Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Handy Tips To Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

This article will focus on some tops tips which you can apply quickly and simply to increase your visibility in the search engines. These are just basic steps but even on their own can have a fairly dramatic affect on your rankings.

As we are looking at quick and easy tips these will mostly be concerned with on-page ranking factors.

Page URL
Having your keywords present in your URL have a great affect on your ranking scores. It gives you a serious advantage in achieving a high ranking. Of course it's not always easy to get the domain name you want but you should certainly consider this if possible - however don't change an existing established domain name.

These are in between the tags at the top of your page. Make sure your main keywords are in the title (the words you want to rank highly in). Try to keep a minimum of text here but make the title appealing to encourage clicks. Keep the title tags unique for each page on your site.

The title tags are important for all the search engines so spend some time getting them right!

Keyword Usage
Try to focus on specific targeted keywords on each web page (remember search engines rank pages not web sites). Try to repeat the keywords where relevant within the page - don't overuse as each engine has a different threshold of keyword variance. It is estimated that about 6-7% usage on a web page is optimum but only if the text makes sense.

URL Structure
URL structure is an often neglected SEO practice. It's worth doing as it brings long term benefits to your web site. Try to keep urls as simple and targeted as possible particularly avoid long, complicated dynamic urls if you can. Make sure they contain some of your keywords. If you're building a site from scratch that's the easiest time to get these right.

Site Map
Try to include a simple site map to include all the pages on your web site. You can find loads of free tools to help you create one just search on 'sitemap creator'

Try to include your keywords in headings in the page of possible. Use the tags to emphasise your keywords. As always though remember make your content readable and attractive to both the readers and search engines.

Meta Descriptions
This tag provides a brief description of your page. It provides the summary displayed in many of the search engines. However different lengths are used to try to include a concise description at the beginning of the tag. Meta tags have a limited effect on actual rankings but can be crucial on obtaining clicks so don't ignore them.

If you haven't considered these factors before you're ignoring a simple way to boost your search engine rankings and your income so give them a try.

Joe Simpson

Search Engine Rankings

Targeted Article Marketing - 6 Sure Ways to Get Started with Article Marketing

There are a number of advertising strategies for the internet, but not all of them are able to claim to withstand the test of time. Article marketing, however, is one of those few that are still left standing after all these years. There is truly power in the written word.

Given how effective article marketing is, you surely want to know how to get started on it in order to promote your website. Here are six ways to do that:

1. Be a certified expert on your topic. If you want your articles to have a strong following, make sure that the information you provide is accurate. If readers see you as an authority on the subject, they will diligently follow what you write about.

2. Inject humor. There's no such thing as a boring topic. If your subject is too serious, you can always lighten it up with a little bit of wit. If your subject is fun in the firs place, this step shouldn't be too hard.

3. Use appropriate keywords. If you want search engine crawlers to index your site, use the latest and most popular keywords related to your topic as of publish date. Make sure to keep watch of the latest trends on the internet.

4. Maximize your resource box. Make sure you have your complete information in your resource box at the end of each article. Include your name, your field of expertise, the name of your business, the kind of business you do, and of course, the correct link to your website. The information doesn't have to be long; it just has to be complete.

5. Create an e-book. If you've written more than enough articles, you can compile them in one convenient e-book. It makes your work accessible to readers. You can also sell it and therefore, earn more.

6. Create a blog. This is an alternative to creating an e-book. If your priority is to attract more visitors to gain a wider audience, you can post your articles in a blog.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

InfoPreneur Secrets - How To Use Articles To Sell Your Info Product

This is one article in the series of InfoPreneur Secrets which discusses tips, tricks, techniques and secrets to be a successful info product creator and marketer. This article will discuss how to effectively and profitably utilize the power of short 300-800 word articles to explode the sales of your info product.

Articles are one of the most powerful methods to promote and generate sales for your own info product. They have been for many years and always will be.

By creating short, informative articles you are able to show off what you know. You are able to position yourself as an expert in your chosen niche and you are able to use these article to drive an insane amount of traffic to your info product sales pages.

You should view your articles as advertisements for your info product. Advertisements that are displayed on thousands of websites across the world. Advertisements that virally spread your marketing message and generate sales for your info product.

