Friday, June 6, 2008

Article Marketing - 3 Ways To Form Lucrative Joint Ventures With Articles

If you have written tons of articles, you'd want to make the most of them by maximizing the amount of traffic and leads you get from each article. Well, did you know that you can use your articles as a joint venture tool?

Here are 3 powerful ways to form lucrative joint ventures with articles:

1. Coregistration

One way you can form a joint venture with your article is to create an arrangment with another website owner in your niche who is also using articles to drive traffic to his website. You can offer to advertise his website on yours, and he does the same! This way, the both of you get more traffic.

2. Ezine Publishing

You can offer your articles to ezine owners and give them permission to reprint your articles, on the condition that the article has a link back to your website. Most ezine owners will take up your offer on this, as they are constantly on the search for new content.

3. Product Creation

You can contact a few marketers in your niche and offer to create an information product together by combining all your best articles into one ebook or report. This ebook or report can be given away or sold (depending on the goal of the product) by all the marketers who contributed articles. This is a quick way to create products fast!

So there you have it, 3 ways to form powerful joint ventures from your articles and maximize them for the most profits for your Internet marketing business.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

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Does Article Marketing Work?

Article marketing is a very popular method of advertising your online business. The idea is you write a bunch of informative articles on some aspect of your business and the distribute these articles on the internet.

A lot of internet marketers and affiliate marketers have dabbled in article marketing at some stage in there careers. A large proportion of these people have given up because they have not seen the results that they expected from article marketing.

So why are all these people failing? And why is there still a lot of enthusiasm for article marketing.

The simple answers is Article marketing works but only if done right.

And what is the right way to approach article marketing.

Article content The articles you write should be original and should contain interesting, useful information that will engage and intrigue your readers. Get into the mind of your prospective readers and hopefully future customers and try and see things from their perspective. Give them information that you know they want, rather than information you feel like giving them.

Make your article so full of great information that it becomes a reference for whatever it is you are writing about.

Rehashed content will only put people off. If your article is saying the same thing that hundreds of other articles have said, you appear stale and your readers may get the impression that your business is a 'me too' business.

No original ideas

Aim to keep your articles fresh and informative.

Article frequency:

Article marketing is only as effective as the reach of your articles.

If you post an article once a week and your article is taken up by 10 websites, at the end of a month you have 40 representations on the internet.

If however you post an article a day on the internet and the take up rate by other webmasters is still 10 per article, you suddenly have a web exposure of 300. The reach of 300 websites displaying an article of yours is by far greater than the reach of 40 websites. If you are considering article marketing, you need to be prepared to post at least one content rich, original article every single day.

Article Format:

Articles written for article marketing purposes must apply search engine optimization methods. This is important so that your articles rank high with the search engines.

Also you need to pay attention to the different parts of your articles. The headline must be a good attention grabbing headline, your body must be well thought out and your bio box must be carefully worded to increase your click through rate

More details will be provided in the next part of this series.

Affiliate Marketing Tips and Affiliate Marketing Guide at

Impossbile to Create a Passive Income Without a Website Online?

If you want to start an internet business, it is always encouraged to have your own website. However, there is always a mislead that every internet business requires to have a sales page and opt-in page. No doubt, having an opt-in capture page builds your leads list and a good sales page with well-defined features and benefits of the product improve sales conversion. However, you can still create a passive income without a website.

Building a sales page and opt in capture page is mandatory if you have a product of your own which you want to promote and sell. This is definitely essential as your opt in and sales page serves as a communication tool to bring across your product's benefits to your potential prospects. If you have just started out or simply have zero knowledge in html programming and web hosting , which most of super affiliate experienced and gone through this initial stage, you can simply opt to become an affiliate promoting other people products that will still create a passive income without a website.

Registering yourself as affiliate is easy and there are plenty of good opportunities around on the internet. By simply do a quick search in the search engine for affiliate program, you will be spoilt with the wide selections. There are several good affiliates site around like clickbank, cj, richdadpoordad, marketingtips and many more. Registering yourself as an affiliate is usually free and for good affiliate companies, they will provide with all the essentials tools and resources to help you promote their products. For instance, marketingtips has a comprehensive layout plan for her affiliate in the promotion of their products. They give tips and pointers on the promotion strategies through articles written by top writers and newsletters to her affiliates through email. They have a wide selection of banner links, text links, pop ups and products reviews which are easily available to affiliates upon registering.

