Thursday, June 26, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is undoubtedly the most efficient and cost effective product and website promotional tool these days. It is being used by a lot of webmasters from across the globe because it can easily augment website's traffic and increase their sales potential.

Here are the 4 popular steps to explode your article marketing:

1. Target market. The one element that will guarantee you success in article marketing is knowing how to satisfy your target market. When you do, you can be assured that your articles will be widely read and distributed online. This is the reason why it is very crucial to know the people you are writing for even before you tap on your key board. Get to know their needs, demands, profile, and preferences. These can help you make your articles more targeted and focused to their demands.

2. Titles. When people search for information online, they are usually presented with numerous articles. People choose the article to read based on title alone at least on this point. Don't let your articles be ignored by giving them titles that are truly interesting and attention-grabbing. This can help you dramatically increase your clickthrough rate.

3. Writing skills. Never be contented with what you know and strive to improve on your craft so you can always offer the best to your readers. This can easily be done through constant practice and by attending seminars or coaching programs that are specifically created to help you excel in the field of writing.

4. Quantity. One of the best ways to excel in article marketing is to multiply the number of your output to easily augment the number of your inbound links. If you can't extend your writing hours, you can hire ghostwriters to do the legwork for you.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

One my favorite attributes of the Internet is that, if you know where to look, you can find tips, a 'how-to' or advice on just about any subject. This is certainly a valuable resource for anyone with an internet connection, and can work out very well for fairly static subjects like lawn care.

After all, the properties of Kentucky Blue are fairly constant. But what if you walked out your front door one summer morning to a yard full of dead grass, and upon questioning your neighbor about why it died he told you, "You didnt hear? Grass started drinking olive oil yesterday instead of water without telling anyone. Aint that a stinker?" Now, what if this happened every six months or so?

Such is the landscape of search engine optimization, where the search engines are constantly changing the game, and the advice you find online, dating all the way back to 2005, may no longer be relevant. With that in mind, it is important to update your knowledge base. So here are 2007s most important elements for a Search Engine Optimized Page:

1.) The Title Tag: An oldie but goodie, the title tag is not only what ultimately gets the user to your site from the SERPs (because it is what the search engines use when linking to your page), but its one of the most important pieces of every search engines ranking algorithm.

Remember to place only a few closely related keywords inside this tag, and to put your keyword before your company name. Search users are impatient and looking for fast information. Theyre not looking to be branded. A search user may never even get past your company name in the title if the listing below it catches their eye first.

2.) Keyword Density: Believe it or not, keyword density is still important. You may hear some SEOs tell you that keyword density is dead and they can get your site ranked using links alone. The latter half of this statement is true, the former is not. Think of it this way: Dieting alone can make you lose your gut, but dieting and exercise will get you there twice as quick. The right keyword density will give your pages the same positive result that exercise has on dieting.

Many Search Engine Optimizers will tell you that optimum keyword density is between 3-6%. Thats true, but difficult to measure (for example: are we taking into account navigational, header and footer text or just the main content?). As a rule of thumb, I try to use the keyword once every other paragraph. That is by no means a hard science, but it works for me.

3.) Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI): Heres one that wasnt around last year. For those unfamiliar with LSI, it is a way for Google to better determine the relevancy of a page. By using LSI, Google can automatically calculate which terms are used most often along with any given keyword and score pages based upon whether or not those complimentary keywords appear on a page.

By deploying LSI into their algorithm, Google is now able to tell the difference between the animal and the automobile "Jaguar" by identifying words and phrases like "ferocious cat" or "moon roof" on the page with it.

Google can also thwart spammers who are using phrases like "Keyword is the best solution on the market to meet your needs and for more information on keyword, look no further." Spammers could previously mass produce pages with optimum keyword density but without any actual relevance by using templated phrases like these.

4.) Link Text: Onsite and off, the text which appears in a hyperlink pointing to your page is of great importance. Link text or anchor text should contain your keyword or some variation of it for best results.

