Tuesday, May 13, 2008

2 Reasons You Should Use Article Marketing

So, you have your website or landing page complete now and are ready to bring in some sales. You probably have the best looking site there is out there right now but aren't making a single dime. See, the problem here is that you can have the prettiest site out there but without any traffic nobody is ever going to see it. Just like if you were to open up a business at the top of Mount Everest. How many people ever can really see the top of that mountain or even get to the top? Not too many!

Today, the internet is filled with opportunities and should really be taken advantage of. Many people everyday are searching for what they need or what interests them everyday. We are in this business to give them the information that they are looking for. Now, in order for them to really see your site we will need to have a good traffic strategy. I am going to share with you in this article how exactly I target my audience and get loads of free traffic.

If you haven't heard of this method before then you will here it now. This method is known as Article Marketing. It is the most effective way to get your word out there about your site and it even gets traffic that converts like crazy! Now, I am going to tell you 2 reasons why article marketing is so effective.

1. Targeted Traffic from Your Articles

When you write articles, you gain some type of expertise in the area you are promoting. People will begin to gain trust from you because they will begin to see that you know what you are talking about. Also, many webmasters will begin to notice how valuable your articles are and will also send you more traffic by adding your article with your links in their site as well. When the subject is targeted, you will be able to make more sales because the people you want are going to look at your article and then possibly click on your links.

2. Back Links for your Landing Page

When you write articles you will have a link at the bottom in your author resource box. Every time you submit your article you will be creating a back link for your self. So, make sure that you submit your article to as many sites as you can. Also, in order to get placed in the search engines, use an anchor text format for your URL with the keyword you want people to search for to find your site. This way will make sure that you will shoot up to the first page for that specific keyword.

There are my top two reasons why I use article marketing and why you should too. Google absolutely loves to see articles pointing back to other sites. Just make sure that you do a lot of articles and submit them in order to see results.

For more information, you can check out: Profit Lance.

If you are wondering what Profit Lance may be, it is a detailed course to learn about internet marketing and has said to be somewhat like taking a course in college.

The Holy Grail of Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is much more than putting your product online and pitching it to people. If you're going to be an internet superstar there are three important steps you must take.

Establishing an internet business goes far beyond creating a product and placing it online for sale or seeking out a product to promote for affiliate revenue and blasting it across the internet and through email. Internet marketing starts with building yourself a reputation as someone sincerely interested in your customers, offering them information and help, and promoting your business or product on your website. That of course requires you have a website so another important part of marketing is to present website content that is useful, accurate, and current with the market.

One of the great things about doing business on the internet is that you can get started fro free or very little cost, depending on the approach you take. And you don;t have to have much to start a marketing campaign that is effective. There are many resources and tools available today that are free. You just need to do your research and make sure that the freebie offers you the functionality you need and with a degree of professionalism.

Here are three absolute essential ingredients for creating a successful internet marketing business.

Communication with your Customers

Being available for your customers and potential customers is perhaps the most important aspect of your online presence. It may seem unfair but the global 24 hours a day and seven days a week reach of the internet makes the window of communication opportunity very small. If you don't respond quickly your customer may go elsewhere. E-mail is a great way to communicate with your customers but the key is to stay on top of your inbox and respond quickly. Establish a schedule to review incoming email and respond to your customers' needs. You may need to set up a 3 times per day schedule. f you don't have the ability or the man power to you need to take another look at your setup and either reorganize your business or hire someone to help you.

Products and Services

Customers need to find value in what you have to offer, whether it be your free report that sells your own product or your direct sales product or service you have to offer. There are two motivating factors when it comes to selling online: cost and convenience. Will your customer find it easier to buy online than finding the same product in a local store? Is it cheaper for your customer to buy this product from you online? Do you offer some sort of additional value that encourages the purchase? Consider your offer and ask yourself if you would buy what you are selling. Look around at the other offers and top them. Competition abounds so you have to stay on top of the game to deliver the best offer with the best value for the best price.

