Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Advanced Article Marketing Secrets - Rapid Techniques To Maximize Your Efforts

In this article I would like to share with you some secrets that have helped me to get better results with my article marketing. Initially when I first started I was not getting the results that I wanted. Hopefully these tips will help you too.

1) You need to write consistently

One of the most overlooked factors of article marketing is that you need to write consistently. A minimum of 3 articles a day to see any decent results. If you are not doing this then you are going to end up struggling. The higher the number of articles the more subscribers you will have and the greater the number of sales as well.

2) Work meticulously on your title and bio

One of the most significant factors that I have discovered that has increased my conversion of subscribers is having a killer title and a bio that people can't resist clicking on. If you offer a free ebook this will substantially improve your conversion relative to offering a free report.

3) Split test different headlines for your squeeze page

When I first started doing article marketing I was getting sufficient amounts of traffic to my squeeze page, but very few people actually ended up subscribing to my newsletter. I tested different headlines with different copy and was able to substantially improve my conversion rate.

4) Maximize your autoresponder sequence

At this stage you will start seeing traffic to your website and generating subscribers for your opt in list. Your list is only valuable if you are actually making money from it. I test all my emails and those that convert into sales I add to my message series in my autoresponder.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Best Practices Keyword Research

There are a few simple actions that you should make your standard practices as you research your Small Business Website.

Don't feed your competitors.

Google records every click. And every positive result improves the Google rank. Don't click on your competitors links from Google. Instead, copy the address and paste it into the address bar of a blank window. Additionally, if you are a google toolbar (or gmail) user- don't paste those results into the same browser program. When researching keyword results, I use the Firefox browser to search- but I copy the addresses of competitors into an Internet Explorer window. And I don't use the google toolbar for Internet Explorer so they is no tracking.

Don't get banned.

The search engines' business purpose is to supply useful listings. They understand better than anyone how much junk is on the internet. They have procedures for removing junk sites from their results- and it is surprisingly easy to turn your website into junk. If you are using a consulting firm to help you with search placement, make sure that the following practices are NOT what you have purchased.

    Link Farming. Link farming refers to services that let you buy links back to your site. This is a junk technique and the Google algorithms don't take long to figure it out. Junk links to your site will result in removal from the results pages.

    Duplicate Content. Repetitive Pages or repetitive paragraphs are understood by the search engines to be junk. If your text is too repetitive- you'll be ignored.

    Keyword Density. It's possible to write many copies of your keywords into the invisible parts of your Website. If the ratio of actual written content compared to these word lists is too low- you'll be ignored.

Play Fair, but COMPETE!

The Best Practices for achieving quality search rankings need to be durable. It's not like you won't be in business next year. The best practice turns out to be honesty and a willingness to take good advice. This means the advice from the search engines. Well written and useful information is the clearest and most certain path to working with the search engines. Keep your focus on the things that your customers get- and this is usually the things that your small business does well. I've said on other pages here that one of the benefits for a business in developing their content is focus. You, your employees, your neighbors and your customers will understand your business best by you stating clearly what is true about your business.

Marketing, then Advertising, then Sales. Frequently, a small business begins with the intention of supplying to every possible kind of customer shopping for products in their general category. Smart advertising usually ignores the 'catch-all' methods and focuses instead on communicating things that you do well- that you do profitably- those things that keep customers coming back.

My name is Kevin Combs, a writer and consultant who helps VERY small business compete against larger competitors. I am a true believer in the small business person as the creator of the "American Dream." Please look for my writings on how to create small business advertising

Sensational Article Marketing - 2 Vital Tactics To Provocative Article Marketing

The title of your marketing article will decide it's success or failure -- plain and simple!

Here are two of my favorite ways to insure you create a killer title for your marketing article using your researched niche and keywords.

Another great tip is that you can use the same keyword 2 times in some cases and really grab the search engines attention but you have to be clever. Right now we are focused on our readers. These are just examples and no specific marketing keywords are used here.

Here are 2 vital tactics to provocative article marketing:

1. Ask a question in the title using your niche marketing keywords. For example:

Do You Make These 4 Stupid Mistakes When Asking Someone Out On A First Date? This May Be The Reason You're Sitting Home Every Weekend!

Are You Embarrassed To Smile? Try These "Secret" Home Whitening Remedies And Never Be Ashamed To Show Those "Pearly Whites" Again!

2. Offer "How To" advice using your bum marketing keywords. For example:

How To Win Back Your Old Flame's Affection In Three Easy Steps - Do This And You'll Quickly Mend Your Broken Heart!

How To Effortlessly Sweep Your Spouse Off Her Feet -- Wine Her And Dine Her -- And Make Her Wonder Who The Great Imposter Is -- All For Less Than $15.

Make sure you spend at least 50% of your efforts on the "TITLE" of your marketing article! This is extremely important. If your title isn't full of benefits for it's readers, chances are the article won't even get read... so spend a lot of time on it...

One of the most important aspect of any business is advertising the product or service. The credit for the success, or the blame for the failure of almost all sales copy, article or ad, reverts right back to the original source. The opening headline.

Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Grab your free 10 page PDF Ebook from his "Secret Bum Marketing Golden Article Writing Formula" loaded with tactics and secrets at:

Best Article Marketing - 4 Incredible Methods to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you want to attract more people to your website, you need to figure out some effective ways on how you can offer them with what they really need - information. The best marketing tool that can help you achieve your goal is article marketing. Through this, you will be able to impart your knowledge to your target market to build rapport and trusting business relationship.

