Monday, May 26, 2008

EDC Gold - Use SEO To Rank on First Page

The number one advertising promotion today is to utilize the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) method to get businesses like EDC Gold listed on the first page of search results. For Internet users seeking to find a related website, search engines are the only way to go. It is by far the easiest and quickest way to get any subject that you are interested in. Of course the main point is understanding what search engines are. Then, this helps understand how and why they are used.

When you type in a word or phrase in the search window, the search engine then scans the Internet to locate that word or phrase. Already having that information stored in its data base from when websites were originally submitted, the search engine then matches the word or phrase with those websites.

The next step for the SEO is to determine which websites are most likely to match the word or phrase you are looking for with its content. This is done by a ranking system that varies depending on which search engine you are using. This ranking system is extremely important to both the person searching and the owner of the websites because linking the two together is what both parties are seeking. The better the website ranking by the SEO, the better the chances are for getting the search results to include the website on the first page of results.

For online businesses like EDC Gold, it is extremely important to get the website ranked high by the search engines. So when you create your website, you must use keywords that relate directly to the content in order to get it ranked high enough to be included on the first page of the search results.

Doing your homework and preparation into knowing what words and phrases that the person searching the Internet is looking for will pay off with great success. Utilizing those words and phrases will get your website ranked high by most search engines. This in turn will generate more success for you. As a result, with some research and knowledge of keyword usage, you will be able to get your EDC Gold website listed on the first page of any SEO.

I am a single stay at home Dad by choice. I fired the boss because I was sick and tired of the corporate rat race and all of the baggage that comes with it. I started my online business to generate my own income and build my personal unlimited wealth program. Teaching others to do the same with great success is a dream come true. Not only am I in control of my own results, I am able to make a difference in other peoples lives with a very powerful marketing strategy that is second to none. Discover for yourself and go right now to to start your path to financial freedom.

Great Article Marketing - How to Get Your Articles in Front of as Many Eyes as Possible

When I first started to write a weekly article for my local paper, The Tallahassee Democrat, back in 1994, I was thrilled to be able to reach about 200,000 potential readers with my articles on relationships.

After the weekly column became syndicated around the world, it grew to the reach it has today of about 8 - 10 million people a week.

While that sounds like a lot, and in some ways it certainly is, there is another method I use to get my articles in front of even more people than a newspaper. This method is posting your articles to the article directories. How to Reach Those You Would Never Reach Otherwise

Article directories exist to supply quality content to people with web sites, blogs and newsletters. When you submit your article to an article directory, those folks with web sites, blogs and newsletters come to the article directory, take your article from the directory and use it on their web sites, blogs and newsletters. Now your article is being presented to their list of subscribers, people they have worked hard to add to their list, and you would not have been able to reach otherwise.

And if all this was not cool enough, do you realize that with most article directories you get to do all this for free. All it really costs you is time and energy.

The more eyes that you can get your articles in front of, the more traffic, prospects, publicity, subscribers, customers and profits you will gain.

When you really get the power of this, you will want to write and submit as many articles as you possibly can.

And when you are ready to write more articles in less time than you ever thought possible, and many other article writing and marketing strategies, I invite you to check out my telecourse at

And here is free access to two of my article writing templates at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy

Online Marketing - Keep Your Integrity

The Internet is filled with endless money making opportunities. While this can be a good thing for those looking for new income, it also has the potential to reel in a scam artist's next victim.

Those who are currently involved with their own online business can tell you about the things that must happen in order to pay the bills and expand their efforts. Yet, responsibility and integrity are often pushed to the side in order to make ends meet and bring new people into the business. It can't be forgotten that people who join with your efforts are investing a lot of time and resources with high hopes of being successful.

One of the popular tactics used today to persuade others is by showing examples of multi-figure paychecks. Though this seems like a good idea, there are likely to be more profitable methods. A better way to capture attention is through the sharing of a heart-felt story behind the beginning stages of starting the business, the emotions that were felt during this time and the methods used to obtain the goals set. This is a much more personal and genuine way to get things going in the right direction. After all, no one else gets to reap the benefits of the big paycheck example. It really just brings the attention to the marketer, instead of a true reflection of how the business could be great for another person.

One of the most important parts of recruiting a representative takes place after the initial set up. There is a responsibility belonging to the marketer to continue fostering a strong, close-knit relationship. It's always a good idea to send a follow up email to provide some additional information about the product or some ways that the product has helped others. This will prove your character as being found with integrity or lacking it. A follow up lets the new representative know that the marketer really cares. It is a way to show that your new members are valued much more than just added income to your paycheck.

The responsible approach is help your representatives through the rough and smooth times, as well as offer new methods or ideas that seem to be working. Also, keep in mind that not everyone will fit the same mold. Your new members will likely have fear of failure on their minds. Older members will likely be facing different challenges. The best suggestion is to lay the options out on the table for people to take what they need and leave the rest.

Jason Pearson is an online marketing expert who wants to share his secrets with the world. To find out more...

Click Here To Discover More About Jason Pearson

Link Building With Blogs

Its been said time and time again that links are the currency of the web. Without links, your odds of achieving significant online traffic (either from other websites or search engines) without big ad bucks are slim to none.

Without links, no one knows you exist online. The Technorati search engine ranks the popularity of blogs by the number of incoming links. And Googles search engine algorithm thinks youre more important when you have links aimed at you from important people.

Its not enough anymore to just get people talking they need to be linking. Its more important these days that they spell your URL right, rather than your name.

It can be awfully lonely on the web when no one stops by.

If youre trying to do business online, lonely equals poor. Whether youre selling products, services or advertising, you need visitors who not only stop by, but return again and again.

First of all, youd better be blogging. Youve got to join the conversation and have something valuable to say before anyone will bother acknowledging you.

In the excellent business blogging book Naked Conversations, authors Robert Scoble and Shel Israel envision a day when a business that doesnt blog will be viewed with suspicion by the public. Blog marketing has been dismissed as fad and reviled as fanciful, but the denial stage is over, and everyone is getting in on the action.

Want to build links? Get yourself a blog and join the conversation.

Brian Clark is the founder of which provides free Internet Marketing video tutorials for effective online business. He also writes about online copywriting techniques at his blog

Copyright 2006 Brian Clark

Article Marketing And How It Works

It is an established fact that Article Marketing works by a large number of Internet Marketers in wide variety of niches. This has been repeatedly proven. However, those who have not ever attempted article marketing tend to think that it is harder or more time consuming than it actually is.

Starts by writing an article. This can be done by yourself or you can hire a ghost writer. The cost of ghost written articles is usually less than $10.00 for a 300 to 500 word article. It is important that the article be informative and related to your niche. The article should not sound like a sales letter.

At the end of the article, you include your 'resource box.' A resource box is simply information about the author, and it usually includes a link to the authors related website, a link to subscribe to a newsletter, and possibly even an email address to contact the author. If your article is ghost written, you are still the author.

Underneath the resource box, you type a statement giving others the right to reprint the article for free, as long as they don't change it and keep your resource box attached. This allows others to help make your article viral.

Once the article is written, you should distribute it to as many article directories as you can find. It helps to also send the article to ezine publishers within your niche for consideration. You can find lists of ezines in the various ezine directories that are available on the Internet.

There is article-submission software that can be used to speed up submitting your article in. One example of this type of software is Instant Article Submitter at . There are also services that will manually submit your article to directories. This is highly recommended because many article directories do not allow and will not accept articles submitted with software. One such recommended article submission service is We Submit Articles at: .

Submitting the articles yourself is a time consuming task. If you can hire someone else to do that work, you will have more time overall to concentrate your efforts on other marketing tasks, including producing more articles.

You can get more quality informations in this 5-part minicourse "How To Formulate A Successful Internet Marketing Strategy".

SEO Elite Review - Does SEO Elite Fail Miserably?

Are you keen to increase your search engine rankings? There are numerous software tools out there that can help you achieve that. The most famous of which is Brad Callens SEO Elite, a highly-respected software tool in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry.

Firstly, it must be made known that SEO Elite by itself alone will not catapult your website to Googles first page. A solid knowledge of the fundamentals of SEO helps greatly. Also, relevant content on your website also helps.

SEO Elite helps in one very important facet of achieving high search engine rankings: that of building link popularity. Link popularity is a key component of off page SEO that you should focus on.

Building your sites link popularity involves increasing the number and quality of websites that will link back to yours. This, of course is easier said than done.

SEO Elite helps immensely in this respect. It analyzes backlinks in all the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista and AllTheWeb. This saves you a great deal of time.

Another plus point of SEO Elite is that you can check out your competitions linking strategy. This is another invaluable feature. In a matter of minutes, you can find out a competing websites complete linking strategy as well as any kind of SEO optimization tricks they may be implementing. You can find out:

1. All the different kinds of anchor text they are using in their incoming links

2. What is their websites keyword density

3. What is the Page Rank of the websites linking to them

As you can see, this is valuable information that you can use right away.

You can find out whether they are using H1, H2 tags and whether they are using meta tags if any. Basically what SEO Elite provides you is a blueprint you can use to start ranking high on any of the popular search engines.

If all that isnt enough you can also use SEO Elite to find high Page Rank sites and directories to submit your site to. The software will even automatically do your submissions for you. Again, you save time!

There are far too many benefits and features to list here. SEO Elite is really the combination of many software. Each feature is really a piece of software on its own. I highly recommend SEO Elite.

Fabian Tan is an Internet entrepreneur and a newly converted believer in Search Engine Optimization! Find out how he used SEO Elite to improve his website rankings unexpectedly at his SEO Elite review site.