With your articles being displayed to so many people, do you really want to produce crap or do you want to offer your readers REAL VALUE.

The only way to have success with article marketing is to produce top quality, informative articles. These articles will be published on article sites, picked up by list owners, website owners and blog owners and published all over the internet with YOUR resource box.

Articles are a fantastic way to generate huge exposure for your info product, but it will only work if you provide top quality information in your articles.

James Penn is an experienced niche marketer who has developed and profitably marketed a library of niche info products and reports. To discover how to create an insane passive income online by creating tiny reports, visit http://www.shortreportprofits.com

James also runs a blog which details his trials and tribulations of being an internet marketer. He posts his tips, tricks, techniques and secrets that will help YOU to make money. Visit his blog at http://www.teenagemarketer.com

Best Affiliate Markets

The key to success, when it comes to Affiliate Marketing is to find the best affiliate markets. Most newbies starting out in Internet Marketing tend to promote any old product, choosing a niche purely for its large commissions. This is like firing a gun into the air and hoping to hit a duck. To do well in Affiliate marketing, it's extremely important that you do a little research before you begin and FIND YOUR NICHE!

Why find a niche?

A niche market contains businesses and products that are of the same type so the potential customers of a particular niche can be easily identified and targeted with precision.

By knowing your 'type' of customer, you can better understand their buying habits and more importantly, what they will type into the Google search bar when they come looking for the product or service that you are promoting.

How do I know which are the best affiliate markets?

1. Find a niche product or service that you know will sell well

This will greatly improve your chances of success. Look at the merchant's landing page, whether it be a sales or a product page. Read it through and ask yourself if the sales pitch is compelling enough. Would you click through and buy this product if you landed on this page?

2. Define your niche market

Is there sufficient demand for your product or service? If you choose a popular product, there will be lots of competition competition. It may be difficult to stand out amongst a sea of search engine results that are offering the same thing. Remember though that you can always take a niche angle on a popular product. For example, instead competing with the keyword "toyota" you'd be far better off going for "toyato echo 3 door hatch back".

3. Keyword research

This is the most important step in finding the best affiliate markets. Get your hands on a good keyword tool, the initial investment will pay off exponentially in the long term. The first step is to use the keyword software to find out how many people are searching for your chosen keywords. If there is a good number of say over 500 per month, then you know that your product might be worth promoting. Now, using your keyword software again, you can find out how many results turn up in the search engines for this exact keyword. This is your 'natural results' competition. You can also check your 'sponsored' results competition by typing the keyword into Google and looking on the right hand side to see if any advertisers are displaying pay per click ads. If the natural results are under say 30000, then this would indicate a perfect opportunity for you to promote your product using SEO techniques along with article submissions. If the sponsored results are few (as the cost per click is low), then it would also be worthwhile to run a PPC campaign. The advantage that you will have using a Keyword Tool is that it will suggest to you keywords that you may never have thought of. You will be able to find some very specific keywords that have a lot of searches each month but with little or no competition!

If you haven't already got a Keyword Tool, then I highly recommend you head over to http://www.Keyword-Elite-Market-Finder.com - using this software is by far the easiest way to find the best affiliate markets and to know for sure whether an affiliate product is worth promoting or not.

Amazing Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Efficient Methods to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Building traffic for your website can be relatively easy these days. You don't need to learn complicated programming skills and you don't even need to launch linking campaigns just to make your website popular online. All you need to do is bank on your writing skills and impart your knowledge by writing and marketing your articles over the World Wide Web. This will allow you to showcase your expertise to online users while you increase the quality backlinks for your website.

Here are the 4 efficient methods to jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Make your articles content-rich. People read articles because they want to be informed. They want to find solutions to their problems or answers to their questions. Fill your articles with valuable information that your readers will find useful and relevant to their lives. When you do, you are increasing your chances of convincing them to check on your website and become your potential clients.

2. Make use of anchor texts. If you are posting your articles to your blog, website, or social bookmarking sites, link your other articles through the use of anchor texts. Use the most appropriate keywords that appeal to your readers to increase your clickthrough rate.