Here are the 4 incredible methods to energize your article marketing:

1. Write from the readers' perspective. To make your articles highly targeted, useful, and focused, you need to keep your potential readers in mind when writing your content. Consider their needs, their demands, their language, and the solution they require to resolve their pressing issues.

2. Choose your topics. The best way to ensure that you will benefit from your article marketing campaign is to write topics that are closely relevant to your products. Simply put, writing articles about clothes when you are selling food supplements will not drive interested parties on your website.

3. Use powerful resource box. In this section, you can make your call to action to move your readers to either visit your site or join your email marketing list. Whatever is your objective in publishing your articles, make sure that your resource box is compelling enough to maximize your chances of realizing your marketing goals. Don't forget to include your name, your photo, your expertise, and the problems you solve to make it more enticing.

4. Widely distribute your articles. Post your articles to all possible avenues that can give them exposure online. Submit to article submission sites, directories, and social bookmarking sites. You can also post them on blogs, forums, and even on your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Maximum Steps to Make Money Through Article Marketing

Article marketing is becoming more and more popular to millions of webmasters all over the globe. Due to its proven ability to drive quality traffic to one's website, almost every webmasters are using this technique to make sure that they will get their fair share of online visitors. What makes it really appealing is the fact that it can be used for free and it allows you to communicate your knowledge to show your readers that you are really good on what you do, so they will come to trust you.

Here are the maximum steps to make money through article marketing:

1. If you are a freelance writer, you can promote other websites through this technique. Write quality articles and submit them on publishing sites. Just make sure that all articles are highly relevant to the products and services that your clients are offering. Since not all webmasters have the knack for writing and most of them do not have much time to do all the website promotion tasks, you will surely land a good article marketing project.

2. Promote affiliate products. You can write articles about problems or pressing issues that are being faced by your target niche and recommend an affiliate product as a solution on your resource box. By doing this, you will be paid commissions for every sale that you make.

3. Promote your own website. You can drive traffic to your own website through this technique. You can then use that traffic to sell your own products or sell ad space to advertisers. Either way, you will surely earn money.

4. Make use of a great resource box. Don't just leave your website's URL on your resource box. Make a call to action and give you readers a reason to act ASAP.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - Which of These 3 Article Marketing Mistakes Are You Making?

Article marketing is simply getting your information in front of as many eyes as possible in as many consumable forms as possible.

Here are three common mistakes that article marketers make and what to do instead.

Which mistakes are you making?

1. Failure to go deep - Going deep means writing enough articles to make a difference. So many marketers write just a few articles and that's it. Then they say that article marketing does not work, when in fact it works great, some people just don't work it! Article marketing is a numbers game. The higher the number of articles you have, the higher all your other numbers are going to be. So choose one of the higher ranked article directories and go deep with lots of articles on that one directory.

2. Failure to go wide - At the same time, others will only submit to one article directory and no others. While you can get results and traffic from just one article directory, why would you wan to limit yourself to just one when you can get results from many article directories? Going wide with your article distribution allows you to reach readers that you would not be able to reach otherwise.

3. Failure to go long - I see so many people start out all gung ho in article marketing and then fade out, complaining that article marketing does not work. You need to be in it for the long haul. You want to think of this as a long term business. I get new visitors and new subscribers every day from articles that I wrote and submitted years ago.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy &

Using a Fake Name - Pen Name - In Online Article Writing and Marketing

If you write online articles to market, then perhaps you need to consider the ramifications of your actions. You see, it is my contention that folks should use their real name. Especially considering that most articles are used as article marketing, and if you do not use your real name and send someone to a website that sells something, then that is fraudulent "shrill" type activity. By using a fake name and supposedly trying to promote a real product, this is complete hypocrisy.

Additionally, if someone uses a fake name, they are Hiding Something, every time. Someone here mentioned that they were protecting themselves from the Internet? Interesting, well then that is an admission that they are hiding. I ask who is protecting the reader from the trickery?

One of the problems on the Internet is that people use false identity and post bogus information, without taking responsibility. Using a fake name, they assume gives them security to spout off without recourse. I have a problem with fake "pen" names, and if you are promoting a product or service or even just AdSense Ad website doing this, it is borderline illegal.

Personally, I see it as a criminal act, I am not impressed with the excuses people use. The idea that everyone else does it, is not good enough, because many people do it, and use multiple identities and if you do it, you are in the same boat with liars, cheaters and terrorists. That is what I think. I am not impressed with liars, nor should you be. If you are using a fake name, then how are you justifying your integrity level to your mirror, please do tell. *the truth.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Article Marketing - How I Earned $2012.77 Last Month Writing And Submitting Articles!

Anyone trying to earn a full or second income need to learn how to write a killer article that attract visitors to his bio box and literally force him to click on his link. If you write at least seven articles per week (that's only one per day) and follow these tips, success is almost inevitable.

If your article is interesting then other internet marketers may want to add it to their own website and Ezine publishers may publish your article and the great thing about that is that the link to your website that is in your resource box also gets published.

1. Your title is the most important part of your article as far as being seen by visitors and search engines. You need to write a compelling title with your keywords. I you can, be sure that your keyword is in the first two words of your article.

