially sounds like it would be a good term to use. On my own website, home business brings up 4,100,000,000 hits, so I would not want use this term to try and drive traffic to my site! I want to start with the less popular terms until I have a good page rank, and then I can think about using the more competitive terms later on. Using our keyword tool, we would choose a less popular term, and then do a Google search to find out just how competitive that term is.

A little trick you can use to beat the competition is to notice what sites come up in your Google search for your particular, less popular keyword. If the sites URL contains a sub-page, such as, and that page ranks well in Google, then you can get ahead of that site by using the same keyword, only in your domain,, not on another page of your site as in the above example, /example.htm. You also want to check that top-ranking sites page rank using the Google page rank toolbar. If the site achieved a top ranking in the search engines, but only has a page rank of 3 out of 10, then you know it will be fairly easy to get the same page rank, or better.

Next, you want to look at that top-ranking sites HTML code by clicking View/Source in your browser. Even if you dont know much about HTML, it pays to learn a little bit, and it is not as hard as it looks. If you compare an actual web page to the source code for that page, you will start to see patterns that make sense to you. Start by studying your own source code, and then the source code of other sites will look familiar to you. The things to watch out for when looking at other peoples source code is to notice whether or not they use H1, header tags. Some sites do not, and if your top-ranking site does not use a header tag, then you can one-up them by using a header tag on your site containing the right keywords, and make sure the keywords appear at both the start and end of your copy. Also notice if the site uses a title tag with the keywords within the title tag. If they do use title tags, they will be ranked higher in the search engines for that keyword. If they dont use title tags, then you should use title tags to get ahead. If the other site has bolded, italicized, or underlined keywords, they will rank higher. If not, you could get ahead by doing that on your site. You want to check to see if they use certain images on their site based on keywords. If they dont, you should be using images and call the file the name of the specific keyword you want to use.

Its a good idea to get into the habit of doing keyword research and creating a keyword file that you can add to on a regular basis. This file should consist of popular, but less searched keywords that can outrank your competitors. The bigger the list, the better off you are. This will help you get traffic to your site using keywords that your competitors have not thought of using yet. As troublesome as it may sound to do keyword research, and view the HTML code of your competitors, your sites position in the search engines will definitely improve quickly if you follow the steps above!

Liane Bate owns a Plugin Profit Site web business, is a member of Success University, and the IAHBE. Visit:

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

It is important for your website to be on good terms with search engines so that you can get organic traffic to your site. And in order to do so, you need to achieve high page rank on your web pages. You are given a high page rank on your pages when search engines find your site valuable, and when you gets the recognition, it shows that you are rank high on search engines, thus given access to free traffic from search engines.

So how does it work? Page rank is transferred through links. The more inbound links you receive from higher page rank sites, the higher your site's page rank will be. Additionally, page rank does not carry over to all pages on your site. For instance, you could have a PR5 home page, but your other pages might be PR3 or not indexed at all.

Another important concept to keep in mind when setting up external links is that they 'bleed' your page rank. This means that linking to too many external sites can actually decrease your own page rank. For this reason, you will want to mitigate the amount of links you put on each page to prevent decreasing your page rank.

In order to receive high page rank, you need to get lots of inbound links pointing to you. Let us look at 3 ways that you can achieve this.

If you have a blog for your website, you will know how sticky and popular it is to get returning visitors. So the first thing you can try is to utilize high rank blogs on the internet to your advantage. Getting links to your site on high page rank blogs is also a good linking strategy. You can do this by making useful, intelligent posts on related blogs, and including your signature with a link pointing to your site. Remember to use your targeted keywords in your anchor text and surrounding text to ensure that your link is given a high relevancy score for your topic.

Viral marketing can also be an excellent tool for getting inbound links. You can do this by sending out surveys, quizzes, and other viral mechanisms, and including a link to your site at the bottom. Every time someone posts the survey, you will get an additional link to your site. This also works for viral videos, which people will have to link to.

Lastly, one of the new and popular ways to get traffic and links to your site is through the use of social bookmarking. Social bookmarking sites, such as Digg, Technorati, and are high page rank sites that allow bloggers and site owners to submit posts or pages. Not only can this be a good way to increase your natural search engine traffic (by getting a high PR, inbound link), but it can also be a great way to generate more click through traffic.

Just remember that, you need to constantly build links to your site and provide quality content from your site. By achieving a high page rank on your web pages, you are sure to pull in lots of organic traffic from the search engines.

Looking for more info on page rank and traffic? Click now for more latest info on Page Rank or visit

Wen Christopher is Owner of where he provides essential internet marketing tips, guides, product reviews and tools for your business needs. Sign up for the KnowledgeWealth eZine now to get 5 IM Power Pack and essential internet marketing tips delivered to your mailbox.

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As an online businessperson, if you've never heard of ghostwriters, you surely don't know what you're missing. A ghostwriter can help you make tons of money with your business and you get all the credit! That's what a ghostwriter does. You pay one simple fee and they write articles, press releases, blog posts, and even sales letters for you. The trick is that they don't get the credit. It is work for hire, and you retain all copyrights, so you are able to place your name on the article or other piece and claim it as your own.