3. Commit. The key to success in article marketing is consistency. You can't just post 100 articles and wait for the traffic to build up to your website. Instead, you need to strengthen your online visibility and your expertise by consistently writing and submitting articles on a regular basis. By doing so, you will effectively address the needs of your readers for information every time they search online.

4. Resource box. To increase your conversation rate, spend more time in writing your resource box and make sure that it has the ability to drive readers to your website. Make it compelling, keyword-rich, and attention-grabbing.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Works!

Article marketing is an internet marketing tool that every internet marketer should use. With this marketing method, you can easily dominate your competition and keywords just by writing articles at article hosting servers.

Even the most flooded market can be penetrated with the right amount of articles. Let's take the keyword make money. That keywords competition is extremely high. But if you write enough articles, your article can get onto the first page of Google on the keyword make money. It's true. It really is. You just have to write the right amount of articles. For proof, if you were to type in the keyword PSP download into Google, you would get more than 100 thousand matches don't you? But if you look at the first page, sure enough, there is an article from Ezinearticles! Just one article was able to fight it's way all the way up to the first page of Google, and completely dominating the keyword.

Shouldn't that be reason enough to write an article? But you say you want more reasons to write articles? Let's take that same psp download article for example again. That article gets clicked on more than 200 times a day, and it's URL link gets clicked on at least 100 times a day. From just one article, the website creator gets 50 people to his website a day. From just one article that he made in less than 5 minutes! What if he has 100 articles(which he most likely does)? 200? All of these articles giving his website tons of traffic from. Even if each article were to only get him 5 people to his website, he would still get 1000 people to his website! And all of these articles just beats out it's competition. Why?

Search engines love articles! It's a fact. They really do. Articles get high page rankings from search engines because articles are there to inform it's readers. Articles have tons of information inside of them, that search engines automatically give them high page rankings. That is how they can get onto the first page of search engines!

You can get so much traffic delivered to your website due to articles. And the traffic will stay with you for a life time. Best of all, it's all totally free to do! You can write as much articles as you want! So get out there and start writing!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

Search Engine Optimisation: One Link is Better than Ten

That cant be right! Shouldnt ten links be better than one? It is usually the case where more is better. However, when it comes to gaining links, having more links isnt necessarily better than having a few good links. In fact, having too many irrelevant links could possibly harm your websites visibility within the search engines.

These days, search engines are placing more emphasis on incoming links to a website when evaluating rank. The reason being is because they are difficult to obtain from trusted sources (a "by the book" website such as the Dmoz directory) and it is a good way to partially eliminate the group of people who abuse the "on the page" factors of optimisation (page spamming). How is this so? Well, if you have someone who is abusing the "on the page" factors and they have no trusted links to their page (they will most likely not get any at all due to spam) then there is no chance of them getting a good listing. However, people have worked out ways in getting a large number of links, through link farms and other tactics, regardless of the quality of their website. As the search engines are aware of this, it brings us to the topic of how one link can be better than ten.

Obtaining one link from a trusted source can be very difficult in the sense that they do not issue links to just about anyone. If you have a good website with relevant information, then you will get them. It is for this reason one link from a trusted source can better a multiple of links from other websites. As a trusted source website is "trusted" by search engines, it will also trust the websites it links to. If you have ten links from your best friends, it will help you in some sense, but no where near as much as the one link from a source like Dmoz, unless one of your friends has a very reputable website amongst the search engines.

Having too many irrelevant links could harm your websites visibility in the search engines. What is meant by this is having links from websites that have no relation to yours. An example of this would be a site about cars linking to another site about medicine (unless the sites are reputable and have a good reason for the link i.e. there is a relationship made between cars and medicine). Search engines will pick up on this sort of link and will give it no weight in boosting your visibility. Obtain many of these irrelevant links, then it could be seen as spam (like a link farm tactic) and that will lower the popularity of your website within search engines.