Delivery and Support

Immediate delivery is a selling factor that makes online purchasing attractive to customers who want the product immediately. Having to wait for delivery is not in line with the instantaneous nature of the internet. So your key to a satisfied customer is convenience, instant access, and quick service. It can mean the difference in you getting a sale and in losing a returning customer. Test your system. Make sure it is user-friendly, easy to understand, functioning as promised. Be available for your customer's needs after the sale. If your system quirks and there's a problem with delivery you need to be there to get it delivered.

Online success starts with the building blocks of business design. Put yourself in your customers shoes. Communicate with your customers quickly and in a helpful manner. Offer them what they need at a great price and with a bonus product or some other sort of added value. Provide quick, if not instant, delivery. If you can base your business on these three principles you will have the keys necessary to open the door to online business success.

If you're looking for a step-by-step program to getting started in affiliate marketing check out my review of Affiliate Cash Secrets.

Cynthia Mosher shares her advice on internet marketing, affiliate marketing and working at home at her website WAHMDaily.com. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box with active links.

Building An Authority Resource

Content is king in Authority Sites, they have more pages of quality content and more links to reference information. Content should be topic relevant, original and definitely up-to-date. Your goal is to make the website such a high quality destination for the niche that other sites will refer to it vial links to the content pages.

Lets get right to it. If your intent is to build an Authority site it is vital that your knowledge of the niche you intend to cover is broad and well researched. You need to know the market conditions and the readers you are targeting so you can have a full understanding of the content you need to provide your visitors. You should be in contact with other quality sites within your niche for networking opportunities.

Here are the steps to making an Authority Resource.

Research your Niche or Product. You need to know everything about what you are selling or the topic your site will be addressing. So get all the data you can on it. This research will give you content for your website. Arrange the information in a concise and easy to follow format. The more you know about what you are providing will make it easier to write good content.

You know about your niche so now Research the Market. Most large corporations that conduct market research will hire researchers for the task. It takes a systematic approach to a large quantity of statistics and market knowledge. You need to identify and know your competition along with the current market situation within the industry. Use this information to customize the content of your website. Use your knowledge of the market to set goals for yourself and your research will give you valuable links to off site content you can link to as resources from yours.

Now get to Know your Visitors. Identify the readers within your market that you intend to target. Knowing your visitors will allow you to use your knowledge to shape the content to your targeted traffic. To attract and keep the audience you want trafficking your site, you will need to give them valuable content to keep them returning.

Next use your knowledge of the niche and the demographics of the targeted traffic to Plan your Authority Resource. This is absolutely the most vital of all steps. During planning keep your keyword and link strategies in mind. Consider adding link baiting ideas you may have from networking with other webmasters in the niche. Blogs are a nice addition since it makes the addition of fresh content easier. Visitors should feel at ease on your site and tempted to come back for more.

In the Design and Development phase is when your project starts to come together. This is where you find web hosting, register domain names and design the final product to be uploaded to the server. The look and design of your website should help to define who you are to the web community.

So you have the knowledge, your Authority Resource has been researched, planned, designed and uploaded. Now what? Now you need to let everyone know about it and that means a Marketing Plan.

A thorough online Marketing Plan will involve Search Engine Optimization with a comprehensive link building campaign, online marketing on websites within the same nice or via pay per click advertising. Keep your website current with content and software updates and track your traffic statistics to make marketing adjustments as needed.

Following these steps will get you on the path to making a real Authority Resource your visitors will value. Think about them as you are planning your website. Do you want your website to be just another of the millions out there or do you want to provide an Authority Resource that is truly unique?

Visit the Authority Web Directory to increase your websites online marketing presence.

Best Article Marketing - Uncover 6 Compelling Steps to Multiply Your Article Marketing

The key to succeed in article marketing is widely distributing your articles so they can reach more people who might be interested in republishing them. Thus, you need to learn the various ways on how you can effectively distribute your articles so you can easily multiply the number of inbound links for your website.

Here are the 6 compelling steps to multiply your article marketing:

1. Submit your articles to publishing sites. The most popular articles submission sites that can give your articles maximum exposure are ezinearticles dot com and goarticles dot com.

2. Have your articles posted on relevant blogs. Work together with blog owners, preferably those which have already established huge, steady traffic, and convince them to post your articles on their blogs. You can easily do so by giving these blogs a visit and leaving intelligent comments that will hook bloggers to check your profile and your articles. If your articles offer useful content, you can be assured that more bloggers will be happy use and republish them to make their blogs more informative.

