Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Make Money Writing Short, Crisp Articles - Here's What You Have To Do

Everyone, and I mean everyone, who participates on the internet in terms of forums or just communicating with others by email, have the capacity to make their living writing. Most people have this conception of being a writer, as being some sort of literary genius, however, most successful writers simply write like they talk. It is the golden rule.

I don't mean using slang or having spelling mistakes in your work. But a 10 second scan with a spell checker fixes this problem quickly. What I mean, is people think they have to be Hemmingway to get paid for a writing job, when all that is required is to fill some space with a targeted small amount of writing.

You have to look at the people paying for this work, the people that pay you to write, to understand how this works. Webmasters are the largest collective group of writing work consumers on the planet. Webmasters make websites and have a huge need for short competent articles on a multitude of topics. Why would they pay you for your work? Because typically, they want to put advertising next to your articles or they want to sell the work on to others. Either way, the point is they want padding. They want some substance and all you have to do is do some quick research on the topic required, and describe those concepts in your own words in an original way. How simple is that?

To be a writer, you only need the willingness to write and to do the simple steps to get your writing sell-able and that just means two steps. First just spill out your article onto the page, which takes approximately 3 minutes. Then run a spell checker over it and fix any spelling errors. Then take a minute to Read the article and repair any awkward phrases or clumsy grammar. Do that, and your article is worth money!

Imagine quitting your day job in the next 3 days, you can, you know, you can write articles for a living just like me and thousands of others do. Discover how to get paid $90 dollars per hour or even more doing simple, short articles. Genuine work from home opportunity, replace your day job income working only 3 hours a day - click the link below to become a paid writer

Effective Marketing Strategies - What Is the Most Effective Marketing Strategy?

There are a lot of marketing strategies that work, but which one is the best? This question is impossible to answer because it all depends on your goal. Since most of the people that will read an article online will be looking for something for free we are going to discuss the most effective free marketing strategy.

So, which marketing strategy is the most effective for free? Article marketing is the most effective online marketing strategy. Basically it is a way to give surfers something for free online while getting them to click through to your website where you might sell something or have them sign up for a newsletter or list.

Article marketing is a way of targeting your traffic. You already know that if someone is willing to read an entire article about something, then they have interest in the subject so they will most likely want more information about the subject. This is also the best traffic for purchasing from you as well.

Marketing with articles is not a hard thing to do. Basically you need to pick keywords to target your articles around, write the articles, and submit them to article directories all over the web. There are tons of article directories out there and you can submit your article to as many as you can find.

The basic strategy is to get your articles listed on Google and other search engines so that you can get free targeted traffic like crazy. Article Marketing is the most effective free online marketing strategy and it has become very popular. There is a lot of free information that can help you get started with article marketing.

Get started with article marketing and start getting Free Targeted Traffic to your Website. Get more info here:

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Discover 3 Advanced Secrets to Increase Your Article Marketing

With the advent of article marketing, creating quality inbound links for your website cannot get easier these days. Today, you don't need to launch reciprocal or one way link campaigns just to popularize your website. You can simply write and submit quality, useful articles to publishing sites and you will earn inbound link for every submission you make. It's that easy!

1. Write for your readers. The success of your article marketing campaign lies on how you can effectively provide your target market with information that they will find useful. That is why, it is very important that you get to know your potential audience even before you write your articles. Know their age, social status, educational background, occupation, etc. The more you know about them, the more effective you will become in finding the right information that will suit their needs and demands. It will also empower you to design your articles so they will be easily understood by your readers.

2. Write for your business. Your ultimate goal in writing and distributing your articles is to increase your sales potential and grow your business. It is important that you increase the chances of your products being sold by effectively building them up to your potential clients through your articles. Write about topics that are highly relevant to what you offer so you can easily create a need for your product.

3. Write for the search engines. The only way that you can connect to your audience is by making your articles searchable online. Learn how to identify the keywords that you need to target to drive interested parties to your website and use them on your content. Then, strike a good balance between your word count and your keywords so your article will also be user-friendly.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Step-By-Step How To Get Sky-High Search Engine Rankings

We all know that backlinks are the main thing when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Long-tail keywords and keyword density are all well and good when it comes to writing and marketing articles to get good search engine rankings. But when you go that 'extra mile', that's when you article marketing results will explode. And you will get more traffic, more leads, more referrals, and ultimate more sales and more cash!

So you want to know the answer to explode your results from this amazing traffic generation method?


Just like optimizing your websites for top search engine rankings, backlinks are what's going to make a BIG difference.

So here's what I'm doing and you can follow my lead to generate huge results from your article marketing:

Take your 5 best optimized articles for search engine rankings (with keyword optimized title and good keyword density) and start building backlinks to them. Start using all the SEO backlink generating strategies that you learn about - social bookmarking, forums, blog posting and all those great link building juice.

When you spend a few hours or so building these backlinks just like you would for doing SEO for your own website, you will start seeing results in just a few days for the keywords you are targeting. Your search engine rankings will rise and you will get more traffic.

