Friday, June 27, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Are you working long hours and feeling so tired that you could just lay down in the floor of that long empty condo on Baker St. that you have been trying to sell for six months? Have your clients been running you all over town and nit-picking every single house you show them? Has it been 3 weeks since you made a sale? You are likely working with the wrong kind of clients. I know, this sounds like the beginning of an infomercial, but I promise it is not. I have nothing to sell you, I just want to try to give you some pointers on attracting the right group of people to be your clientele in the real estate business.

Think back to when this slump first began. It started with one bad client, didn't it? We will call them the bad seed. Well, that seed planted something in you, probably subconsciously, that has sprouted and grown into this ugly monster that you are dealing with today. When that deal turned bad, you focused on the negatives in that deal. That focus was inadvertently turned to your clients. In doing so, you attracted the wrong set of clients and thus began the snowball rolling down the hill. Like energy attracts like energy, meaning that good attitudes will draw good attitudes to it. Keep in mind that most of the time when we get truly focused on something and we think about it constantly, it is a negative thing. Oh, I have no clients, I am making no money, all of the houses I am selling are in the slump. This attitude will get you no where when it comes to attracting decent clients in the real estate business. Instead of drowning in your sorrows, sit down and make a list of the things that you do not want.

Now, sit down with that list and for each thing that you do not want, attach something that you do want. Be detailed in what you want. Don't just write "I want to make more money." Write "I want to make a six figure income in this calendar year." Statements like that actually set a positive goal for you to strive to achieve. Aim for the stars when you are making your list, and know that with perseverance, you can attain those goals. Now that you have a list of things that you do want, cross of the things that you don't want, and don't look at that list again. Focus on the positive!

Clear your head of limitations. Everyone has self-imposed limitations. If you think about it, you do too. If you can honestly clear your mind of those self-imposed limitations, (which probably came about when you were down in the dumps emotionally) you will be able to push the envelope and get what you want.

Attitude is the key to having a successful real estate business. Your business can be as large or as small as you want it to be, it is truly up to you and your attitude. brings you real information on how to easily understand real estate, and how to afford to buy real estate. There's nothing to buy, so be sure to check out our real estate investor loans pages.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

To make the most of your Article Marketing, you want to have a very powerful prospect pulling resource box. The problem is most article writers do not know how to craft a prospect and profit pulling resource box.

One of the ways to do this is to tell a fib in your resource box.

How to FIB in Your Article Resource Box

You just need to know and use these 3 points:

Flow - You want to make sure your resource box flows out of your article. The biggest mistake I see article writers make is to start the resource box with their name. You might as well tell the reader the article is over and they can go home now.

Invite - Think in terms of an invitation, and invite your reader back to your web site or blog for more information. This is not a hard sell "go here now or you will starve" kind of thing. If you have done your job well in the article, the reader is now beginning to know, like and trust you, and you are going to invite them to learn more information from you.

Brand - Then and only then do you want to mention your name and your brand, to make sure the reader pairs the great information with your name and brand. I'll usually say something like "From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy.....etc."

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you tell a FIB in your article resource box to get more prospects from your article marketing.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Now more than ever, if you want to be a successful business owner, you need a successful business website. Which means you have to make nice with the search engines. And the long-standing rule of search engine friendliness is to create inbound links -- links from other sites pointing to your site.

Ten-ish years ago, when Google started the shift away from code to content (including inbound links) as the preferred way of determining "relevance," the world changed. Immediately, businesses owners started scrambling, and begging, for every link they could get. Thank goodness that's not the case anymore! But inbound links are still important. In many ways they're more vital than ever.

How then, does one go about getting those precious nuggets of hypertext anchor tagging? Social Media maven and "Chief Nut" Kevin Skarritt, our good friend and strategic ally at Acorn Creative, offered up these 10 strategies on his "Nuts and Bolts of Brand" blog. Good guy that he is, he gave us permission to share those key linking strategies with you here. Hit it!


Go out of your way to read other people's blogs. Your Mother always told you that reading is good for you. She was right! But, when you do so, be sure to productively interact with those bloggers. It makes them feel good. It validates what they're writing about. It starts up a relationship between the two of you. AND, here's the best part, it gives you an inbound link to your site.


Start your own blog and refer to all of those blogs you're reading in the form of a "trackback" in your posts. Don't know what this means? Check out the entry for "trackback" on Wikipedia, or go deeper with a tutorial. However you learn more about this linking strategy, please do, because it's a smart, easy, and effective way to get your website lots of inbound links.


Yes, PPC advertising is indeed an added marketing expense. However, it's a controllable, predictable means to build ROI, and a great way to build inbound links where you have control over the text used in the link tag.


Similar to blog comments and trackbacks, participating on industry forums will get you hooked up with other like-minded professionals, keep you abreast of current trends, and you get to build your own inbound links in the signature line of your posts.


Some new social networking sites on the web allow you to create content and post it in their domain as new pages. One great example of this is Seth Godin's By creating "lenses" that focus readers on a particular topic of interest, you get to engage readers and create more inbound links to your main site.


The concept of a wiki (like is that readers also become content contributors. Anyone who is registered can log in and change content. Understand that other readers of this information-rich content have zero tolerance for salesy/advertising tactics, so, be careful with this one. Be purely informative and helpful with your newly posted content. If the content survives peer scrutiny, you'll have a nice little inbound link that's potentially seen by millions.


MySpace and FaceBook for sure, but there's an explosion of social networking web sites out there. Dive in and start participating. Doing so allows you to interact with other professionals and, you guessed it, builds up inbound links.


Different than social networking, social bookmarking is similar to how you used to bookmark sites in your browser but, instead, you bookmark your favorite sites publicly, in sites like,,,, Google bookmarks ... the list goes on and on. The goal is to have people discover these bookmarks, and then your site. An added benefit to social bookmarking (and blog posts) is you get to "tag" your content with words and phrases that are relevant to the content. These tags are used to identify the content in the search process.


This is a variation of social bookmarking. There are sites that organize how people surf the web in an effort to make the process of finding the right content faster and more focused. (available as a Firefox plugin) is one of my favorites but others like Technorati (blog content), Digg (blogs, articles and news stories) and newcomer Trailfire (another Firefox plugin) allow users to power-surf, finding your site via inbound links.


Don't discount it just yet. Asking another site owner for a link sometimes still works. However, with all of the other options listed above, you'll quickly learn that this tactic is largely time-consuming and unproductive.

Any good car salesman will recite the old adage, "plan your work and work your plan." This especially holds true for your inbound link strategy. Whether you focus on one or set up a tactic to diversify, divide and conquer, don't wait. The success of your website -- and ultimately, your business -- depends on it!

(c) 2007 Epiphanies, Inc. As the "Content Lovers" of Epiphanies Inc., Lani & Allen Voivod help lifestyle entrepreneurs and bold-thinking small businesses "A-Ha Themselves" in fun and profitable ways. If you'd like to see the FREE report that generated over six figures of additional client work in less than two months, you can check it out at!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Websites the world over depend on articles to draw attention to potential readers and customers. This does require a few key steps to make sure your that you succeed in your marketing strategies.

You can use an autoresponder program to automatically send articles to all your customers. The autoresponder program can be set up to deliver emails at set intervals to a list of email addresses. You could gather together all your articles into one giant electronic book. Then simply transfer your text to the autoresponder and let it do the work for you. Some people prefer to read books this way because they can download the information into their PDAs and take it with them wherever they go. This could be an excellent gift idea you could offer free to your regular customers.

Submit to free article directories. There are countless article directories that accept copies for free. This will surely give you maximum exposure as they do have lots of subscribers. Don't forget to add a well-written resource box, with appropriate link going to your website.Load your articles with information. The main reason why someone is reading your copy is because he or she is looking for information. So stop beating around the bush and get to the point.

Do your research carefully, because that's the only way to get information that is consistently timely and accurate. There is a nearly infinite amount of data on the internet, most of it known to very few people, and you can use that data to support your articles. Articles need to appear professional, so make sure that you proofread them to eliminate spelling and grammar errors that can detract from your message.

Talk to online businesses that are similar to yours, but not direct competitors. Many websites are related to yours and seeking out new content that you could provide, so by calling or e-mailing them to let them know you are interested, you may have a better chance of getting an article published on their site to attract traffic to your site.

You can get a free copy of my latest ebook by clicking here: The 7 Keys To Business Marketing Success. Eric Menzies writes about Business Marketing at

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

You want efficient, inexpensive and effective ways to target your market. You don't want to spend a lot of money, and you don't want to work too hard.

There are several Internet marketing techniques that can accomplish this goal. Target marketing allows you to drive qualified prospects to your web site without the need of a huge advertising budget or any support staff. Let us talk about the concept of target marketing.

Target marketing is simply knowing who, what and where that your product or service addresses. The actual people, places and things that the product benefits the most, you need a target to hit with an arrow, or else anywhere will do.

That very same concept also applies to Internet marketing. Knowing exactly who you are targeting will allow you to hit that target, and hit it more often. It's a game of probability. We want to tailor our marketing to the individuals with the highest probability of using our services.

Just like a dart in the bull's-eye will get you most points, a plan that hits right in the middle of a well-selected market will get you the most money and cost you the least. The benefit of target marketing is simple efficiency. Target marketing is a method to more efficiently reach your customers. Target marketing is a better use of your most valuable resources to generate revenue. It is as straightforward as that.

Your goal is to get to know as much information as you can about your existing or prospective customers. The more you know about your customers, the better you will be able to make decisions that will enhance your ability to communicate and connect with them. The more intimate details you know about the lives of your customers, the more likely you are to connect with them.

To make money you will need to consider who benefits the most from your products or services. One of the best ways to identify your target market is to look at your existing customer base. Who are your ideal clients? What could they have in common? What are they looking for? Does this product or service fulfill that need?