The key here is to focus on quality and not quantity. Gaining a few good / relevant links will take you much further than a lot of irrelevant links. To get these quality links, start off by placing your website in directories, but be sure to avoid any "on the page" spamming as this will not get you accepted. Once search engines have acknowledged a presence of relevant links, follow up on it and research some ways to obtain more. As time passes, you will notice that your websites performance will increase, as the links age, provided you have carried out search engine optimisation. Avoid obtaining the irrelevant links even though it may be tempting to see fast results. It will only be a matter of time before a search engine realises the spam tactic, and as the saying goes "fast rise, fast fall".

About the author: David Touri works for SEO Sydney, who aims to improve search engine placement with search engine placement services for websites in Australia and overseas. He is currently working on the Loaded Technologies website, who specialise in ecommerce website development.

Article Marketing - Idea Creation

What Do I Write About?

Writing articles is not as difficult as you think. Think what your customers need to know about your products and you should easily be able to come up with ten or even more ideas about the articles you can write about.

Here are a few tips you can apply when planning to write articles:

1.If you do not know where to start, then go to where the money is.

Research for niches that are highly marketable and be creative. For example, we all know that 'golf' is a very popular word online. Everybody who's everybody else has written about that niche. So be creative. Look for long-tail keywords pertaining to that niche. Long-tail keywords are keywords which are more than 2 or 3 words long. 'Golf training', for example is a long-tail keyword, so is 'golf balls and clubs'. Write anything which are golf-related, but golf itself. You can easily write 10 articles from that niche itself.

2.Go to forums in your niche.

Look closely at the questions being asked. Supply the answer. A glass of water to a thirsty crowd is very very valuable!

3.Go to the best article directories

Get some ideas for articles from articles that are already there. Do not copy, but get some ideas from articles that are already written and accepted by these article directories.

4.Go to your competitors' websites, or websites that provide complimentary products to yours.

Check the information there. If they have great content, re-write their content into articles in your very own words. Remember this is research.

5.Look for ideas in blogs pertaining to your niche.

Use your main keywords and the term 'blog'. Have a feel of what people are talking about in your niche. If they have questions, answer them. Simple as that.

When you have finished writing your articles, the next thing to do is to submit those articles to article directories for exposure and great links. Here are the top 4 article directories:





The above tips and tricks provide an amazing launchpad for you in your article-writing venture. Try them and see what works best for you.

Article Marketing is just one of the way to generate Free traffic to your website. If you would like to learn more about Traffic Generation Tips and How you can start Generating Flood of Free Traffic from All Major Search Engines to your website, Click here to sign up for Your FREE e-Course worth $69.97USD Now!

Amazing Article Marketing - Latest 3 Phenomenal Methods to Increase Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is the best promotional and traffic-generating tool in the internet today. It can easily augment your website traffic, pull up your search engine ranking, position yourself as a key person in your industry, build that trust and great business relationship with your client base, increase your sales leads and ultimately, improve your online revenue.

Here are the 3 phenomenal methods to increase your article marketing:

1. Write more. If you really want to increase your article marketing, the first thing that you need to consider is to multiply the number of your output to easily increase the inbound links for your website. You can spend more time writing or pick topics that do not require extensive research. You can also hire ghostwriters who can provide you quality and well-written articles for $5-$15 each depending on the topic, length, and your expected delivery date. Though this method will cost you, you will be able to get the credit for the articles as they will be posted under your name.

2. Submit your articles on a regular basis. To strengthen your online presence and your position as an expert on your chosen niche, make it a habit to submit your articles on a regular basis and avoid long absences so your readers will not forget about you. Publish your content not only on article submission sites but also on directories, social bookmarking sites, Squidoo, forums, blogs, and on your own website. You can also use them as content when you publish your ezine or when you create your ebook.

3. Your topics must be related to your offering. The goal in marketing your articles is to draw quality traffic to your website. The best way to do that is to write articles that are closely relevant to your products so you can attract online users who are most likely to buy from you.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing to Drive Huge Traffic

The last few days have been exciting to me, as I have documented some of the results from writing and submitting articles (article marketing). I wrote one article and submitted it to 50 article directories. Within 5 days, my article was showing up or being referenced on 408 web sites, according to google.

Within 6 days, the article was showing up in both the number 8 and the number 9 positions in google for the keyword I used in the article.