Obviously, you wont have control over your link text in every situation. You cant control the way a blogger who finds your site will link to you. However, you can use suggestive language in your press releases or on your pages pointing others in the right direction. If you state on your page that " is a Dog Health Site dedicated to" your linker may use the same "dog health" lingo in their link.

5.) Page Focus: One of the biggest mistakes that SEOs make when optimizing a web page (especially the homepage) is trying to optimize for too much at once. My rule of thumb here is unless the words are all closely related, not only in meaning but in spelling too (like web design company and web designer companies), break them up into separate pages. I try to, at most, use three non-directly related keywords per page.

People are often drawn into optimizing one page, which they have noticed has considerable ranking power, for too many phrases. The draw is obvious, and the intent is to rank for as many keywords as possible. Unfortunately, by attempting to get to number one for too many key phrases, youll end up getting there for none. In the eyes of the search engines, the focus of your page will be diluted, and a more laser targeted competitor will prevail.

There you have it. These are the most important elements to optimizing a page. The rest is mostly up to original content and link building. If you successfully follow these 5 tips, you will find yourself racing up the SERPs, acquiring more visitors and more impressions, clicks, sales, sign-ups or whatever it is that youre after.

This article was written by Mike Bradbury.

Mike is an SEO Analyst for Objectware Inc, an Atlanta Web Development.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Here's a predication that I know will irritate the technically oriented Kings of SEO: Looking hard into my crystal ball, as one does, I reckon that their days are numbered and that they are a dying breed! Now before the techies swarm around LeadGenerators HQ with pitchforks and flaming torches ready to silence the web-marketing heathen, allow me to explain...

Those of you who know me are probably well aware of my healthy disregard for the techno-centric view of internet marketing. In my mind, instead of technical considerations dictating what we should try to achieve, we marketing managers should dictate what we want and then find the technical solutions to achieve it. I know that this attitude annoys the technocrats who seem to dominate the online marketing world, but my approach has proved successful in its own right.

I have always seen SEO as a two-stage process. The first is to make sure that a client's website is search engine friendly. This process analyses the structural elements of the site to make sure that search engines are able to see ALL the pages of the site and are able to rank (judge) each page in its own right. It's a lengthy analysis that covers many aspects of the site but it's largely a one-off project. Once done, and once the site has been improved accordingly, the techies' work is more or less done.

The larger, second step is all-important and all about the content of the site itself.

For a site to achieve good rankings, we need to first select the right keywords. I won't go into the science of keyword research and selection, but once the best ones have been selected for a client, we need to move into the realm of writing, sprinkling certain keywords strategically throughout the text and the code of each page. It's not just this keyword enhanced copy that requires excellent writing though - link building, press releases, social media - the common denominator for all of these is good writing and communication skills, combined with good old-fashioned common sense, which most technically minded people aren't best suited to provide. It is the writers and communicators - not the programmers - who have delivered our best results in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

There is a rather tacky expression in the SEO community that says "Content is King". I would like to get a little tackier if I may: If content is King, then the up and coming Princes of SEO must surely be the writers and communicators.

Just a thought ... and I look forward to comments.

Frank Orman is the Managing Director of Leadgenerators, an online travel marketing agency.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Forum marketing or Social Marketing can truly be another great hidden source to add to youre over all Internet marketing. It is a place were people with similar interest gather to discuss all types of topics for that subject.

How affective is it for your Internet Marketing and generating website traffic?

Forum Marketing can help in many different ways when it comes to marketing your website, here is how:

First you want to find a discussion board or forum that is targeted to your website theme. Think of it like this would you market your website about jewelry to a forum about cooking? The answer is no.

Participating in forums can help you and your website build an expert status online by posting answers to questions others have in a specific topic.

Never posted in forums before?

First thing you should do before just jumping in and posting wildly, take a look around and see what other are posting about, view the set up and feel the mood of the forum.

Once you have a good understanding of the forum then you can start participating in this targeted marketing platform.

Note: There is a sign up process for most good forums. Process is simple and only takes a few minutes. Forums normally use sign in to help better monitor the forum and protect it from spamming.