2. Don't give them all you have yet. You want to be mysterious and leave the article not quite complete so your visitors will have questions unanswered, then they will want to click on your link and visit your website so they can find the rest of the information.

3. Make it easy to read. Most people don't want to read long drawn out articles so if you can sum up what you want with bullet points then your readers will find out very quickly if your information is what they are looking for.

4. Briefly tell your readers what they will get or find if they click on the link to visit your website. Put the effort into having a good resource box as this will determine whether your readers will click through to your site.

These four tips will help you to create killer articles that sell your products or services even when you are not in front of your computer.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Importance Of Back Links Part 1

For gaining a strong position in SERPs for your chosen keywords and increasing the traffic with increasing the visitors to a web site back links plays a major role. Because of a part of search engine optimization you should aim to builds back links.

There are many common ways to builds back links some are as:

Directory Submissions
Press Release
Form signs
Article Submission
RSS and Feeds

Thrifty SEO can do all these for you and build up a huge network of back links for your website.

Link Building/Link Popularity

For a Search Engine Optimization Strategy Link building is one of the most important processes. There are two ways of building links to your website. One is for submit to free directories or pay a certain fee to get your site listed in the directory. Another way is to pay a webmaster to link to your site and second one is more economical and powerful by Thrifty SEO.

Some benefits of submitting your site to quality of web directories are:

1. Increased link popularity resulting from one way links from quality directories.

2. Increased traffic from being listed in niche directories that is search by many people every day.

Popular directories give your sites maximum benefits. In case of paid directories you should look for evidence of value.

Today's Yahoo! And DMOZ Open directory project are the most popular directories on the web - The cost for a sites listing in yahoo directory is $299/year and Yahoo directory listing has direct benefits. If your website listed in the yahoo directory Google and other popular search engines give your website added importance.

Like Yahoo DMOZ (OPD) - DMOZ, also known as the Open Directory Project is a highly popular directory but, DMOZ (OPD) listing is free. DMOZ (OPD) listing is still valuable as a lot of free web offers. Many directories like the Google Directory and many others are powered by the results from DMOZ, which can help generate quality traffic to your site.

For submission to DMOZ, however takes a time, it may be because demand is more then the capacity of editors. Some feel the open directory project is dead and has not much value it has a few years ago, and may not be catch up with its backlog of pending sites. Don't go overboard with the submissions and try to get listed in each and every directory.

If you can find better deals purchasing links on authority sites in your niche, go for them. Or you can also ask go for reciprocal links with other sites relevant to yours. Because in the most cases, directory listed is useful only for the link popularity. Directory submission is a small part of your overall online marketing strategy. Thrifty SEO is one of the best choices for building your websites link popularity. In the Thrifty SEO you can find the quality links for your websites which help your websites for getting strong position in SERPs. So don't hesitate go for the Thrifty SEO.

Thrifty SEO - A leading Company Providing Search Engine Optimization, Web Development, Web Design, Link Building at cheapest prices. Link Building Service

Article Marketing And List Building For Success

Out of all the ways to build an opt in list of subscribers, article marketing has to be one of the best. Why is it the best? Actually there are many reasons why article marketing is great for list building. Some of them are:

1 - writing articles doesn't cost you any money. However it does cost you time.

But the good thing is, once you start writing article, you can crank out 10 or more per day. The more articles you write, the more traffic and subscribers you receive.

2 - article marketing builds a very responsive list of subscribers who have already shown interest in your niche.

By taking the time to read your article, click to your web site, enter their name and email address, these people will be more responsive to your offers and emails.

As long as your give them useful information mixed in with great products, your profits will soar.

3 - articles product a sense of trust in the reader. After reading an original article that you've written, it's as though you have personally sat down with the reader and talked with them one on one.

Building trust is a key element in your list building efforts.

If your subscribers do not trust you, they simply will not respond to you or purchase from you.

That is why your articles must be written as if you were simply talking to a friend about your topic. Just like the article you are reading right now.

Don't forget to download my free ebook that'll show how to quickly build a responsive opt in list.

"Learn How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"

3 Titanic List-Building Techniques

At times, attracting subscribers to your list can seem as challenging as finding a pool of water in the desert.

Having built several lists over the last year in different niche markets - all highly responsive, some in the high tens of thousands, its time to focus in on 3 of the most productive list building techniques.

Before I list them, the other factor in making money from your list though is relevance and responsiveness. You can have a list of 100,000 and it can still be worth less to you than a list of 10,000 based on relevance and responsiveness.

At the end of the day, its your revenue per subscriber that is critical to your business - not just the size of the list.

3 Titantic List Building Techniques

1. Writing articles. Trick here is to spend 90% of your time on the article title (effectively your headline) and toward writing compelling articles consistently. Send them out to publishers and directories - but always build a strong publisher base which you can go back to again and again. Some of my better articles have been picked up by hundreds of ezines, and have been seen by millions of eyeballs resulting in very strong traffic and list signups.

Case in point, my article titled "How To Make Pay-Per-Click Advertising Payoff!" over at: has been run by hundreds of online and offline magazines with total subscriptions into the millions.

Another example in another niche - this very simple article on Low Carb foods has been picked up by hundreds of websites

Learn to write articles that attract attention is the single best way to rapidly build your own responsive list.

2. Use a capture page, often called Namesqueeze for first-time traffic. Rather than sending traffic right to your sales page, send them to a capture page first and target the page well to your market. For example: is such a page. Conversion is well over 40% on most days, so as you can see, any substantial traffic will result in very strong list building numbers.