You must be wondering where should you insert a banner link, text link, classified ads link or how to incorporate product reviews without web page? How should you make full use of the resources available to create a passive income without a website? Being an affiliate, your responsibility is to adopt marketing strategies to promote the products to the wide masses out there. Article marketing is an effective marketing strategies. If the affiliate company provides templates of their product's review, you can simply use their templates or modify the contents and submit them to article submission sites such as ezinearticles, ideamarketers, isnare, articledashboard and many more high ranking articles. The most important section is the resource box in the article submission sites and this is where you should write something about yourself to up your credential and insert your product affiliate link. You may include part of their text link or classified ads link in your resource box.

Learn the secrets of how an ex-air traffic controller earned a whopping profits of US$436,797 in a year without having a product of her own. With her secrets and strategies in hand, your learning curve can be shortened substantially and start seeing your money grows like wild fire in the shortest time possible. Click here to seek this sought after earning opportunity by many. ->

Article Submission Software Makes Any Website A Star!

Article submission software has totally revolutionized the traditional methods of submitting article manually. Article submission or what is fondly termed as article marketing plays a pivotal role in the overall website promotion strategy of any webmaster. If you are not submitting articles to promote your website today, then you are seriously missing out a huge chunk of targeted traffic eager to buy your products, or sign up for your affiliate programs or list. This article will put you on a walkthrough in the world of article marketing and how article submission software fits in like a glove with this traffic generating technique.

Articles are your posters to the internet world, announcing your web presence. People submit articles to communicate their thoughts and ideas or introduce readers to their websites. A well-written article would pull in unstoppable traffic, while a poorly written one drives visitors away. But the truth is, unless you get your article out to as many article directories as possible, it is no use even if you wrote an excellent informational article.

Article submission is not the right way, mass article submission is. The problem with mass submitting manually to article directories is it takes ages, and is hardly an enjoyable experience. You would go through endless logging into article directories, copying and pasting your article at each site. It could take at least several hours to one full day to submit to 100 article directories, without the help of article submission software. Ask the old-timers and they would share their agonizing experience with you. But it eventually would pay off as they know that articles when given enough exposure to more audience would draw lots of targeted traffic. Some established websites syndicate content from article directories and when your article gets picked up and published, this could mean an unceasing stream of traffic to your website.

Since there is a demand for article submission service and no one had come up with article submission software, smart business people, mostly internet marketers started article submission services such as iSnare, Article Marketer, etc to help webmasters submit their articles. Good article submission services that provide top-notch service to their customers are still around, while some shabby ones just come and go. No matter what, there is a setback in using these services, that is, the cost. Such services either charge you a flat rate for a fixed number of articles to be submitted, or a quarterly subscription with a limit to the number you can submit. It can range from a few dollars per article to over $100 to submit about 10 articles. Unless your article is guaranteed to attract enough traffic to be profitable, it could be a costly exercise.

The beauty of technology is its endless pursuit of improving the way we carry out our tasks. Developers have built many article submission software to help us webmasters to expedite the article submission process. Some article submission software have taken article marketing a step further with full automation, and even allows for modifications of your article content. Many webmasters have ditched manual submission or subscription to article submission services for these tools. The robustness of such software and its one-off price tag are the main reasons why they are so attractive. Learn more about article marketing at my blog and get the latest scoop about the top few article submission software in the market.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Discover more about article marketing and read reviews of top article submission software such as Article Post Robot, Instant Article Submitter etc and find out how these tools can drive instant and continuous traffic to your website at

Article Marketing - Discover One Of the Most Powerful Internet Marketing Techniques Of All Time

One of the best Internet marketing techniques is to promote your products or services via articles marketing. In fact, article marketing is one of the surefire way to rise a website or blog's profile.

Here is what you need to do to start your own profitable article marketing advertising campaign today.

1. Make a list of the best articles directories

You are going to research the site with the higher page rank (5 or higher). It's easy to do. Just type the keyword "Article directories" in Google and you are done. Be sure to only submit to article sites with a real marketing force behind them. Those people moderate articles and make sure that the site only contain quality.

The best of the best is In fact, if you chose to submit to this one only, you would do fine.

Now, let's go to the second step

2. Write an article

Just write an interesting article. If it's your first time, just read a few good ones on your topic, and when you feel you read enough, just start typing and tell to others (beginners) what you learned.

3. Add a powerful bio box

The bio box is one of the most important part of your article marketing strategy. Be sure to add a powerful call to action. Here is an example: "To download my highly acclaimed free ebook about article marketing, visit John Doe's website today at"

It should be something like this.

One you are ready, you need to...

3. Submit every single day

Once you finished your article, you need to submit it to the websites you found in step #1. Be sure to submit at least one article every single day. After one year, you will have 365 articles working for you day and night.

Article marketing shouldn't be ignored in your overall marketing plan. Be sure to have a system in place to get those articles out there every single day.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: