Saturday, May 10, 2008

Am I Nuts? Why Don't I Put My Web Site Link Into My 1,000+ Articles?

I received an email from an Ezinearticles reader who raises some very important questions about article marketing as well as my unconventional approach to it.

I thought you might like to "eavesdrop" on our exchange and find it beneficial.

He wrote:

I'm amazed at the number of articles you submit to EzineArticles as well as your consistency.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but approximately how many emails do you receive per day and have you found that listing your email in your bio box rather than your web address is more beneficial to your overall strategy?

Of course, I'd understand if you'd rather keep that number private.

I'm only curious because when I first stumbled across your EA profile and gazed at your numbers, I would have thought you generated a lot of traffic to your website from click throughs and Search Engine rankings.


Hello GC,

I don't mind answering your questions, at all. To quote myself, "Clicks aren't money," at least to me.

Random eyeballs rolling over my web pages won't sell what I sell, which are fairly extensive consulting engagements.

I'm looking to directly interact with readers, as I am right now with you.

"Hey, we need this guy!" is what I'm hoping readers will say. "He knows his stuff," and so forth; these are the reactions I want.

Frankly, I get very few emails, whether you assess the number by day, week, or month. However, when I get them, they are usually of the type I described above, worth my effort to respond to.

Example: Last week I got an email from a guy who is shopping for a training program in one of my areas of expertise. He's LOCAL, within about an hour's drive, his company is the right size, about 900 employees, and he's in senior management. He supplied his phone number in the email, a signal of strong interest.

Anyway, we interacted and I pitched him on a high 5-figure program that could easily get into six figures, if successful.

He is EXACTLY what I'm looking for.

I'd like to get five of these inquiries a week, but I don't.

If they're this solid, I don't have to. It only takes a few handfuls a YEAR, presuming my closing skills are sharp, to do the trick.

By the way, there are a few ways to evaluate the quality of one's response. Yes, you can look at mere numbers, such as the number of readers you'll generate at EA.

Another way is to look at the SALIENCE of your information to these readers, i.e. how important is your stuff to them? And, how important are these specific readers to you?

In other words, are you reaching the BEST POSSIBLE audiences, or is your approach more of a shotgun?

Example: I do a reasonable amount of radio interviews and co-hosting. Do they sell consulting and training business for me? No, not much; just some, and much less than "print" does.

But I enjoy doing them, they look good in my promotional materials, and they help me to stand out from the crowd, to appear credible.

But you shouldn't over-invest in them. Ditto for articles.

One more thing: From my email address interested readers can see what my web site is, and they can type in the part, by themselves.

There is some psychological authority that supports the notion that if people have to work a little to get a result, they treat the matter more seriously and get more ego-involved in arriving at a productive result.

So, making them type in the url may actually be a good thing.

Hope this helps, and of course, the content of my response will become yet another article.

Appreciate your email, and good luck to you!



Best-selling author of 12 books and more than 1,000 articles, Dr. Gary S. Goodman is considered "The Gold Standard" in negotiation, sales development, customer service, and telephone effectiveness. Top-rated as a speaker, seminar leader, and consultant, his clients extend across the globe and the organizational spectrum, from the Fortune 1000 to small businesses. He can be reached at:

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Latest 6 Popular Methods to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Using article marketing as your product and website promotion tool has a lot of benefits. It can help you establish yourself as a great writer and expert your chosen niche, increase your page views, improve your search engine position, and augment your sales potentials.

Here are the 6 popular methods to multiply your article marketing:

1. Write about topics that are closely related to your business type. This is not only to drive quality traffic to your website but also to impart valuable information to your potential readers.

2. Provide good content to your readers. People read articles because they would like to be informed. Thus, you have to make sure that your articles contain valuable information that your readers will find useful and relevant to their lives. Offer solutions to their existing problems, answers to their burning questions, or information that can empower them to do certain things on their own.

3. Don't turn your articles to sales letters. By this, I mean avoid blatant advertisements on your content as these can easily annoy both readers and publishers. Save your sales pitches on your resource box where you can freely promote your products and your business.

4. Take advantage of various article submission sites. To easily create numerous inbound links for your website, submit your articles to all highly visited publishing sites online.

