Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The bum marketing method has been around for a few years as the bum marketing method. Before that it was, and still is called, article marketing. It's not exactly a new concept, although it has taken off in recent years thanks to the founder of the Bum Marketing Method. I believe his wife actually gave him the name.

Bum marketing is nothing more than writing articles that either promote an affiliate product such as can be found on places such as Click Bank. Or these articles can refer traffic back to a site that has many affiliate products listed there.

Both ways have their pro's and con's, however I think there is one way that has worked well for me that might work well for you, in regards to article marketing and the bum method marketing idea.

First, you want to look at making a site around a specific niche. Be that the health category, making money from home via the internet, or anything else. As long as there is a product to be sold as an affiliate product you will be able to work with the article marketing, bum marketing method.

Once you've picked your niche, you will want to look for the best possible products within that niche. The thing to look for here is that the sales page created by the owner of the product is engaging. I find that the longer the sales page, however, is worse. This is contrary to what most people who are internet marketers think. I tend to be realistic and look at the end user. They don't want to sit through a huge list of reasons why they should buy a product. They want a few and then get on to buying the product.

I have to think the reason why so many products fail when be promoted is by a faulty sales page. The longer the worse it is. Yes there are some amazing sales pages out there that will damage your finger by the amount of scrolling you will have to do, but by and large most people will have either made a buying decision within the first few paragraphs of the sales page or they will decide it's not for them.

Once you've found your product you will then want to write your outstanding article with a captivating resource box that will lead people back to your site. Now this is where many people get tripped up. They want to them go back to an affiliate site, such as Click Bank, and look for another product. The thing to really do is to write another article for the same product and link it back to your site or blog.

Too many times people will write one article using article marketing, bum marketing techniques and decide that the product just didn't work, when really they should have written around five to ten articles regarding this one product.

If you are going to invest your time in creating an article using article marketing and bum method marketing techniques, be sure to make it the best article you can and be sure to focus on writing more than one article.

Learn how to generate better keywords to get your article to the top rank of google and learn how to use simple techniques to make $1,000 online in one month by going to http://www.make-fast-cash-online.blogspot.com

If you want ways to learn how to write better articles and get top rated keywords to place your articles on the number one slot on google, go to http://www.make-fast-cash-online.blogspot.com

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Let me ask you a very important question concerning the traffic to your website. Are you satisfied with the amount of visitors that you are getting? Do you think that you could be getting more visitors to your website? If you are reading this article then the chances are that you need to get more traffic to your website. In this article I will share some insights that have helped me to get more one way links with article marketing and get more traffic to my website.

I continually write articles and submit them to the major article directories. It usually takes my articles a few days to get indexed by Google and I will start seeing traffic as these articles appear in the search engines. However, the most important factor about the articles is that I get one way links to my websites. Also these become viral in nature. As people look for content they will publish your articles and you will get one way links to your website. If you do this strategy consistently over time you will gather thousands of links to your website consequently improving your search engine rankings.

So let us look at how this process will work with a typical new site. The articles submitted on the article directories will help you to get some instant traffic. The way that Google works these days is that they usually put new websites into a sandbox and it can take anywhere from four months to a year to get released from that. So by continually getting one way links they will contribute to achieving your website released from the sandbox earlier. Update your website frequently adding hundreds or thousands of pages. This gives you the chance to attract more traffic to your website as Google loves spidering and indexing new content. Your website will be found for hundreds or thousands of long tail keywords.

Using this strategy you can easily build a sustainable internet business once you get going.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Most people now know that a good way to improve the rank of your site in the search engines is to increase the number of good quality inbound links. Most people tend to think this would go to their homepage, but Deep Linking is also another method which could be more beneficial.

Put simply, a deep link is a link pointing straight at a page within your website, other than your homepage. For example, rather than just linking directly to a website's URL, like www.yourwebsite.com, I could link directly to a page within that website.