Now, dont get me wrong. I write a lot of articles. And I have done a lot of testing in the past. But I havent done any testing like this in a few months. And it is amazing how powerful article marketing is.

We hear a lot online about how article marketing is going away, how it cant really work anymore with all the problems with the search engines. Well, I have proved it all wrong.

Article marketing does work, and it works today.

So how does article marketing work, and how can you do it?

This is what I do:

1) I write articles based on whatever keyword I want to get high rankings in, or I write articles based on whatever topic I want visitors in.

2) I write a bio with a persuasive link to my web site.

3) I submit my articles to a list of article directories.

That is basically all I do.

Then, I write more articles.

Articles are the driving force behind my traffic generation, and I generate around 500 unique visits to my web site everyday.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1400 articles in print and 10 published ebooks.

SEO 101 - Optimizing Your Website

The first step to SEO is to select a page title for your website. The title of your page should only include your PRIMARY keyword phrase (the main keyword that you want to optimize). For example, if you were building a website or blog that was focused on "101 Ways to Healthy Eating", that should be the title of your page. Don't change it up or add additional keywords to it. Use the title of your page to hone in on the exact keyword phrase that you want to optimize and nothing else. Remember, every keyword has to be optimized separately, meaning that if you have done your homework, checked WordTracker for a specific keyword (or keyword phrase), checked out the competition on Google, etc etc.. and you decided to that the specific keyword phrase you searched out will work for you, that is what you need to use. Even changing or adding a single keyword means going back to the drawing board and re-researching that phrase from scratch.

SEO sucks, I know - but it's an important process if you want to rank higher in the engines and in turn, garner more traffic to your website.

The next step is to create a heading for your page, which is the first thing your visitors see when they land on your website. Some webmasters like to use header graphics and if you are one of them, be sure to include your keyword in the 'alt' tag, otherwise if you are using a textual header, be sure that you use the

<h1> tag.

Here's an example: Code:

This is your header

Another tip is to keep your

<h1> tag to the left of your page if possible. The logic behind this is that the Google bots (spiders) that visible your website read from left to right. It's known that having your <h1> tag too far on the right alignment can actually hurt your SEO ranking. The only exception to the way the bots will read your website is if you have links in a left aligned navigation menu. In this case, the Google bots will then read the links down the left hand side column before it further explores your page.

You will also want to add a sub-header to your page, but for sub headers, you should use the

<h2> tag instead (this makes your text a bit smaller than your header tag).

A sub header is the line underneath your header.



This is your header
This is your sub-header text

So, for a website focusing on 101 Ways To Healthy Eating might use a sub header (sub title), such as: "Healthy Eating Techniques That Work". Regardless what you decide to use, be sure that you also use your primary keyword (the main term/phrase you are optimizing) included in your sub title as well.

Keyword Stuffing

Although you should always include your primary keyword (phrase) in your sub title as well as in your main title, one thing you want to avoid is what is referred to as Keyword Stuffing. This is simply listing your primary keywords repeatedly on your page. Search engines like Google will quickly detect this and your ranking may go down so be sure to sprinkle your keywords throughout your page but use common sense when doing so. An easy way to determine if you are over-using your keyword is to read it out loud.

Does it make sense to you?
Does it sound natural?
Is this how you would talk about it in public?

If it sounds similar to how you would talk about it in person, then you should do okay. If it is written in such a way that makes it difficult for an average person to read, it should be re-written. Pages created exclusively for the search engines do not do well, both in terms of your visitors clearly understanding what you are trying to say and in the way search engines determine how to rank you.

There are many aspects to cover when doing your best SEO possible. Other methods including having your page indexed quickly by getting posted (linked) on similar/related websites with a high PR rank is just one of those techniques to explore. The most important thing however, is the initial steps you take when setting up your page. Be sure to include your title tag, a brief meta description, research keywords and long-tail keywords, explore your competitors pages, check the Page Rank of other similar sites, and on and on it goes.

Once you start to remember that SEO begins from the time you create your very first page, you will find it easier to rank higher in the search engines.

Jake Riley operates an internet Marketing review center available at http://www.GurusLab.com - The site was designed to offer uncensored reviews of all the latest product launches, WSO's, marketing services and products from new marketers and seasoned pros.