3. Joint ventures: You should be seeking out at least 2 new joint ventures each month - some of these can instantly result in 100's - if not 1000's of signups. Long term joint ventures can also be repeated for months and months. Think in terms of joint mailings, interviews, viral ebooks, articles, special reports, etc... to use as tools to make joint ventures successful.

Finally - if I had to list a fourth, of course your own affiliate program would be the fourth. Takes a little longer to build momentum, but when you do - its like placing your list building on auto-pilot.

Join The Wealthy Elite Turning Their Ideas Into Dollars Online By Becoming Information Entrepreneurs. Find Out Exactly How To Package Information To Sell Online In This No-Charge, 7-Part Ecourse Available Here:

Fast List Building - Uncover 4 Best Methods to Increase Your List Building

Building a powerful, highly targeted email marketing list is one of the essential elements of a successful ebusiness. The quality and the size of this list determines the sales potential you obtain every time you send your email marketing material. Thus, it is crucial that you know how to continuously expand your list in order to potentially augment your sales.

1. Utilize article marketing technique. Online users will only subscribe to your list once you have proven that you are truly good on what you do and if you are a good source of information. You can effectively communicate your expertise and share your knowledge by writing and submitting articles to various publishing sites. You can then include the URL of your opt-in list to entice your readers to subscribe to your email marketing lists.

2. Make use of "baits". You can either present your potential subscribers with a part of an article or ebook that sounds promising and content-rich. Your readers will be able to access the remaining portion of the reading material once they have provided their contact information. If your content is enticing enough, you will surely get a lot of registrants from this technique.

3. Make use of squeeze page. This is the most common method used by millions of webmasters in expanding their email marketing lists. To make sure that your squeeze page is enticing, fill it with short testimonials, a bullet list of the benefits you can offer your potential subscribers and a sneak peak on what kind of information they can receive from you, should they decide to join your list.

4. Drive traffic to your squeeze page. Draw online users to your squeeze page by using proven and tested traffic-generating tools like forum posting, SEO, and article marketing.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Links That Will Hurt Your Websites Ranking

As an affiliate marketing newbie You are told that generating back links to your website is a great way of improving your websites ranking with the search engines.

And this is in the main part true.

But there is a big 'but', a handful of 'buts' in fact.

There are links to your website that can actually reduce your ranking with the search engines, or even get your site banned. So by all means work hard on building a lot of back links to your website but here a few areas you must avoid

Link Farms: These are sites in a group that are set up for the sole purpose of generating back links to other sites in the group. These sites provide little or no useful content. They are a group of sites where each page has a link to every other page in the group. Obviously this is an attempt to spam the search engines for ranking. The search engines can easily identify link farms and will penalize your website for having an incoming link from a link farm

Banned pages: If a banned page has a back link to your website, the link can actually reduce your ranking with the search engines.

How do you find out if a website is banned by the search engines.

  • If you look closely at the google page rank bar, these sites have an empty bar that is gray in colour. This is different from a page with a page rank of zero. [The page rank bar is white in this case]

  • Also if you type the sites URL in the google search bar, google will return a sorry no information available message. This means the site is not indexed with Google. It does not necessarily mean that the site is a bad neighbourhood. Sites that are yet to be indexed in Google because they are new, also return this message.

Link pages: Link pages are pages on websites that contain all their out going links. You have seen them on a lot of sites. The are often called links pages or recommended links pages or links directory. Although linking from these web pages will not hurt you, they carry very little weight with regards to search engine ranking.

Non-relevant Sites: For your back links to your website to have a significant effect on your website ranking, your links should be from web pages that have content relevant to the content on your website. Linking from websites on niches that are not related to yours will not necessarily hurt you but it will not improve your rankings.

Hopefully this article has given you a few tips on linking strategies for your affiliate marketing sites

Affiliate Marketing Tips and Affiliate Marketing Guide at

Keyword Demand Isn't Enough

I get half of the world traffic for the term "dirtbagging," on one page of my backpacking site, but that only means ten visitors a month. Without decent keyword demand you can't ever get much traffic. Total demand is just one factor to consider, though. Here are some others.

1. Demand/supply ratio. There were 289,000 searches for "fishing" last month, but could you compete against the 35,000,000 results on a Google search? "Bass fishing tips," with 3,700 searches, and 31,000 results is a more likely winner.

2. Total supply. For "dirtbagging," Google shows 240 results, and there may be 20 searches monthly for the term. It was easy to get on the first page of results. On the other hand, a keyword with a demand of a million, and a million search results has a better ratio, but can you really get in the first few pages of results? Whatever the ratio, you have to be able to compete against the supply. If you are on the tenth page of results, virtually nobody will find you.

3. Type of keyword. Getting good search engine placement is one thing, but what type of visitor are you getting? Who is more likely to buy something from you or click on your affiliate links, a searcher for "fishing stories," or "fishing poles." If I was selling gear, I think I'd be happier with half as much traffic for the second term as the first.

4. "Odd" keywords. I optimized my site for "brain power," and later found there was even more traffic for "brainpower." Both, by the way, are in the dictionary. Look for odd search phrases, but be careful optimizing for misspellings and bad-grammar keywords, if it might hurt the reputation of your site.