The Benefits of Ghostwriters

There are scads of benefits that you gain when you hire a ghostwriter to help you with your articles or other writing needs. One of the most important is that you are able to claim the article as your own. As a matter of fact, many ghostwriters are proficient at mimicking styles, so if you're a writer but just don't have the time to work, you can show them a piece that you have done in the past. They should then be able to craft a new article or other piece and have it match your writing style and tone. Because they are accustomed to article marketing tactics and such, you are able to put the work into their hands and focus on other important aspects of your business.

Should you need a press release to get the word out about your site or blog, a ghostwriter is the perfect person to handle something like this. Ghostwriters are becoming so huge that some of the most popular marketers and even celebrities utilize them. While you may not need anything this complicated, the truth is that you can gain huge success in the online marketing business.

What Can They Do For You?

With web marketing, business people can utilize articles for many different reasons. Articles for your website are very important as they help you with your placement in the search engines as long as they are optimized correctly, which any good ghostwriter can ensure. When you are in web marketing, article marketing campaigns are great, and a ghostwriter can help you craft quality articles to submit to article marketing directories, as well as even submitting them for you. Many business people who have niche websites value ghostwriters very much because of their ability to create quick, great content for these websites.

Ghostwriters are a wonderful resource to marketers or other business people. Should you decide to hire a ghostwriter for your article needs, remember to give them details and outlines of what you want, as well as resource links and even sample articles that you would like to serve as inspiration for your project. These tips and the ones above will really help you get a great ghostwriter and improve your business through the use of one. Good luck with all of your online business ventures!

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Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Probably the most well known method of generating inbound links is to look for link partners. This is done in a variety of ways:

  • ask customers to link to your site (possibly in return for a link to theirs)
  • ask suppliers to link to your site (possibly in return for a link to theirs)
  • look for relevant high ranking sites and ask them to link to you (possibly in return for a link to theirs)
  • buy SEO software which locates high ranking sites and automatically emails their owners asking them to link to you (possibly in return for a link to theirs)

In my opinion, though, link partners is one of the least effective method of increasing your search engine ranking because:

  1. Its normally done via email and, unfortunately, webmasters of high ranking sites receive many link partner requests each day (not to mention hundreds of other SPAM emails). Theyre normally automated and irrelevant. As a result, most email-initiated link partner requests are deleted.
  2. Most link partner requests are sent by webmasters of low PR sites to webmasters of high PR sites. Although the link would be very beneficial to the low PR site, it wouldnt help the high PR site at all.
  3. Even if you offer a reciprocal link (a link back to their website), most webmasters of high PR sites will not be interested because its extra work. Whats more, they wont want to obscure the purpose of their site with hundreds of links (relevant or not, they dont want to look like a directory to their customers).
  4. Reciprocal links are of questionable value, unless the sites are closely related.

TIP: If you decide to manually look for link partners, one way of assessing a sites importance is to look at their Google PageRank (PR). PR is how Google scores importance. It gives all sites a mark out of 10. Any site with a PR of 4 or above is generally considered a worthy link partner. By downloading the Google Toolbar, you can view the PR of any site you visit.

* Glenn Murray is an SEO copywriter and article submission and article PR specialist. He is a director of article PR company, Article PR, and also of copywriting studio Divine Write. He can be contacted on Sydney +612 4334 6222 or at Visit or for further details, more FREE articles, or to download his FREE SEO e-book.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The internet is no longer a 'new' technology. More and more people are going online daily to not only play online games and other 'activities', but to conduct actual research and comparative shopping before making a purchase. People come to the internet for answers to questions or solutions to problems. With that in mind, it's easy to say that any home business not making use of the internet to advertise their business, services and products are not making the most of their advertising effort and dollars and are probably losing important customers. It is very simple and cost-effective to advertise online and there are many marketing tools that you can use to create an online presence. Regardless of the marketing system you use, online marketing starts with generating traffic or visitors to your website. So primarily, you need to create your website to connect with customers and display information about your services and products.

There are many ways to market your website and business online, but some basic concepts always apply.

When you're building your website, keep in mind that effective sites should be easy to navigate, have fast download times and contain good quality and informative content. In order to communicate with your customer base, make sure you include in your website an opt-in email system so that you can collect customer names and email addresses for future marketing. While a visitor is on your site, it's good to encourage them to bookmark your site. If they do, chances are, they will visit again. Another important part of effective online marketing is to make sure your site is regularly updated. Occasionally provide new resources or information, and try offering freebies like ebooks, reports and ezines. Every professional online marketer must include contact information on their website and will create a memorable domain name. Look for a specific "domain name" that speaks of your products as well as it is catchy.

Once you've built your website it's then time to submit your website in search engines. Nobody will discover your website if you do not announce it. Submit it to the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN first, and then it will be picked up by the smaller ones. Do not pay someone to submit your website url to the search engines; it's a waste of money. In order to increase your traffic, you should immediately begin exchanging links with other sites and blogs. Exchanging links is effective in exposing your website to individuals who are interested already in the subject matter that has something to do with your site. Look for other successful websites whose content is related in your subject and propose link exchanges. Another option and good way to increase traffic and exposure to your website is by joining forums and message boards and then begin to network with the other members. You can gain helpful contacts and information that will further your own business at the same time.

If you are serious about building your business to the level you desire, then by all means begin planning your online marketing efforts now. Home and offline businesses that are using the internet to further their ventures are losing business and customers and not making the most of their advertising budget. Simple online marketing can be done by anyone who is willing to learn or seek out the help of professionals who are available for consultations. Bring your business into the future by taking the leap into online marketing and advertising.

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