Online Popularity of Fashion Marketing Articles

Fashion marketing articles give an insight into the zeitgeist. Such content is drafted keeping in mind the taste and tone of the reading audience over the web. Readers include young generation, office going people and the like. Before you actually indulge in their marketing, you need to keep in mind before you indulge in it is that you should have good and compelling content for submission. If you don't have it, you have failed in first step itself, let alone the money making scheme which you'd aimed from day one. You cannot wage a war without the ammunition. And the same is true out here as well!

Such content largely aims at business, advertising and the fashion panorama in general. However, do keep a track that you have submitted in top 5 ratings otherwise, you would not be able to get the rank in the top listings category. Fashion Marketing Articles requires you to submit the text in the web based article directories. When you go in this manner, you are borne with the potential to make you rich and popular. With thousands of submission directories lurking out there, you should be able to roar high and make the lead name in just matter of time.

Search engine crawlers are always on parole to get the feel of such food- keyword rich content- and here's your business done just the way you wanted. Fashion Marketing Articles is a smart idea of making your fashion oriented website high and rich. Going in this manner, you ought to be wary that your content is original. It should have all the clear ideas arranged in place and order.

What's more, latest content management tools will provide the vogue text services such as inclusion and management of new web pages, page caching, awesome template descriptions, RSS feeds, polls, forums, news flashes and the list is endless. Fashion marketing articles make use of innovative online tools such as the Plone, CMS made simple, Mambo etc have given a new definition to the whole concept. The tools are continually evolving and giving an extended affordability to the online marketers.

Niche Writers India provide article marketing and article writing service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for article submission service then you can get it in $2 per article.

Best Article Marketing - Discover 6 Ways to Impact Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is currently the most sought-after marketing technique in the internet today because it makes traffic generation a lot easier for most webmasters. All you need to do is write and submit articles to publishing sites and you can instantly create numerous inbound links for your website. It's that easy!

1. Be the first to write about time-sensitive information. Always be on the look out for scoops or latest news that have direct impact on your target niche and be the first one to report about it. Usually, the first person who writes about the hottest topics is the one who gets most of online exposure.

2. Be entertaining. Most online users get easily bored when reading articles on their computer monitor. Make your articles lively and upbeat so you can entertain them while educating them. Insert some jokes and funny quotes whenever appropriate.

3. Be trustworthy. Establish your expertise on your field and always check your content to make sure that they are all factual. It is through these ways that you can entice online users to trust you, listen to your opinion, and subsequently take your recommendations.

4. Make your articles informative. People read articles for one major good reason: to be informed. Make your articles "meaty" by including enough data and information that are deemed useful and important to your target market.

5. Your articles must be of high-quality. You would like online users to think that you are an expert on your field and a great writer after they read your article, wouldn't you? Make sure that all your articles are well-written and content-rich before you post them online.

6. Know your readers. To make sure that your content is highly targeted to your potential clients, you need to know your readers very well. Take into consideration their preferred writing style, their language, the information they need, their wants, educational background, etc. when writing your articles.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Must-Have Secrets to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Do you want to start your article marketing efforts with a bang? These 6 must-have secrets can help you do just that.

1. Choose your topics. When writing your articles for your article marketing campaign, you have to consider these things: they must be relevant to your target niche, useful to your potential clients, and related to the products you are selling. The idea behind this is to write articles that can attract the right kind of people - those who are most likely to buy from you.

2. Register on leading article submission sites. Most publishers will not allow you to submit your articles unless you create an account with their submission sites. While you're at it, read carefully and understand the terms of service set form by each site. This can help you create articles that conform to their standards so you lessen the chances of your articles being rejected.

3. Multiply your articles. In article marketing, the more articles you produce, the more traffic will be diverted to your website. Strive to produce at least 5-7 articles per day to obtain enough quality inbound links to popularize your website and strengthen your online presence.

4. Optimize your content. Search engines are major considerations when marketing your articles online. They are your greatest tool in connecting to your target market through the use of keywords and search terms.