5. Value of keyword ads. If you rely partly on Google Adsense for revenue, you may want to consider the ads that will be diplayed for a given keyword. Poetry pages will get you about $0.04 per click, while surveilance cameras can get you $2.00 per click.

A final consideration when doing keyword research is to consider your interest in the topic represented by the keyword. Do you want to write a page on that, and can you deliver what a searcher of that term is looking for?

Steve Gillman writes on many money-related topics. To learn more, and to subscribe for FREE to "Web Site Optimization Secrets," go to:

Article Marketing - Do You Have The Willpower To Make It?

There's a reason why the top income earners from article marketing are able to do what they do - they have the willpower. They have the motivation to write 5-10 articles a day and submit them diligently to article directories. They have a system that they use almost every day to build their business, whether they are promoting their blogs, their sales pages or their lead capture pages.

If you want to make it with articles, you have to got to have this willpower. Let's face it, many of us write a few articles and then we stop. The main reason is because we don't see any results from these few articles. Well I'm here to tell you that this form of marketing is a long-term strategy. But when this strategy is in place, boy will you receive tons of traffic!

Whenever you feel bored or disinterested in writing the articles (when you know you should be), motivate yourself. Do it with music, or think of your goals. Do you really want to quit the rat race? Do you want that car you are eying? Then take massive action. Now.

Go and write those articles because while you are waiting around doing nothing, others are churning out articles left, right and center and absolutely dominating their marketplace. They are making affiliate sales, capturing leads or selling their products in abundance. Simply because they possess that willpower.

If you want to make the money you know you should have, then stick with a strategy and work it for at least a few months. You know article marketing is a long-term strategy, so take long-term, consistent action.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

The Ultimate Reason Why Your Rankings Suddenly Drop

First of all let me state that there are several reason why a site rankings drop so fast. The most common reason is because your website has very few backlinks. Some twenty backlinks on your linkspage are a surefire sign you have too many little backlinks.

If your competitors are getting more backlinks then you are, they outrank you and your rankings drop. Rankings won't drop because you have some incorrect information on your website or some false keyword density.

First you need to start getting backlinks, everyday get around 15-30. You can get more than that but the important thing is you get same number of links everyday. A 100 everyday will be difficult while 15-30 is realistic.

The concept behind it.

Getting backlinks regularly like that means something important to the search engines. It means your website is very good, since everyday people are linking to it. That is what search engines think when they see new backlinks everyday.

So it's easy. 15-30 is not that big and with certain automated software you can get 50, 100 or more daily. If you are going to get backlinks create a link directory on your website. A one page links page is not a well created directory. It must contain categories and subcategories and link from the homepage.

You can invest in some scripts that that creates such directories, there are many of them.

OutBound Links means links pointing to another website from your own. In simple terms linking to another website is like giving them some of your pagerank, they get rewarded and you do not want to reward your competitors or any other website.

You link to other websites on your links page and if they do not link back you can and should remove their link from your website. That also makes a difference in your rankings.

When doing SEO it is a good idea to focus on a few keywords. Find some 3 or 4 and focus on getting backlinks, changing the anchor text in the backlinks using all keywords. So it's like optimizing your homepage for 3 or 4 keywords only. A great start to get some traffic and money. Then you can optimize some other pages for some other keywords, or the same page for new keywords. You also become good at SEO and you get some experience.

When creating meta tags make sure your other site pages have different meta tags, not identical.

So the very important things are the number and quality of backlinks you have. Give the search engines what they need in order to reward you with high rankings.

START getting backlinks automatically by downloading Karl Sultana's NEW software, OutRankSmart. It's fully automatic, so even a 7 year old kid can use it. Improve search engine rankings

Link Building Service - An Easy Way to Earn Popularity For Your Website

In this competitive world, every business organization has an aim to earn remarkable profit and a reputed name in very short duration. It is now indeed more like a necessary objective to get well noticeable among the other organization so that you can at least stand as a strong contender in the world of competition. Now the important question that arises is how to get popular among the populace and an easy answer to this complexity is better exposure. It is very easy to get your website posted on the Internet. But that is not all, the problem sustain as it is, if your website fails to attract good number of visitors. The only solution to this problem is creating a good informative website that is rich with all necessary details your company is focusing up on. Any wrong data or complicated piece of content is enough to compel the visitor to close it and look for another website. Losing interest is a common fact that visitors have while browsing the sites if they are not qualitative enough. Therefore, if you are promoting your product or service online, then there are certain factors which are must to keep in mind. One of such very significant concept is hiring link building service.

Many online firms are now seeking assistance from the providers of link building service. This is in fact an extremely popular way to navigate more and more traffic to your website. However, it is totally on the service providers to make the most of it. Professionals who provide link building service providers provide a chance to your website to flourish in an improvised manner. They manage the ranking of your website on several search engines by adapting a peculiar process of creating links of that website on several host sites. These host sites in turn are very beneficial in diverting the visitors to your website allowing a great deal of exploration. Once you get associated or linked with the host site, every visitor to the host site will promptly receive the address of your website as the referred links. This way the websites get popularity and an identity.

Link building service providers have all the latest technology applications to make your website clearly noticeable on the numerous search engines. You must to create your URL an already known link so that you can stand on the top of the search engines because all the search engines mark your website's rank according to the link you use. However, now many people own their sites and if you are among them and seeking heavy traffic then link building is indeed the perfect solution to your search. It largely helps in attracting Internet savvy users. These providers will not only give you the link popularity but also focus deeply on traffic controlling, page ranking and deep indexing.