3. Work with marketers and convince them to use your articles on their ezine publishing. Truth be told, most marketers do not have much time to write their own content. You can take advantage of this by offering your articles for free as long as they will keep your author box.

4. Publish your articles on websites that are syndicated by Google News. This can bring you enormous page views as Google News receives billions of visitors' everyday.

5. Syndicate your articles through your RSS feeds. Provide your subscribers with fresh, hot content on a regular basis by incorporating your articles on your RSS feeds.

6. Create podcasts using your articles. Convert your content to audio file and submit them to numerous podcast directories.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Best Article Marketing - Uncover 6 Compelling Steps to Multiply Your Article Marketing

The key to succeed in article marketing is widely distributing your articles so they can reach more people who might be interested in republishing them. Thus, you need to learn the various ways on how you can effectively distribute your articles so you can easily multiply the number of inbound links for your website.

Here are the 6 compelling steps to multiply your article marketing:

1. Submit your articles to publishing sites. The most popular articles submission sites that can give your articles maximum exposure are ezinearticles dot com and goarticles dot com.

2. Have your articles posted on relevant blogs. Work together with blog owners, preferably those which have already established huge, steady traffic, and convince them to post your articles on their blogs. You can easily do so by giving these blogs a visit and leaving intelligent comments that will hook bloggers to check your profile and your articles. If your articles offer useful content, you can be assured that more bloggers will be happy use and republish them to make their blogs more informative.

3. Work with marketers and convince them to use your articles on their ezine publishing. Truth be told, most marketers do not have much time to write their own content. You can take advantage of this by offering your articles for free as long as they will keep your author box.

4. Publish your articles on websites that are syndicated by Google News. This can bring you enormous page views as Google News receives billions of visitors' everyday.

5. Syndicate your articles through your RSS feeds. Provide your subscribers with fresh, hot content on a regular basis by incorporating your articles on your RSS feeds.

6. Create podcasts using your articles. Convert your content to audio file and submit them to numerous podcast directories.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Best Email Marketing - 7 Best Ways to Create More Money In Article Marketing

Article marketing continues to make wonders in terms of generating traffic for various websites. Most webmasters agree that it is one of the best tools in pulling up search engine ranking and making their site more popular and frequently visited. If you'd like to use article marketing so you can create more money from it, here are the best ways to do it:

1. Write more quality, meaningful articles. The first step to article marketing is writing numerous articles that will show your expertise on your chosen field. Remember, each article will represent your or your company, so they better offer valuable and credible information that will make readers trust you.

2. Prepare a killer resource box. Your resource box must be compelling enough to make your readers click your website's URL. It must contain your name, your website address, and your call for action.

3. Make your articles scannable and easy on the eyes. Don't submit lengthy articles that will surely bore your readers. Instead, submit articles that run 250-500 words that are full with information and juicy details that your readers are looking for. Make your articles scannable by using bullets or numbers when you are presenting steps or tips. You can also use sub topics.

4. Submit your articles to major article submission sites. To date, there are more than 200 hundred article submission sites but only half of them generate good traffic. Don't waste your time submitting your articles to those that cannot help you increase your site's popularity, instead focus your energy to the ones that can promise you huge number of visitors like ezinearticles.com.

5. Make your landing page compelling. Once you have successfully drove online users to your website, make sure that it functions well and offers readers what they are looking for. It may be more information or the products and services that you are offering.

6. Use the traffic to your advantage. Once you have done all of the 5 tips, you'll be sure to get more traffic to your site. Use this to increase your sales and profits. Offer your visitors with the products and services.

7. Make money from the traffic you have created. To convert your traffic to instant cash, you can sell space on your webpage to various advertisers. If they see that you're generating enormous traffic, they won't think twice in posting banner ads to your webpage.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Best Email Marketing - 7 Best Ways to Create More Money In Article Marketing

Article marketing continues to make wonders in terms of generating traffic for various websites. Most webmasters agree that it is one of the best tools in pulling up search engine ranking and making their site more popular and frequently visited. If you'd like to use article marketing so you can create more money from it, here are the best ways to do it:

1. Write more quality, meaningful articles. The first step to article marketing is writing numerous articles that will show your expertise on your chosen field. Remember, each article will represent your or your company, so they better offer valuable and credible information that will make readers trust you.