5. Never use spinning software. Some marketers who are aiming at obtaining more quality inbound links resort to spinning software. While these tools can help you re-write your existing articles quickly, they cannot guarantee the quality.

6. Your articles must be concise. Every word that you use on your articles must have direct impact on your target market or helps you to better explain your ideas. If they don't, they are considered fillers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How To Fail In 6 Easy Steps

You too can fail at article marketing! It's true! It's easy to fail, and your profits and traffic will shrink! All you have to do is simply follow these 6 easy to use steps. If you use these steps, I assure you, your article marketing will fail! I promise.

How to fail at article marketing in 6 easy steps

  1. By not putting bullet points or by not breaking up your articles in paragraphs, your readers will hate your article. This is a good and easy way to fail. All you have to do is just write without pressing the enter button or by not pressing the list button. Readers don't like to read long and annoying paragraphs, so this is an easy way for you to fail at article marketing.
  2. Putting too many grammatical errors can get your readers to quickly click out of your article. Be lazy and don't take the time to press the spell check button! You can loose tons of traffic and destroy your reputation by doing this. So implement it into your article marketing quickly!
  3. Choose the keywords that are most unrelated to your article or that have the fewest amount of search volume, this can make your article views lower. Just choose the worst working keywords, and your article views will amount to zero or less. It's as simple as that.
  4. Don't put your keyword in the first three words of your articles title! You'll get a higher page ranking, and you don't want that!
  5. Put tons of links in your resource box. It will look unprofessional and sloppy. This way, readers won't even click on your link! For even fewer amounts of link clicks, write a really long resource box. At least 15% of your articles length should be good enough, or about a paragraph.
  6. Make your articles long. Try to get over 600 words. Readers may dislike it when your articles are long! This will get them to click out of your article very quickly!
These simple to use article marketing failing strategies are promised to get you to fail in a week or less! Try them out, they are easy to do, and you can see the worst results you can ever see!

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The Article Marketing Guideline

Many internet marketers try to fight just to get onto the first page of Google to totally dominate their keyword. There is a marketing strategy that can get you onto the first page. That is article marketing.

How do you do it? It's simple. Just start writing articles about whatever it is you want to market. But you have to write many articles. You have to completely flood the market with your articles if you want to get onto the first page of Google. So to help you out on your article marketing success, here is a simple guideline that you should follow.

1. Your articles must contain quality information! Your articles need to have valuable information for the reader. When you give away valuable information, that is where people are going to be linking your articles, and that is how your going to get onto Google's first page.

2. Use your resource box to your advantage. Don't waste this valuable tool. Use your resource box is the gateway where people are going to go to to find out more about your product or your website. Your resource should have a catch and a link. Get your readers hooked by your resource by giving them a call to action. Have your resource box look professional. Don't fill it with a bunch of links. This looks childish and no one will go to any of them.

3. DO NOT make your articles too long. Long articles are boring and no one will want to read them. Give them information fast. That's what people want. They want information fast and to the point. Get in, and get out. Don't beat around the bush. If your article HAS to be long, than put in bullets and paragraphs so people can have access to the main points of the article.

4. You must write a lot of articles if you wish to get onto the first page of Google. This is the best way to get onto the first page of Google and stay there. Flood the marketing with your articles and just keep writing. You have to write more than 100 articles. Don't worry, it'll be easy.

5. Follow the guidelines. Don't break the rules. You don't want to get your valuable article marketing account deleted. You'll get taken off of Google!

Use this guide to article marketing, and soon you'll be getting the traffic that you've always wanted.


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Profitable Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Outstanding Ways to Make Money Through Article Marketing

If there is one easy way to make money online, it is through writing and distributing your articles to various publishing sites. This process which is commonly referred to as article marketing can effectively drive quality traffic to your website and augment your sales potentials.

Here are the 4 outstanding ways to make money through article marketing:

1. Constantly improve your writing skills. This is one of the most effective secrets if you want to get ahead of the pack. Make it a habit to write articles on a regular basis or read articles and ebooks that can effectively help you smoothen out the rough edges of your writing. By doing so, you can be assured that you will be able to deliver better articles each time you write.