So, in which case, I would link to www.yourwebsite.com/content-page.html

For usability, this is great, as it saves the user having to find that specific page when directed to my homepage. Now they are there at the specific content I was targeting.

Deep links are also good for search engines too.

It is rumoured that it is better to have 5 links to 5 separate pages within your site, than it is to have 5 links all to the same page. This gives it a more natural flow in the eyes of the search engines - as if people are genuinely linking to content that is within your website.

Remember still to use descriptive title tags and anchor text, and you should be on to a winner!

So what is the best way to get other users to link directly to pages within your website? Simple.

Compel users of the internet to do this by writing or displaying interesting and unique content. This gets you one-way deep links that are natural.

This article was written by James Baldwin of JB and G Web Design, a Warwickshire Web Design Company.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing success is directly proportional to your online business. And to become real time successful out there, you certainly have to take extreme care on how you design your content. Remember, that those who underplay with the content part have already lost enough time and money. Guys, over the gruesome Internet world time are money. You count on every second, and every second gives you some monetary gains.

I list below some of worth noticing tips for making Article marketing success a dream come true over the Internet.

  • As I said earlier, content is the monarch and you have to every reason to give it your due consideration. Make the content dynamic in those business centric articles. Once you do that, you'll surely earn the fruits.
  • Keep the text as crisp and direct as possible. Since, most of the online traffic is not there for judging your creativity. They are surfing with a latent mission, to do business and earn money in minutes. Therefore, if you convey what you want to say in least possible words, you have already made partial success.
  • Mobilize the quality traffic to your business website. Through the postings in popular web directories and giving the links below in the articles, you can direct the prospective audience into real business yielding clients.
  • Article marketing success entails use of innovative content management system as well as niche blog posting tools. Some of these tools such as Plone, CMS made simple, Mambo etc. have the awesome potential to turn your online business into a high success rate.
  • Submit your content in the right and popular web directories. Many times, online marketers are in great hurry and submit the text in wrong directories. As the result the motive is not solved, leading to wastage of resources. What's more, you can go ahead and employ professional marketing services.
These and many give you the first hand information about the online article marketing success. Remember, in the Internet marketing, strategy always works to your benefit, if you have all the tools in place.

Niche Writers India provide article marketing and article writing service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for article submission service then you can get it in $2 per article.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

You want to succeed in article marketing? It's simple to do if you just follow these easy to implement strategies. Read them, and when you're done, promise me that you'll use them to your advantage! So are you ready?

  1. Put your main keyword in the first three words of your title. By simply doing this, you can get a much higher page ranking than your articles that don't do this. Don't think I'm correct? Go to any search engine and type in any keyword, I bet you anything that the results on the first page have the keyword in the first 1-3 words of their title. I have seen my articles go a long way to the top of search results just because I wrote the main keyword in the first three words of my articles title.

  2. Give your article quality. Your articles must contain quality and value! This is vital to your articles success. You can have all the best page rankings in the world, but you won't get the greatest clicks if you don't have any valuable content written in your articles. Give your readers value, and the traffic will follow.

  3. Your articles should also be based on quantity. The more articles you get, the more publicity and inbound links your website gets. Along with that, you also increase how much people look at you as a professional in your industry. These reasons alone should be enough for you to want to write tons of articles, but if you want more than here it is. The more articles that you write with valuable content, the closer your articles are going to get to the first page of search engines! Use this to your advantage and your article marketing will skyrocket!

  4. Break up your articles by using bullet points and paragraphs. This is a wonderful way to get your readers to be interested with your article. When you break up your article accurately, your readers will find your article easy to read, and they'll click on your URL link more than if you didn't. No one wants to read one long paragraph! Break it up into pieces so your reader can skim through and read the important parts.

  5. Keep the grammatical errors in your article low. I mean very low. Readers can be known to quickly click out of an article just from one simple spelling mistake. So take the time to spell check your articles. You'll be glad you did!

Follow these simple to follow strategies, and your article marketing will indeed skyrocket to success!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com