Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

More and more people are getting into the hype of content writing for one simple reason: there is much money that can be earned in this industry. In fact, if you would just take the time to look at the figures, then you would most likely see content writing at the top of the list of online marketing methods that have been garnering much profit during the past few years. You can even say that content writing has gone beyond being just one of the hypes and trends you find in online marketing. Content writing is definitely one of the best online marketing methods any person can delve into.

However, just because any person can indeed try their luck in content writing does not mean that they would be successful in the endeavor. Content writing is not just about providing content whenever you feel like writing. Your content has to be fresh and captivating to your readers so that you can pull them to your site. What's more, your content has to be as idea-filled as possible so that you can entice the imagination of your readers.

With compelling offers that grab their attention, what reader would want to look away from your site? Here are some tips on how you should go about venturing into content writing, aside from being a good writer yourself, of course. This is already a given that need not be discussed at all.

The first thing to consider is your website. Your website has to give off that professional image that many readers look for. If you would look at the common blog site, well, you would certainly see that a lot of these sites are more personalized and customized. This may be good for a blog site, but when it comes to marketing strategy, it would actually be better to maintain a professional image for your website. Make sure the information you upload onto your website are indeed useful to your readers.

Aside from being useful, your information should also be interesting. What content writer would not want their articles to grab the full attention of readers? And you have to go beyond just grabbing their attention because you have to retain this, from the very first word to the very last word of your article. Smarts and wits are needed here, as well as being knowledgeable about the topic, of course. Make sure that your content contains facts, and not just a bunch of hearsay that you can find all over the web.

Lastly, you have to make sure that your content is written very well. Readers are very picky when it comes to the articles they read. Really, an article full of grammatical and punctuation errors present serious letdowns for just about any reader. Once these errors are smoked out, readers would simply close their browsers and look for other more reliable sources.

Keep these tips in mind when you want to try your hand in content writing. You won't notice significant results overnight. But with time, effort, dedication, and a lot of practice, things will definitely turn around for you in no time.

Ashley Tyler works a full time web content writer for a site that provides articles and information on a large assortment of topics, for the purpose of SEO.

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

More and more people are turning to the Internet to find local resources. At the top of the list is the search for real estate and agents.

The experts predict the next wave of the Internet will be local marketing. Currently the real estate industry is leading the way with estimated online marketing expenditures exceeding $1 billions for 2005. That amount is expected to grow substantially over the next few years.

There are those realtors who have figured out how to successfully market online, and are reaping the rewards. What are those rewards? A source of new customers at a much lower cost per acquisition.

As a realtor here are some facts that you simply cant ignore:

More then half (56 percent) of all consumers now use the Internet when buying real estate, which is up from 28 percent in 2000. When asked where they first learned about the home they purchased, 24% of buyers identified the Internet. That is an increase from 15% in 2004.

Buyers who initially do their research online tend to be better informed. Equipped with their knowledge gathered from the Internet, they spend significantly less time with their realtor, and preview fewer houses then traditional buyers. In other words, you get an ideal buyer that requires less of your time and resources in making a purchase.

What is required to profit on the Internet?

In addition to having a functional and effective web site, realtors need to aggressively market their business on the Internet. You must have a presence where your customers are searching.

One of the most effective methods for marketing online is Pay Per Click advertising. The two major players of PPC are Google and Yahoo. It works as follows:

1. A person searches on a keyword or phrase like, Evanston Illinois Real Estate.

2. As an advertiser you bid for ad positioning on that term (1st, 2nd, 3rd position, etc). Obviously you bid on terms that are relevant to your business and would be used by potential real estate buyers in your area. There is no limit to the number of keywords or phrases that you can bid on.

3. When the search results appear your ad is displayed at the top or right hand side of the page. These ads are often referred to as "Sponsored" links. If a person clicks on your ad and goes to your site, you pay a price per click that you designated. The appeal of PPC is that you control your costs by specifying a cost per click and a daily expenditure. In addition, you are only paying for performance. You only pay when there is a click to your site.

What makes PPC so appealing is the fact that it is so targeted. If you select the right terms to bid on, you end up with prospects coming to your site that are actively pursuing your services. That is the primarily reason it is much more cost-effective than offline advertising.