2. Prepare a killer resource box. Your resource box must be compelling enough to make your readers click your website's URL. It must contain your name, your website address, and your call for action.

3. Make your articles scannable and easy on the eyes. Don't submit lengthy articles that will surely bore your readers. Instead, submit articles that run 250-500 words that are full with information and juicy details that your readers are looking for. Make your articles scannable by using bullets or numbers when you are presenting steps or tips. You can also use sub topics.

4. Submit your articles to major article submission sites. To date, there are more than 200 hundred article submission sites but only half of them generate good traffic. Don't waste your time submitting your articles to those that cannot help you increase your site's popularity, instead focus your energy to the ones that can promise you huge number of visitors like ezinearticles.com.

5. Make your landing page compelling. Once you have successfully drove online users to your website, make sure that it functions well and offers readers what they are looking for. It may be more information or the products and services that you are offering.

6. Use the traffic to your advantage. Once you have done all of the 5 tips, you'll be sure to get more traffic to your site. Use this to increase your sales and profits. Offer your visitors with the products and services.

7. Make money from the traffic you have created. To convert your traffic to instant cash, you can sell space on your webpage to various advertisers. If they see that you're generating enormous traffic, they won't think twice in posting banner ads to your webpage.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - My Philosophy That Drives Me To Massive Article Marketing Success

Here's my philosophy on article marketing: The purpose of an article is to generate traffic. And it's very probable that more than half the visitors to an article don't even read it (though I hope you're not one of them!). Quality of your articles is important, and so is the quantity with which you write them and submit them!

When people click through on your articles, most will just click through to your site link in your resource box, decide to buy or optin or whatever it is, or just click away from your article. A very small percentage will even read your article. Maybe 1 in 10. That's 10 readers for every 100 visitors. And the title of an article is just as important than the content. You should be spending plenty of time crafting out a quality title.

I'd rather produce a good informative article that gets the point across than try to produce an article that will take hours to write. Some people have minds that race, and others can get in 30-50 words a minute. Some people have both. That's a lethal concoction for article marketing. If you can type very quickly and are already well versed in the topic, then you can crank out a 250-300 words article in 10 to 15 minutes without doing any research.

Most people write articles and when you read them, it reads like a textbook. You'd want to be conversational in your articles. Think about the most entertaining books you have read; more likely than not, the tone of the book was conversational. It was as if the author was sitting in a caf with you and having a lively discussion. That's how you want to write your articles!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Strategies to Help Auto Dealers Increase Service Traffic

Remember when you could depend on warranty work to make your service department profitable? Or, when you could depend on customers coming in for service every three months or 3,000 miles for oil changes? There was a time when you didn't have to get aggressive or sell tires or worry about the competition or be open on Saturdays, but click your heels Dorothy, you aren't in Kansas anymore. The times have changed and you have to change with them or you will be left in the dust.

You know what I'm talking about. Warranty income is declining because cars are built better. Customer-pay repair work is falling. When was the last time you replaced a rusted out muffler or sold a set of shocks or struts? Now factor in that maintenance intervals are constantly being stretched, with 100,000-mile tune-ups and 50,000-mile coolant service recommendations from the factory. Synthetic oils and oil life monitors are pushing up oil change intervals as far as 10,000 miles or more. I have said this before - if the factory had their way they would weld the hood shut! The result of all this maintenance-free driving adds up to less service visits and less service income.

If that weren't bad enough, the competition has never been stronger! They're out in full force fighting for your customers. They're aggressive, competitive, convenient and convincing, and they are in prime locations with a mission to steal all of your customers. Count how many places you could go to have your car serviced on your way home tonight.

If you want to succeed in this business you have to beat the competition at their own game. You have to sell tires. You have to have low prices on oil changes and you have to be open and convenient. You have to give customers a reason to do business with you, and they will.