On associating with a good link building service provider you free yourself from the worrisome details of host site and its mechanism. All this will be taken care and resolved by your service provider. Do not forget the fact that the popularity of your online business is the outcome of the accurate placement, good promotion and quality link building. Therefore, make your website the most preferred option with link building.

Steve Waganer has specialization in web marketing. He is expert in Search engine optimization, SEO New York, Social media optimization and Search engine marketing firm.To get the Link building service from SEO Firm for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit

Link Building

Link building is one of most effective method in increase traffic and promoting your website. This is oldest method of advertising website but till this is most genuine and important aspects in website promotion.

These are the points you should consider while link building to your site

1. Link backs are very important but more important is link backs from the related websites

2. Link backs are like online votes but these votes should be from your related industry then only you can get more marks in search engine indexin

3. One way links are more worth full than reciprocal links. But getting one way links is very difficult. You can get one way links by publishing your own unique content in other websites and creating blogs

4. But now a days SEOs are adopting two way and three way links. This kind of link building is not effective than regular reciprocal and one way link building

5. Creating blogs is one of the effective method is building one way links but you should take care of your content and it should be unique otherwise your blog will be considered as spam and it pushed into their duplicated sites in search engines

6. Submitting unique articles in article portals is one of the good and effective methods because before publishing your article has to go through their checking process which includes content checking whether they copied from any sources. If your article is published they you can get the one way link from the author resource box

7. Reciprocal linking is always considered to be one of the best methods. Its time consuming but you need to gather the useful related websites. If you do continuous mailing then you can definitely increase your link backs.

8. But you have to submit the link back URLs I mean the URL where your site is listed should be submitted in Top search engines at regular intervals

I will publish some more interesting and useful link building methods in my next article. Follow the above methods and increase your website online popularity.

This is A.R. Subhash Chandra Bose is SEO from last 4 years presently working for the Nimble Technologies. For any assistance in Dynamic Web promotion and all web related problems contact

Link Exchanges or Business Development Strategy

Viewing the ever growing issue and concern of Link Exchanges and the method by which they are being performed, I can clearly say to every white hat SEO consultant that WE HAVE A PROBLEM.

I myself as a manager in several organizations receive my share of irrelevant and sometimes insulting exchanges of link invitations from companies/organizations that have absolutely no relevance to my area of business and/or complementary industry. I am always amazed that those companies portray themselves in such a poor manner.

The Common Method

It is a known fact that links are a major concern for every site owner or SEO consultant looking for better rankings and higher PR. Today site owners and even some SEO consultants do not care where they get the links, sending thousands of e-mails through automated programs to whichever company/website that comes across their path. These companies work on a pure statistical assumption that out of all these thousands, few individuals will agree to the exchange.

The problem with this method is that most of us today regard Link Exchange as nothing more than another form of spam. This results in a built up resistance in cooperation to take part in a Link Exchange program as it might indicate your website as a non professional website.

I believe that part of the solution to this problem is for anyone who is looking for SEO consulting to take better care as to whom he/she chooses and to take some involvement in the process of his/hers companys representation to the world.

Link Exchanges as a Business Development Strategy

After years of conducting Link Exchange activity for my business and those of my clients I started noticing the effect this program brought to my clients. I further wondered how we could create a more organized and thought-out effect from the beginning.

The Effect: The effect that started to happen for my clients was that slowly but surely they were gaining international contacts and forming business relations with distant partners, thus enabling them easier access to their local clients and free promotion of their name. It also brought activity into their circle of contacts and other business associates. That of course led to formal relations which evolved into a full international network with a sole existence to serve the respected clients of the international networks members.

Creating the Effect

The development from this point was very natural, as it was logical to assume as a multilingual SEO expert that the bridging between cultural differences and forming the same kinds of relationships with local companies and in their own language will add to the tremendous strength of this business possibility. This is exactly what we did, realizing that giving time and attention to the type of companies you are contacting and industries you are targeting is imperative to the success of your Link Exchange campaign.

Many times I have heard that Link Exchanges work on statistics and the more you send the more links you will have. This theory might be true but the quality of the link is affected by this method, and not to mention the constant depletion of the internet resources such as SERP and directories while e-mailing in ignorance.

You will get more links and much more directed traffic and generated business if you take time and thought to the quality of your Link Exchange program. This had taken a tremendous effect for all the companies I consult and work with and will have the same effect for you.

Another excellent way to broaden the Link Exchange program is to contact the most desired of exchanges and explain the idea of business development opportunities that may be involved in such an exchange.


To summarize my thoughts and experience on the matter, the link exchange program will stop having a negative effect on the SEO industry, if professionals and non professionals will give the time and attention this major issue deserves.

I believe that with the simple and familiar advice I have passed along with this short article, there is great potential to create healthy Link Exchange programs where users will truly benefit from the links posted on ones website. Dont forget this is the first and primary reason for the Link Exchange program to exist and why it is effecting your ranking in such a profound way.

Orad Elkayam S.E.O. Advanced Manager

Internet Marketing Advice for Beginners

For many people new to the internet, they see it not only as a source of information but also as a source of profit. For those who see it as a potential source of income, they search the web looking for a way to fulfill this dream. There are many traps that they can fall into and there are a few things they should know before starting this endeavor.