I recently set up a PPC campaign for a realtor in my area. It took a couple of hours. The Google ads went live immediately, and the Yahoo ads started two days later. In about a week I got a call from the Realtor. She said, "I dont know what you did, but we are suddenly swamped with leads." It is that simple if done right.

Fred Waters is co-founder of the Local Online Marketing Association, where you can get the Free Ebook, The Indispensable Guide to Local Online Marketing. Learn how your real estate business can profit on the Internet.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article ghost writers can make you money by taking a fresh look at your niche. If your website is getting a bit flat, and your visitors dwindling a bit, then you may need a bit more zing and pizzazz in your writing. Something to attract visitors and keep them there when they arrive. This is what a good ghost writer could give you.

Free Articles Are Not Free

Many web owners try to bulk up their websites with free articles from the internet. The trouble is, nothing is free on the internet. There is always a price, and the price for free article content is generally that you cannot put your name to the content. Free articles normally require you to keep the writer's name at the top and resource page at the bottom. This does three things.

Firstly it is apparent that you are not the article writer. If not, why not? Don't you know enough about your subject to write about it? If not, why should I visit your site? I'm not going to learn much from you if you can't even write your own articles. I think I'll leave and look for somebody who knows a bit about the subject. . . wait a bit. Who did write this article?

Free Articles Have Expert Writers Are You An Expert Writer?

That's when you get the second consequence: your visitor notices the article writer's resource page, which has a URL on it. Why not click on that this writer seems to know a bit about what he is writing about. Let's try him. So you lose your visitor to the guy that wrote the article. An article ghost writer adds no resource page. The third bad thing' that such an article brings you is a link away from your site. The writer's URL is actually a one-way link from your site which can harm your search engine ranking.

Use an article ghost writer, on the other hand, and your name appears under the article. You are the one that appears to be the authority on the topic of your webpage just as it should be. You keep your visitor who thinks you know a lot about the topic and that you may be able to solve his or her problem. Also, there is no resource box! No bleed off from your site and no competitor in view to attract your visitors from your site.

Not only that, but you get exactly the content you want. Somebody else's article might be just a bit off topic for you, but due to copyright restrictions you can't change it. You have to keep the article as it is. Bad news! With a ghostwritten article, you can have it modified until it is perfect for you.

Ghost Writers Bring You Authority

If you need content and can't. or don't have the time, to write it yourself, use a ghost writer. OK it costs, but it's way better than using a free article that could bring the opposite effect to what you want. How much is your traffic worth to you? And think of that publicity if you also use an amended version for the article directories. All these lovely back-links will do your rankings a world of good. All due to using the services of an article ghost writer.

Do What You Do Best Pay For The Rest

It's the fresh look' that's the main advantage though. If you've been writing your own content, you can get stuck in a rut and your site will become stale. To get good rankings it has to be dynamic, with frequent changes in content. A pair of fresh eyes can do just that. An article ghost writer can also save you a lot of time: let him spend his time writing while you do what you are best at, sorting out the joint ventures, arranging the deals and handling any affiliates you have. Leave the content to a professional who knows just what you need.

A Fresh Pair of Eyes Knows Content Is King

It has been said that the writer is as important as the article. This might be possible if search engine results are unimportant. A search engine cares not if the writer is you and I or Stephen King - in fact it might prefer you or I! The content counts. 'Content is King' as they say. It's not the writer, it's the article, and a fresh pair of eyes can frequently provide that article content with a difference.

That's where your ghost writer enters the scene. A 'fresh pair of eyes'. The word 'competition' frequently comes up in discussion about web page content. This is balderdash. No matter how good your product is, the more unique web page content will win the day in the eyes of search engine spiders. Article ghost writers are trained to produce this unique content. Leave it to them!

Peter is a professional freelance writer, currently specializing in website articles which are much in demand. He operates from and writes on any topic, uniquely for you. Not only is no one else sold your article, but you can get two versions on request - one for your site and one for submission to directories. He is a busy man but approachable for advice on

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is used to dominate a keyword. But aspiring article marketers don't tend to know how to do it. Are you ready to learn? Here it is.