If you sell tires, and I hope you do, then you need to really get into the tire business. You need to look, smell, and feel like a tire store so when customers come in they will know you sell tires. Advertise it everywhere; the phone book under "Tires" is a good place to start. Put tires on all of your direct mail and tag your vehicle sales ads. We know that 75 percent of customers will buy all of their service work where they buy their tires, and we know that one out of seven customers that enter your service lane need tires. Plus, four out of five consumers will buy from the first person that tells them they need tires.

Offer a 20 percent low-price guarantee on tires. Tell customers to buy now with confidence and if they find the same tires for less within 60 days you'll pay them the difference, plus 20 percent. How much can it be? And when was the last time you went shopping for something after you already bought it? It doesn't happen, and if it does, give them the difference, plus 20 percent in the form of a credit for service. Do the math on how little that really costs you!

Next, when it comes to service traffic, the center point is your oil change price. It is the driving force that will make the difference between a traffic jam or tumbleweeds on your lane. Don't be afraid to get low and very aggressive on your oil change price. Something in the neighborhood of $17.95 will do the trick. Before you freak out, answer this question: how much do you make when the customers go somewhere else for service? You will undoubtedly have some customers that just come in for the low-priced, no-gross oil change. That's life. But you will also see repair orders that start out as oil changes turn into $1,000 tickets. Customers think you charge too much. Get low on the oil change and the services that customers have a perceived value on, and raise prices on repairs. It works, I've done it. Customers think that since your oil change and rotate and air filter are a great deal that everything must be a great deal.

Finally, let's talk about convenience. Are you open for business and convenient for your customers or just convenient for you? You have to be open early and close late if you want to attract customers to your store. I personally like a store to be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday - Saturday. It's easy for customers to remember, it's your niche, just like Wal-Mart being open 24 hours. Some dealerships are even starting to open Sundays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., and I say if the market dictates it, go for it.

Now, for all of you negative people who say you can't do enough business on Saturdays, I say this: go to a tire store or some other independent "convenient" shop and they will tell you that Saturday is their best day of the week. It's convenient for their customers, so they're open. One reason dealership service departments say they're slow on Saturdays is because all week customers are told to not come in on Saturday. Advisors use terms like half day, skeleton crew, parts problems, not enough time, etc. How many customers do you think would want to come to your store on Saturday and hang out with the skeletons anyway?

You have to be open all day Saturday. For those of you that want to cry about working too much, use shifts. The independents figured out how to do it, why can't you? Don't try to shortcut it to noon or 1 p.m. either. If you aren't open Saturdays all day you might as well close. Half-day Saturdays went out with the hula hoop and the 8 track. Service advisors and techs that work half-day Saturdays begin the morning telling customers that they can't get the job done because they close early. Way to go. The customer finally wants to give you a chance and you make him realize that he's made a mistake. We have to make it easy for customers to say yes and hard for them to say no to doing business with us if you want to succeed in the competitive world of auto service.

The bottom line: Now more than ever, you need every single service customer you can get. You have to get aggressive with your offers and your prices. You have to be open. You have to sell tires. And don't stop there. Train your service advisors on how to be service salespeople who know how to answer the phone, how to invite customers in and how to maximize opportunities by closing more deals on the drive. Become a Service Sales Manager - it's the most fun you'll ever have and the payback is awesome!

Randy R. Johnson is the founder and President of Car People Marketing, Inc., which provides customer loyalty and direct mail marketing solutions to increase the revenue and profitability of dealership service departments. He is a former owner of an independent repair shop, and was a fixed-ops director of 17 stores in Florida. He can be reached at http://www.carpeoplemarketing.com

Strategies to Help Auto Dealers Increase Service Traffic

Remember when you could depend on warranty work to make your service department profitable? Or, when you could depend on customers coming in for service every three months or 3,000 miles for oil changes? There was a time when you didn't have to get aggressive or sell tires or worry about the competition or be open on Saturdays, but click your heels Dorothy, you aren't in Kansas anymore. The times have changed and you have to change with them or you will be left in the dust.

You know what I'm talking about. Warranty income is declining because cars are built better. Customer-pay repair work is falling. When was the last time you replaced a rusted out muffler or sold a set of shocks or struts? Now factor in that maintenance intervals are constantly being stretched, with 100,000-mile tune-ups and 50,000-mile coolant service recommendations from the factory. Synthetic oils and oil life monitors are pushing up oil change intervals as far as 10,000 miles or more. I have said this before - if the factory had their way they would weld the hood shut! The result of all this maintenance-free driving adds up to less service visits and less service income.