The probable result of all this little work: high search engine rankings for these articles for the keywords you target. Let me know how you get on with this surefire article marketing strategy!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

How To Research The Right Keywords For Your Website

When you set about boosting your ranking on the search engines, you will want to pick keywords that will get you the best results. Selecting the right keywords for your website is a balancing act, but it is essential to get it right for good search engine optimization (SEO).

You want to select keywords that are popular and relevant to your site. However, you do not want keywords that return thousands of results, as it will be very difficult to get to the top of the rankings. Put simply, keywords are the words people type in to search engines when they search for something on the internet.

Ideally, you should do your keyword research before you set up your website as you can then build your site around your targeted keywords. You can employ an e-marketing professional to research the best keywords for you, or you can do it yourself.

There are some great free tools on the internet. Try out the Overture (Yahoo!) Keyword Suggestion Tool. Here you can type in keywords and the keyword suggestion tool will return an estimation of the monthly search volume for that phrase in Google, Yahoo, MSN and AOL. It will also show results for similar keywords.

You should select about 15 keywords and key phrases. Perform searches using these words to find competitors websites and see what keywords they are using in their websites, and how they are employed.

Another excellent tool to help you select the best keywords is Wordtracker. It can tell you how often people search for the keywords you chose and can offer some excellent alternative suggestions. You can try it out for free on the Wordtracker website. Google also offers a free keyword suggestion tool.

Once you have selected the right keywords for your website, you will need to use them wisely to achieve the best search engine optimization. The search engines do not like the overuse of keywords and you may even get banned if there are two many keywords and key phrases on your pages.

Keep keyword density in articles to about 2% and make sure that all content reads well and is informative. Articles written with the sole purpose of packing in as many keywords as possible will quickly drive visitors to your site away.

Also, be sure to include your keywords in page titles, META data, and try to work them in to links on your site when possible. Following these tips should help you strike the right balance when choosing your keywords and boost your search engine page ranking.

For more information about starting a freelance business, visit

Article Marketing - Click Throughs VS Target Traffic - Thin or Think Articles

It appears that a very large percentage of the article authors who write on the top online article submission sites are more interested in click-through traffic. This is why they write articles and why they post on article marketing sites, as that is its original purpose of such sites.

Indeed, someone writing better articles can perhaps gain the perception of expert and then get more targeted traffic. There of course is that issue of targeted traffic VS traffic. Still I find that debate interesting because if you have an article with 75,000 views and one with 300, then you will as a percentage get more sales on your website from the one with 75K article views, simple percentages and click through rates, sure the click-through rate maybe less than 1/2 or 1/3 but with that degree of difference - who cares.

You have the traffic and a percentage of those will become buyers you see? Thus if I write a "trite" article about the "10 Most Popular Hair Style for 2007" which I did and if it gets 75,000 article views which it did, I still come out ahead no matter how you slice it.

So, you can see the incentive of thinly written, trite content does pull on one's reality if their goal is solely to get traffic. My goals are not traffic anymore and I do not often write silly articles like that, as it was more of an experiment for me, the subject simply does not interest me, and I could care less "What Paris Hilton Eats for Breakfast in the LA Jail," but you can bet someone who writes that article today, will rock with traffic in the future. Think on this, I did and that title is now taken.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

How to Streamline Your Article Marketing Process

I write a lot of articles - so I have developed a system that works really well for me, and allows me to write and submit as many as 20 articles on some days (I average about 7.5 articles per day, but that is usually days of 20-30 and days of zero, but the average for the month is currently about 7.5 articles per working day).

Here's how I do it:

1) I determine how many articles I am going to write today. For example, if it is 10, then I write a list (in a word processor) of ten topics. Then I transform each of the topics into a title. Generally, I do both of those steps at the same time - I just write the topic as a title. That takes about 5 minutes. (By the way, I have a list of about 100 keywords that I have previously researched, plus I have about 25 different categories in ezinearticles that I write articles for, so if I hit a roadblock on topics, I just consult one of those lists; I do not like to spend time on this step).

2) Then I just start writing - one sitting - all ten articles. This is my process for writing each article:

a) I write an introductory sentence that tells the reader something basic about my topic. Then I write a sentence or two either outlining the problem that exists for which I am writing the article to solve, or I will write a sentence explaining why it is so important that I am writing about this topic.

b) I write a series of steps to solve the problem, very similar to this list. Sometimes I use 1,2,3 or a,b,c, and sometimes I use a paragraph for each step.

c) I summarize the steps, or the reason for doing the steps.

d) I consider this step to be one of the most important. I indicate that one of the things that really helps me with this problem is one of the things that I am going to write about in one of the downloads I offer at the end of the article. This provides a transition to my call to action in my bio.

3) I submit one article to the list of directories, then the next article. With the short list of directories, you should get to where it takes no longer than 60 seconds to upload each article.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1487 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.