You have to write countless amounts of articles. That's right. Writing is your key to success as an article marketer. You have to write hundreds of articles about your topic and just flood out the market with your information. When you do this, you will absolutely dominate the keyword your using. You can easily dominate any keyword if you write enough articles. Just keep writing.

The more that you write, the more Google thinks of you as a reliable resource, so Google will increase your page rankings. This is the greatest marketing tactic you will ever receive! Google loves articles! So don't be surprised if your article just dominates your competition and gets you landed on the first page of Google. This is completely normal! Many have beaten out their competition with articles and it's easy to do.

You just have to do what I told you, write and write and write. You can easily make more than 30 articles a week. Just put about 1 hour a day into your article marketing and by the end of the month you'll have more than 100 articles working for you. Every article you have is an opportunity to make a sale. You just have to work hard enough, and soon, the profits will come your way.

You don't have to write Shakespeare. In fact, you shouldn't. Writing Shakespeare will just take way to long and too hard. You have to flood the market as fast and as much as you can. This is the key to article marketing.

Looking for new marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

You have probably already heard about article marketing and now you are wondering if it might be able to help promote your business. Web sites by themselves can draw some traffic but are often limited in terms of successful business marketing or campaign marketing. Of course, that depends on the type of online advertising you are using. Article marketing, however, provides you with a very efficient and lasting tool that can bring lots of targeted traffic to your doorstep - ready to look at what you have to offer. Here are some reasons why article marketing should be part of your online marketing strategy.

1. It Provides an Excellent Product Marketing Tool

Whatever it is that you are selling, the Internet can put the word out faster than any other means. It can also reach a much wider audience, even providing you with a global outreach - at a relatively low cost. You may already know that keyword promotions, such as Google's Adwords, and other cost per click programs, can be very effective also - but they are not cheap.

Article marketing, on the other hand, which also uses those same keywords, is free - except for the cost to produce the articles (unless you write the articles yourself). These articles can be professionally written on the same keywords that your web site focuses on, and they can be distributed at no cost to you and posted online - in multiple places.

2. It Brings Targeted Traffic to Your Website

Once you have a number of quality articles written by a freelance writer - one who specializes in Website content, you have the quality you need to get the job done. Your article marketing starts when they get posted at some of the more popular article distribution web sites. The search engines find them - and they begin to direct targeted traffic to your web site.

3. It Directs to the Right Page

The article itself needs to be written around a keyword or keyphrase which will then direct people interested in that subject to a particular page on your Web site. For instance, if you were selling plumbing products, then you would want articles dealing with all aspects of plumbing. Titles may include things like How to Choose the Right Faucet For Your New Kitchen; or, How to Fix That Leaking Showerhead; to, What Are the Most Popular Bathroom Fixtures?, etc.

Each article leads people to the right page on your web site. The first article, for instance, How to Choose the Right Faucet For Your New Kitchen, would direct traffic to your Web page which provides more information, and some links where your visitor can find new faucets, faucet parts, and possibly books on the subject. As you can also see, a couple of the titles work to get people's attention - and you then provide the solution to their problem - and get sales.

4. It Is Effective Because of Multiplication

One of the great aspects of article marketing is that other people are most likely selling the same thing. You ask, how can that help you? Simple - every web page needs web site content. Since other people who have plumbing web sites (according to the earlier illustration), or blogs, also need web site content, they look for free articles to build their web site faster. Article distribution centers require that the author's name and web page links remain attached at the bottom. This means that for every individual that picks up one of your quality articles - it also provides another inbound link to your web site (at no cost to you) - increasing your search engine popularity.

5. It Works Around The Clock

Each article continues to be a part of your strategic marketing plan and efforts as long as it remains on the Web. Article marketing continues to work to promote your product or service around the clock. Because others will pick up some of the articles - your Web site popularity grows even more with time, increasing your targeted traffic - and profit.

A simple way to get started is to communicate with a web content writer who knows how to write for the search engines (SEO), and who can give you the quality web content articles you need.

By Mike Valles - a home business, finance and real estate writer and marketer. For more information about Internet marketing and tools you can use - including PLR and MRR materials, Web page templates and headers, go to his Web site at: Article Marketing To Go.