If that weren't bad enough, the competition has never been stronger! They're out in full force fighting for your customers. They're aggressive, competitive, convenient and convincing, and they are in prime locations with a mission to steal all of your customers. Count how many places you could go to have your car serviced on your way home tonight.

If you want to succeed in this business you have to beat the competition at their own game. You have to sell tires. You have to have low prices on oil changes and you have to be open and convenient. You have to give customers a reason to do business with you, and they will.

If you sell tires, and I hope you do, then you need to really get into the tire business. You need to look, smell, and feel like a tire store so when customers come in they will know you sell tires. Advertise it everywhere; the phone book under "Tires" is a good place to start. Put tires on all of your direct mail and tag your vehicle sales ads. We know that 75 percent of customers will buy all of their service work where they buy their tires, and we know that one out of seven customers that enter your service lane need tires. Plus, four out of five consumers will buy from the first person that tells them they need tires.

Offer a 20 percent low-price guarantee on tires. Tell customers to buy now with confidence and if they find the same tires for less within 60 days you'll pay them the difference, plus 20 percent. How much can it be? And when was the last time you went shopping for something after you already bought it? It doesn't happen, and if it does, give them the difference, plus 20 percent in the form of a credit for service. Do the math on how little that really costs you!

Next, when it comes to service traffic, the center point is your oil change price. It is the driving force that will make the difference between a traffic jam or tumbleweeds on your lane. Don't be afraid to get low and very aggressive on your oil change price. Something in the neighborhood of $17.95 will do the trick. Before you freak out, answer this question: how much do you make when the customers go somewhere else for service? You will undoubtedly have some customers that just come in for the low-priced, no-gross oil change. That's life. But you will also see repair orders that start out as oil changes turn into $1,000 tickets. Customers think you charge too much. Get low on the oil change and the services that customers have a perceived value on, and raise prices on repairs. It works, I've done it. Customers think that since your oil change and rotate and air filter are a great deal that everything must be a great deal.

Finally, let's talk about convenience. Are you open for business and convenient for your customers or just convenient for you? You have to be open early and close late if you want to attract customers to your store. I personally like a store to be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday - Saturday. It's easy for customers to remember, it's your niche, just like Wal-Mart being open 24 hours. Some dealerships are even starting to open Sundays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., and I say if the market dictates it, go for it.

Now, for all of you negative people who say you can't do enough business on Saturdays, I say this: go to a tire store or some other independent "convenient" shop and they will tell you that Saturday is their best day of the week. It's convenient for their customers, so they're open. One reason dealership service departments say they're slow on Saturdays is because all week customers are told to not come in on Saturday. Advisors use terms like half day, skeleton crew, parts problems, not enough time, etc. How many customers do you think would want to come to your store on Saturday and hang out with the skeletons anyway?

You have to be open all day Saturday. For those of you that want to cry about working too much, use shifts. The independents figured out how to do it, why can't you? Don't try to shortcut it to noon or 1 p.m. either. If you aren't open Saturdays all day you might as well close. Half-day Saturdays went out with the hula hoop and the 8 track. Service advisors and techs that work half-day Saturdays begin the morning telling customers that they can't get the job done because they close early. Way to go. The customer finally wants to give you a chance and you make him realize that he's made a mistake. We have to make it easy for customers to say yes and hard for them to say no to doing business with us if you want to succeed in the competitive world of auto service.

The bottom line: Now more than ever, you need every single service customer you can get. You have to get aggressive with your offers and your prices. You have to be open. You have to sell tires. And don't stop there. Train your service advisors on how to be service salespeople who know how to answer the phone, how to invite customers in and how to maximize opportunities by closing more deals on the drive. Become a Service Sales Manager - it's the most fun you'll ever have and the payback is awesome!