Internet usage worldwide increased 265% from 2000 to 2007( This creates a huge opportunity for business owners to capitalize on the navet of those new internet users. Claims of "wealth within hours", and "all of the answers in one ebook" are abound on the internet today. This leads to a lot of misinformation and false hope.

One opportunity that exists on the internet is in the form of affiliate marketing. This is a good way to start in the internet marketing realm for someone new to the concept. However, if someone is using a duplicated site that is offered to all of the members of that program; it is hard to stand out and be noticed. Free website offers can be very alluring to the untrained eye but in actuality they are very hard to market and even harder to profit from. It is always best to have your own site that is unique. Keeping content varied and different from "the rest of the pack" will give you an edge on marketing a product or program.

An even more popular program is in the form of a membership site. These programs will offer you all the tools of the trade to get your own internet business. Some of these programs are great to get involved with if the owners are reputable and care about their members. Other site owners are simply offering the memberships to profit from the fees and do not offer good products. It is always good to get unbiased testimonials before considering a membership.

Another common sight to see is people peddling ebooks with information varying from how to create a website, how to write an ebook, etc. These products can be good or they can be bad. The new internet marketers should be wary of spending lots of money on ebooks with fantastic claims. There are some great ebooks out there with great content, but it is not recommended to put a lot of money into a product when the information can likely be found on the internet for free. If you spend a few dollars to get the info you are looking for in one place would be okay, but to fork over several $20's or $50's for information you can readily find with a little bit of research of your own is not recommended.

To close, the greatest piece of advice for all new internet marketers is to do research. Just as CEO's of major corporations deliberate with a board of directors, you too should sit down and investigate any business venture before you dive in head first. It is very easy to get starry eyed and follow a self proclaimed "guru" or greatest "new product just launched". Try to differentiate your business from all the other internet marketers to get an edge, and offer a worthwhile and unique product that can be easily marketed. Anyone new to internet marketing who stays away from gimmicks and schemes, will have a greater chance to profit. Try to join a free internet marketers forum for more specific and detailed help and you should be well on your way.

For more affiliate marketing tips, visit my lens at Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also sign up at my website:

The Number #1 Article Marketing Mistake That You Must Avoid

Okay, I'm writing this for all struggling people who are trying to make a living online. If you're in an article marketing. You absolutely have to do this, one thing and that is: capture your visitor's e-mail!

You have worked hard to write out your article and you got couple of hundred clicks - if that. The visitors visit your website and then they go away most likely forever, without buying your product or service.

So it doesn't make any sense to me, if you go to work hard to write an article Only to make one or two sales. Article marketing may be a free method to generate traffic, but if you think about it you are trading your time in. And time is money.

If you're linking your resource box directly to your sales page don't do that. Instead direct the visitor to your landing page which has an e-mail opt in. They're the visitor had entered his or her e-mail, then you should direct the person to your sales page.

To build a long-term business you have to have a list.

Do you want to keep writing fresh articles day after day only to have it buried under search engine after a couple weeks? Or do you want to write article once capture the highly targeted customer into your e-mail lists and then market to them over and over again.

The second option makes more sense, no? This is the proven method on how to make lots of money, and it works. That is how the Internet gurus make millions every year on the Internet - through their e-mail list.

So if you make this article marketing mistake. Don't worry, you now know the secret to our article marketing success.

Remember that article marketing is not to drive tons of traffic to your website (although it could happen) but rather send trickles of highly targeted visitors to your webpage (and you want to keep them by getting their e-mail address)

If you are a struggling Internet Marketer, you don't have to be alone. I can help you out and make your first $1000 online -- and it won't cost you a penny. Visit my website to get my free Make Money Online With Ken Nubo at

A Deeper Look Into SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. But, before we even start on optimization of any kind, we will first need to understand how search engines actually work.

Search engines use "spiders" to "crawl" the World Wide Web for websites, URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) and webpage key words, amongst other details and information. These "spiders" will return to the search engine database after crawling and submit the results of their "crawling" for indexing. Do take note that search engine indexing takes some time, and does not happen overnight.

Search engines measure the quality and popularity of each site mainly by the number of back-links (back-links are actually links to your site that are displayed by other sites) to your site. Classified according to website content, the quality and popularity of each individual website and some other factors, search engines will rank the website for each keyword searched. Following that, a Page Ranking will then be assigned to your website or webpage.

Now that we have a clearer idea of how search engines get information about websites, let's go deeper into Search Engine Optimization (SEO). There are two key facets of SEO; On-page SEO and off-page SEO.

On-page SEO is very elementary and foundational, and is achieved by optimizing the webpage title, keywords, webpage description and contents of your webpage so that when search engines read the source of the webpage, they will assume that the webpage is what the keywords are really describing.

Off-page SEO is usually done outside of the webpage - primarily on external websites. It is usually the creation of links on external websites (with similar keywords) that are themselves optimized for search engines. When search engines index links and keywords that direct to your website or page, they will assume that these links are in relation to your website, thereby raising your Page Ranking.

Although both on-page and off-page facets of SEO are important, on-page is less so. This is because search engines assign Page Ranking based highly on back-links. But in order to get as high a Page Rank as possible, it would be advisable to optimize your website or page for both. Popular websites like, which enjoy tremendous traffic, all have both on-page and off-page facets fully optimized.

The author writes occasional articles of interest in finance, advertising and IT related topics.

Bum Marketing for Income - the Right Way!