Keep in mind that most forums do not allow advertising in their post and the regular participants of these forums can smell an ad from a mile away. This way of using the forums will not make you any friends so keep your content exactly that content. Add value to the forum by providing your own unique quality copy.

Forums allow a signature line were you can place a small description about your business along with a link to your website. Here is where your link popularity can climb and climb steadily as new post creates new fresh content that the search engines love.

Search engines pick up and index forum posts high so be sure to include important keyword rich topics and content in every forum posts so they will attract targeted traffic for your website through your popular keywords.

Consider Forum Marketing as part of you Internet marketing strategies, it can have many benefits for your website and business that you may not have thought about.

This article was written by Wayne Hagerty certified Search Engine Internet Marketing professional with years of SEO experience. Discover how to increase traffic to your website. FREE Internet marketing news, and more. Succeed online, visit us today at:

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing, using articles to boost your traffic and sales, is one of the most effective online marketing strategies you can use. Why you ask? Because articles are the perfect marketing tools for promoting any website or product.

However, it is not just simply a matter of throwing a few words together on a webpage and hoping for the best. To effectively use articles as marketing tools you must follow some simple procedures and practices in order to get your articles published online and in ezines more often.

Here are some article marketing tips you can try. These methods are proven and have worked for thousands of professional online marketers including the one writing this piece.

Why Articles Work

But before we start, you must understand why articles are so crucial to your marketing in the first place. You must truly understand why and how articles work so effectively as marketing vehicles in our newly wired world. It all boils down to one word... information.

The main reason articles work is information. The whole Internet is based on information. People use the web to access information and your well written article can help satisfy this need. You must place your article squarely into this whole information cycle.

Your article must be informative and provide some benefit to the reader. Tips, advice, how-to... your reader should gain something from spending a few minutes reading your article. The more beneficial your article, the more popular it will become and you will have a better chance of getting it published.

Title & Keywords

Your article title should contain two vital elements: Keywords and Benefits. Your title must contain your keywords or keyword phrases, these are the exact words someone types into the search engines to find what they are looking for on the web.

You must find the exact words people are using and include these in your title as well as in your article. Many professional marketers use keyword research software like Keyword Elite but you can also use free keyword suggestion tools like WordTracker or Overture:

I find short catchy titles are best for capturing the attention of the reader. With our split second surfing habits, the title may be your only chance you get to hook your readers and keep them on your page. Another tactic is to make all your articles easily scannable with your main points highlighted for quick absorption.


Most experts suggest you keep your articles short, in the 500 - 700 word range. Many authors/marketers use even shorter formats in the 200 - 300 word range in order to fit neatly on webpages.

I personally have found my more meatier articles in the 900 - 1200 word range have worked the best for me and seems to get featured in important ezines like Addme, SiteProNews... more often than shorter articles. My best advice is to cut out any unnecessary fluff but write in your own natural style which is comfortable for you.


You must distribute your articles on the web. You can personally submit your articles to the many article directory sites on the web or you can purchase a service which does this for you. I do both.

I personally submit my articles to the major high PR6 or PR7 sites which display my articles. I have found articles placed on,,,,,,,, do extremely well.

I would suggest you use 9 or 10 of these highly popular sites to display your articles, not only for the traffic they deliver but for increasing your rankings in the search engines, especially Google.

I have also found using a paid online service like SubmitYourArticle is really helpful, especially when I am on vacation or away from my computer for any length of time. I also use this service to quickly write different versions of my articles for the best search engine optimization. I am also concerned with covering different article lengths because many webmasters will only publish short articles.

Resource Box/Anchor Text

Your resource box is at the end of each article and this is where you place URLs for those all important One-Way links back to your site. Many marketers are careful to place their targeted keywords and variations in the anchor text of their links. It is also a good idea to provide some benefit or free gift to enhance your 'call to action' and improve your chances of getting that all important click.

Be Consistent

I have found a steady supply of fresh articles on a regular basis works the best. These articles keep your site or products fresh in the search engines and in front of your potential customers and editors/webmasters who publish your content. Try for at least two articles per week.