Randy R. Johnson is the founder and President of Car People Marketing, Inc., which provides customer loyalty and direct mail marketing solutions to increase the revenue and profitability of dealership service departments. He is a former owner of an independent repair shop, and was a fixed-ops director of 17 stores in Florida. He can be reached at http://www.carpeoplemarketing.com

Article Marketing is Frustrating

So once again I am sitting here trying to figure out what to write and hoping that something insightful will come to my mind. So far it is not going very well but I have made very few grammatical or spelling errors. I'm trying to write another article about ice fishing but there is only so much that I can actually put into words. I have created a website all about it and now I am just trying to get the word out about it. If you type ice fishing pro into google you will find it and I'll definitely add a link at the end of this article. It is so tough but I guess I just have to put in a lot more hours into it.

Something that I have notice about letting my articles freely propagate throughout the net is that some webmasters are so rude that they will just post it up on their crappy sites without giving me proper credit and a link. I don't think that it is so much to ask and I would definitely give credit for the work that some poor sucker did. All I could do was just ask them to add my link. I was polite. But I just did that this morning and will probably never get any responses.

I have been at this article marketing thing for about two months now and have posted four articles online. I'm quite pleased with my work and it has actually gotten me about six extra hits a day but only one back link. I don't know if that is any good but I'm going to keep at it for as long as it keeps increasing my traffic. I really want this to work. Sitting in front of a computer and watching money roll in is my idea of the perfect job. I have signed up for quite a few of those make money online programs but the problem with those are that they all say the same thing, post online advertise and make money. Well that is a bloody brilliant scheme but it is not quite that easy. If it was, everyone would be millionaires. That would be a pretty scary world to live in.

Back to article marketing. I have found about a hundred or so site that will accept my submissions but when I check search engines I find no trace of my submission through their site. I have whittled it down to about a half dozen site that I submit to. I do this not to limit my exposure but to prevent myself from wasting time.

Article marketing can be a double edged blade. One side is the bit of added exposure that your site will get but the other side is the amount of time and creativity that it takes to actually make these silly things. Oh well, I'm going to keep at it until I figure out a much easier legal way to spread my messages across the net. I think you should too, although it may be frustrating it is definitely worth the small amount of work that you actually have to do.

Justin has not written many articles but would like everyone know that he is an up an coming web designer with dreams of ruling the internet from behind his computer. You can contact him through his website at icefishingpro.com

Article Marketing is Frustrating

So once again I am sitting here trying to figure out what to write and hoping that something insightful will come to my mind. So far it is not going very well but I have made very few grammatical or spelling errors. I'm trying to write another article about ice fishing but there is only so much that I can actually put into words. I have created a website all about it and now I am just trying to get the word out about it. If you type ice fishing pro into google you will find it and I'll definitely add a link at the end of this article. It is so tough but I guess I just have to put in a lot more hours into it.

Something that I have notice about letting my articles freely propagate throughout the net is that some webmasters are so rude that they will just post it up on their crappy sites without giving me proper credit and a link. I don't think that it is so much to ask and I would definitely give credit for the work that some poor sucker did. All I could do was just ask them to add my link. I was polite. But I just did that this morning and will probably never get any responses.

I have been at this article marketing thing for about two months now and have posted four articles online. I'm quite pleased with my work and it has actually gotten me about six extra hits a day but only one back link. I don't know if that is any good but I'm going to keep at it for as long as it keeps increasing my traffic. I really want this to work. Sitting in front of a computer and watching money roll in is my idea of the perfect job. I have signed up for quite a few of those make money online programs but the problem with those are that they all say the same thing, post online advertise and make money. Well that is a bloody brilliant scheme but it is not quite that easy. If it was, everyone would be millionaires. That would be a pretty scary world to live in.

Back to article marketing. I have found about a hundred or so site that will accept my submissions but when I check search engines I find no trace of my submission through their site. I have whittled it down to about a half dozen site that I submit to. I do this not to limit my exposure but to prevent myself from wasting time.

Article marketing can be a double edged blade. One side is the bit of added exposure that your site will get but the other side is the amount of time and creativity that it takes to actually make these silly things. Oh well, I'm going to keep at it until I figure out a much easier legal way to spread my messages across the net. I think you should too, although it may be frustrating it is definitely worth the small amount of work that you actually have to do.

Justin has not written many articles but would like everyone know that he is an up an coming web designer with dreams of ruling the internet from behind his computer. You can contact him through his website at icefishingpro.com