In 2007 a new term became very popular among internet marketers: Bum Marketing. It's a cute way of describing an affiliate marketing approach that incurs no expenses for web hosting or domain registration. Free community websites are utilized instead, ones where free web pages are being handed out to all comers. Basically you are building a page that is promoting an affiliate program, and trying to get your visitors to click through to the sales page. There has been a lot of commotion about this in the forums as of late.

Despite all the hype, most bum marketers fail - even the most well-intentioned of them. The primary reason for this is that they go into it with a misconception of what it's all about. They soon find out that easy money does not flow quite as freely as they were initially led to believe. It turns out that putting up pages and attracting quality traffic that clicks on your links are two entirely different things.

The traffic from this type of marketing all comes from search engines. So the web pages are hosted on search-engine friendly sites. A bum marketer targets long-tail keyword search phrases that are related to the product being promoted, and writes an article ultimately leading to a recommendation of that product. Their affiliate link is conveniently provided. Sounds simple enough, so what can go wrong?

Several things, actually. You must be able to write well and your asking the reader to visit the link must seem compelling. The search phrase you are targeting needs to be relatively uncompetitive in order for your page to get decent rankings. The site you choose to host your web page must be one that naturally achieves decent rankings for many of it's individual pages. Even with all that, you still need to build incoming links to your web page in order to achieve and keep your page's search engine rankings. And of course, the sales page you are promoting must convert well.

A good choice for web page hosting is Hubpages. They are very search engine friendly, and it is easy to build clean-looking pages there. You want to find only high-converting sales pages to promote, and you need to discover long-tail search phrases which do not have strong competition at the top of the search results to target. Keyword Discovery has a free online tool that is currently the best available for finding search terms to target.

When your page is published you need to establish some incoming links to it. There are two very effective ways of doing this, and you should do both of them for all of your pages. The first way is to write another article with a link to your web page in the author's bio box and submit it to the top article directories on the web. The second way is to submit your links to 30 or so of the top social book-marking sites. It's best to do this over time; for example adding four or five book-marking links every few days over the course of four to six weeks.

If you do everything right you will have a page that gets some (but not a lot) of traffic, and earns a commission every once in a while. For this type of affiliate marketing to make a noticeable difference in your finances, you need to build a heck of a lot of pages over the course of several months or longer. Be consistent in your efforts. Thats when you will start to see the payoff.

The most effective Bum Marketing system ever developed can be discovered at

Website Content - More Than Numbers And Statistics

When writing website content, like many aspects of online marketing, it is easy to get lost in a wash of statistics and numbers; desired word length, keyword ratio, and the Flesch Kincaid grade level are just some of these numbers. A lot of these numbers assist in creating effective copy, but they should not be treated as a rigid plan to write copy. Each site has different requirements, governed by the topic of the site, the knowledge level of site visitors, and the requirement of the Webmaster.

Content Length

The length of a web page is important, but not necessarily the same for every site, or every page. Blogs will, in most cases, require fewer words than a normal website. A blog needs to deliver a quick hit, because this is what blog readers are looking for. Websites trying to convey a technical subject will probably require the use of more words, and longer sentences.

For the average information websites, sentences should average around 10 words or fewer. Most pages will include longer sentences too. Wherever possible, the longer sentences should be dispersed through the page. This helps ensure the page is easily readable by all visitors. Paragraphs should also be short approximately 4 or 5 sentences.

10 word sentences are very short. It would make a page virtually unreadable if you were to try and construct it entirely in this way. However, shorter paragraphs do help create a compelling looking page. Short sentences also make a page easy and appealing to read.

Keyword Density

The keyword density is the number of keywords in a page, in relation to the total words on that page. Initially, the search engines had a very rigid view on ideal keyword density. More recently, though, they have employed more complex rules. In addition, each of the search engines have different requirements.

Keyword density is a maligned facet of website content and SEO. It is important to include keywords. This ensures that the search engines have a way to recognize the topic of the page. Google, in particular, though, considers the supporting keywords on your page. As well as looking at a specific keyword the search engines also consider the stems of keywords and related keywords.

Ensuring that page copy contains relevant keywords, but not too frequently, ensures that the content reads well. Don't attempt to aim for a specific density. Ensure that the content reads well for your visitors, and the rest will naturally follow.

Flesch Reading Ease And Flesch Kincaid Grade Level

The Flesch Reading Ease test includes a lot of the above factors. This mathematical formula uses total words, sentences, and syllables to ascertain a numerical score. The higher the number, the easier the passage is to read. A score of 90-100 can be easily read by a 5th grader. It is believed that websites with a score of 60-80 are the most effective; this score is equivalent to an 8th or 9th grade reading level.

The Flesch Kincaid Grade Level test uses similar figures. However, the score it provides relates to a US grade level. The ideal score for a typical website is 8 or 9.

As with keyword density, sentence length, and paragraph length, you don't need to stick too rigidly to the advised figures. Your visitors won't calculate the Flesch Kincaid Grade Level of your website, but they do want understandable text.

  • In order to ensure that visitors don't simply click the Back button, you should also ensure that you use shorter paragraphs.
  • The total length of a page also dictates how appealing that page is, in general.
  • The reading age and grade level of the page can be used as a good indicator of how easy that page is to read.
  • If it reads well, and performs well, the numbers don't matter.

Good website content is key to the performance of your site. WebWiseWords creates compelling content on any topic and for any website.