2. Create killer resource box. If your resource box contains your website's URL alone, you are missing a lot of opportunities. To make it work for you, make sure that you include your name, your title, your elevator pitch and your powerful call to action. You can also offer incentives or communicate your desire to help to make it even more enticing.

3. Multiply the number of your articles. One of the elements that can guarantee you success in article marketing is the quantity of your output. Remember, the more articles you submit, the more quality inbound links you will obtain for your website.

4. Outsource. If you are like most webmasters who are always swamped with other marketing activities or someone who doesn't have a knack for writing, you can still utilize this marketing tool by hiring ghostwriters or article posters. Just make sure that your ghostwriters understand your niche very well and have the ability to create articles that are targeted to the needs and demands of your potential clients.

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Article Marketing - A Simple But Powerful Promotion Skill

Article marketing is a valuable method of getting traffic to your website. In case you're not familiar with it, article marketing is basically the process of writing articles and submitting them, along with links back to your website, to article reprint directories on the internet.

You're probably quite aware of the value of having fresh content on your website and blog. Many people who own websites visit article reprint directories on a regular basis to get new content for their sites.

When you submit your article to these directories, you're giving permission for other people to use your article on their site - for free. The catch is, they have to include an "about the author" section at the end of each article they use. This can include information about your website and links back to it.

When your article gets used on someone's website, everyone who reads the article sees your author bio and the links back to your website. A good article can wind up on hundreds of websites, where many people can read it. And how many of those people could click your link and visit your website?

These article directories are easy to find. Just do a Google search for free article directories and you'll find a bunch. Some of them are specific to certain topics, while others will accept articles on almost any subject. You can submit your article to multiple directories and you can even get software that will automate the process for you.

You have virtually unlimited topics to write about. What is your website about? Get creative in thinking up topics. If someone would want to visit your website to learn something, write an article about that.

Someone who sells Tupperware for instance, could easily write about food related items or take it a step further an write an article about the fact that the plastic containers are great for organizing toys, bathroom items or even nuts and bolts in the garage.

If you don't like writing, it's not the end of the world. You can hire ghostwriters to write the articles for you, for anywhere from $5 to $20 for a 500 word article. Once you give the ghostwriter the topic and any keywords you want to target, they'll do all the writing for you. And some will even do the submission to the article directories so you can spend your time on other tasks.

Stop giving your content away for free - get paid for your article marketing. Find out how you can get paid for submitting articles with the internet's first viral article network. Visit http://www.articlesgoneviral.com for more information about how you can make money with your articles.

Three Steps to Successful Internet Marketing

If you are involved in any kind of home bases business today, you cannot afford to ignore the potential of the internet as a means to drive traffic to your business. If you are able to achieve success internet marketing your business and revenue will grow rapidly.

There are many different avenues of marketing a business online including pay per click, text ads, banner ads, social networking, video, articles, e-mail marketing, and purchasing leads to name a few. The first step to success internet marketing is to choose 2-3 marketing methods that you can excel at and fit your marketing budget. You need to diversify your marketing efforts to drive traffic from different arenas. If you only market through one medium your results will be limited to that medium. The different internet marketing methods vary in cost ranging from free web 2.0 strategies to more expensive campaigns.

Once you have figured out what type advertising methods suite you best, the next step is to take action. Success internet marketing requires consistent action on a regular basis. The more marketing you distribute throughout the internet, the greater the exposure you will bring to your business. Remember to focus your actions on income producing activities throughout the day. It is easy to get caught up performing menial tasks that that are not going to result in the growth of your business.

The third step to achieve success internet marketing is to continually educate yourself on the marketing strategies you use, in addition to new strategies that can further increase your exposure. By educating yourself you will increase your own personal value and make your efforts more effective and efficient. The world of internet marketing is ever changing. New strategies are being developed all the time and old strategies are continually refined. It is imperative to keep abreast of new information to keep your efforts going. There are various outlets for acquiring information such as forums, seminars, and home courses. The most effective way is to partner up with someone who is already successful at generating traffic to their business using the strategies you are using or would like to learn.

Michael Costa is a successful entrepreneur who enjoys helping other people reach their true potential. He currently coaches people to financial success at http://www.InnerCircleSite.info