Own List of Editors

Along the same lines, build your own opt-in list of editors and webmasters who have opted in to receive your latest articles. Send a copy of your article to these interested parties and you will increase your chances of getting your articles published.

I also make it a point of including my most popular articles in my own ezines and blogs. This helps to kickstart or launch my newest articles.


Many marketers place their articles in autoresponders so anyone requesting your article can easily use email to retrieve it. Many marketers also use RSS feeds to distribute their articles. If doing your own feeds seems too complicated, then just use any of the major article directories like Ezinearticles which will supply you with a convenient RSS feed for your articles.

Spam Check Your Articles

I always make it a point of testing my articles for any words or phrases that will trigger the spam filters and block my articles. This is extremely important if you want your article to be featured in ezines and newsletters. I check my articles within my Aweber autoresponder service but you can use a free SpamCheck service offered by SiteSell:


Articles that show some originality and personality have worked the best for me. Showing and telling your own story and experiences in a light hearted way seems to work really well in the somewhat impersonal online world. Having a sense of humor also helps, try to make your articles entertaining as well as informative and your articles will be picked up more often.


Writing unique informative articles is one of the most effective ways to market on the web. Remember to keep your articles informative, personable, keyword rich, short and to the point. Take a pro-active approach to promoting your articles: submit them to the major online article directories, send them to editors and webmasters who request content from you and place your articles on your site, in your blogs and RSS feeds.

Used properly, articles can be effective marketing tools for boosting both your traffic and sales. Perhaps the best part of all, article marketing is completely free. What more can you ask for?

The author is a full-time online marketer. Give your marketing a real boost, take this free e-Course explaining all the tools and resources you really need to succeed online: Internet Marketing Guide For the most effective web marketing software try: Internet Marketing Software Copyright 2007 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

People use the Internet for so many things. Some use it as a social networking tool, some for chatting with friends and exchanging emails with family and still others use the Internet as their own personal cash machine. You'd be surprised at how many people have turned to the Internet as their only source of income-and they're making a killing at it. Perhaps you aren't surprised and you're one of them, or you're not surprised but you'd sure like to know just how they're doing it so you can do it too.

One method is to have a website where you sell something-a product, digital or otherwise, a service or a membership forum. Those are all terrific money-makers but they won't bring you a dime unless you can get people to visit your site. They can't buy what they can't see, right? Right.

So how do you get a flood of traffic to come breaking down your doors-and better yet-how can you make sure that the people visiting your site are the ones that are interested in what you have to offer them and are already willing to put some money out for it?

Article marketing is the way to go. Here's how it works. There are numerous article directories online. These are places where authors submit articles. They write articles about various subjects-generally on topics that coincide with what they're promoting online. Article directories exist just for these submissions. Depending on the article directory you are submitting to, you will be allowed to either insert a link or two to your website and your name.

Make sure to carefully study the submission guidelines before you submit your work. If you don't, be prepared to have your article rejected. The powers that be at the directories generally send you an email informing you that your article was rejected and why. You can rework it, fix the problem and resubmit.

Publishers visit article directories in droves, seeking out fresh content to place on their websites. The reason they do this is because you need to have regular new content placed on your website on a regular basis in order to get a good ranking in the search engines. Having a high page rank will bring you more traffic.

Let's say a publisher likes your article and decides to pick it up. They will download it from the directory and place it on their website. Now your article, with your resource box, name and links to your website are posted on their website. People coming to this website will read your expertly written piece, see your clink and click on it.

If the website your article is on gets a lot of traffic, you will reap the benefits of their traffic by receiving your own traffic. Now, consider that not just one publisher will pick up your article, but dozens! Perhaps more, and each time your article is posted somewhere else, you get traffic.

Traffic = money in your pocket and this is why article marketing for traffic is a good thing.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian T. Edmondson specializes in teaching others how to make money with Internet and Information Marketing. Discover his secrets of how fun and easy it is to make money on the internet at