5. Use keywords. It is important to make your articles search engine-friendly so they can easily be found online. Use a reliable keyword suggestion tool that can help you figure out the most popular keywords that are being used by your potential clients. Use these keywords all throughout your content to make your articles keyword-rich.

6. Create a compelling resource box. To effectively convince your readers to check on your website, you have to pay close attention to your resource box and make it enticing. You can either offer incentives or give your readers a sneak peak of what kind of information your website has.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Targeted Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Exciting Ways to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

There are so many marketing tools in the internet today but article marketing remains to be the best and the most cost-effective in terms of traffic generation and augmenting your sales leads.

Here are the 4 exciting ways to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Understand the terms of service set forth by various publishing sites. Some marketers do not take the time to read and understand the rules and regulations set by publishers until their articles are rejected. This is an absolute waste of time and energy. To prevent this from happening, make sure that you are familiar with the requirements of publishing sites before you write your articles to increase their chances of being posted online the first time you submit them.

2. Do not advertise on your articles. Articles are not great venue for your sales pitch as people expect to get information when they open your content. To make article marketing work for you, you have to keep this in mind: inform first before you advertise. If you are able to educate or empower your readers through your content, they are most likely to click on your resource box and you will automatically convert them from readers to potential clients.

3. Your articles must be well-written. There are so many articles in the World Wide Web today, in order to stand out from the rest, you need to make sure that you give your potential clients great reading experience. Enhance your writing skills, be very particular with your grammar, and make sure that your ideas flow smoothly.

4. Your articles must be easy to understand. This should be one of your top priorities when writing your content. Strive to make it hassle-free for your readers to understand your content by using their language and simple terms as much as possible.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 4 Big Steps to Increase Your Article Marketing

Every webmaster dreams about getting huge, steady traffic for their website. Why? Because online traffic is the backbone of anything that exists in the World Wide Web. Traffic spells out profit, online recognition, and strong online presence.

One of the best traffic-generating tools these days is article marketing. It is considered the best not only because it is efficient but it is also cost-effective and easy to utilize. It only requires you to write and submit articles to instantly obtain quality inbound links for your website.

Here are the 4 big steps to increase your article marketing:

1. Write more. Strive to create additional articles on a daily basis so you can quickly augment the number of your inbound links. Utilize all proven techniques that can help you multiply the number of your output. Some marketers are spending more time writing articles while others pick topics that are easy and quick to write.

2. Never sacrifice the quality of your articles. Your articles will not be read nor picked up by online users if they are not well-written and content-rich. Make the quality of your articles your number one priority as this is the only element being looked for by online users when they read and republish articles.

3. Increase your clickthrough rate by utilizing attention-grabbing titles. Your headlines are your front liners. If they cannot serve their purpose, your whole marketing strategy is doomed to fail. Make sure that your headlines are enticing, intriguing, has the ability to pique the curiosity of online users, and most importantly, they must be able to communicate the benefits that your whole article can offer.

4. Increase your conversation rate by writing a powerful resource box that can easily move online users to click on your website's URL.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Lucrative Article Marketing - 5 Keys to Make More Profit With Article Marketing

Article marketing is the most talked about marketing tool in the online arena today. Some webmasters are still stunned when they realized that they actually generate more traffic, improved their search engine ranking, and increased their sales by just using this technique. Because of this, a lot of people are joining the bandwagon. Well, who wouldn't want to make more profit by just writing and submitting articles online?

Here are the 5 keys that can help you succeed in article marketing:

1. Write as many quality articles as you can. The success of article marketing relies on the number of your articles and their quality. When online users see that you have so much quality information to share, they will tag you as an expert on your chosen field. This can lead to increase number of your following.

2. Fill your articles with relevant keywords. To make your articles highly visible on search engines, sprinkle just the right amount of keywords on your content. Make sure that the keywords that you use are those that are being search for by your target market.

3. Provide your readers with powerful summary or conclusion. Provide your readers with a recap on important points that you have raised on your articles. This will make them remember your ideas for a longer period of time.

4. Cross reference your articles. Make it easier for your readers to access your other articles by inserting their links on the current article they are reading. This is the best way to "upsell" your other articles.

5. Widely distribute your articles. Aside from publishing sites like and, syndicate your articles and post them on ezines, blogs, or compile them to create an eBook. To reach more audience, I suggest that you make this eBook available for download and ask your readers to share it with their friends and family members.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.