Now since you probably don't already have an existing customer base, and because you are targeting a completely new audience, you'll have to speculate on who they might be, based on their needs and the benefits they will receive.

You need to do some research. Look into already existing businesses and get onto some of their newsletters. Take a look at what people are actually buying from them. Figure out what need is being met.

There is simply no more important part of target marketing. If you can match your benefits with your potential clients' needs, you'll make money. Of course there is much more to target marketing, but this is a good overview on how you should think.

John Tebar CLC, Entrepreneur, Author for more information go to

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

What is a quality incoming link? This article describes the key characteristics of a perfect link. For explanation purposes, the sample company is a shoe retailer called Fred's Sports, and the keyword phrase being optimized for is "blue Nike sneakers".

Key word phrase in anchor text
Unless you put your keyword phrase in the anchor text (the text that describes the web site being linked to), you are wasting a lot of link power. Unfortunately a lot of people don't know this an end up putting their company name in the link text rather than the keyword phrase that they want their company to be found by. Much better that they link anchor says "blue Nike sneakers" than "Fred's Sports Store".

The link is from a relevant page
Google and the Google-powered search partners seek relevance in the interconnectedness of web pages. Incoming links should be from pages where the content on that page is related to the content of the page that is being linked to. A fishing related page linking to a casino site is an example of a non-related link. A jogging related page linking to a blue Nike sneakers product page is related and is looked upon favourably by the search engines.

The link goes to a relevant page
Another mistake that people make is always linking to the home page rather than to the most relevant page to the anchor text. If the link anchor text is "blue Nike sneakers" then the link should go to a page about blue Nike sneakers, not the home page. This is by far and away the most common linking mistake.

The link is from an authority site
Links from high Google PageRank sites are worth more, a lot more, than links from other sites. It's all about trust. A link from a trusted site tells the search engines that the sites linked to are also trusted - it's a vote of confidence from a credible source. Links from .gov, and .edu sites are also reported as having more weight than standard links. They are also more difficult to get adding to their perceived quality.

The link is at top of the page
Links from the top of a page (except for the header), are said to have more weight than links at the bottom of pages. It's the same with keyword phrases. A keyword phrase in the heading is worth more than in the body text.

The link is one-way, not reciprocal
Google's algorithm looks for link exchanges between sites and rates these links lower than straight one-way links. If possible, look for one way links by creating link bait - compelling content that will encourage people to link to your pages.

The link is within the body copy - not an advertising zone
Linking should be a natural part of the body copy. Recent reports suggest that the search engines will derate links from parts of the page that are traditionally sold for advertising. these tend to be the margins, header and footer areas of the page.

The link does not have a nofollow tag
The nofollow tag is a recent innovation that tells the search engines that although I am linking to this other page, I do not vouch for the page's integrity. In short, the nofollow tag tells the search engines to ignore the link. Obviously you do not want links to your web pages to have nofollow tags. Be careful with link exchanges. Some dishonest people will exchange links with you but use nofollow tags in the links to your pages to preserve their own link power.

There are few links on page (less than 20)
One link to your web site from a page with hundreds of links does little for your SEO results. The page's SEO power is being distributed over all the other links on the page. Goo;le's guidelines recommend no more than 100 links per page, but I believe 20 is a reasonable goal. You never know when the Google algorithm may change. The perfect page that links to your pages should have no more than 20 links.

John Hacking, SEO Brisbane, is Product Manager for Search Tempo, a Brisbane specialist SEO company. Search Tempo also conducts Australian SEO training. For daily updates, check the SEO Blog.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

When you're new at something,such as an Internet marketing business it could be your best investment to hire a professional consultant to save you from the myriad of costly mistakes most newbies make.It's called paying your dues and might be money well spent!

With the extreme amount of competition that is present in the online arena nowadays, internet marketing has become the biggest challenge that webmasters and web businesses are facing .

While designing and setting up a web page or a web based business is one of the easiest things to do nowadays, making your web site successful is one of the toughest.

With millions and millions of similar businesses being present in almost every arena and with new ones coming up every day, making your web site see the light of the day is a job that is becoming tougher and tougher.

During these times, hiring an internet marketing consultant can prove to be not just a good, but an extremely profitable idea for your web based business.

Hiring a good internet consultant can actually turn around the fortunes of a floundering internet based business or web site.Online Business consultants working with professional companies are generally highly trained and certified. Not only can these people help you in getting more visitors to your site, they can also help you in making more sales or conversions.

Internet marketing consultants can employ a number of the latest techniques to increase website traffic. At the same time, these firms or people will also be able to increase the amount of relevant traffic to your web site by using a number of internet marketing tools and techniques like search engine optimization, link building, directory submissions and pay per click advertising.

Apart from offering marketing advice, a large number of good marketing consultants will also be able to help you in bringing down costs and overheads while increasing efficiency.

So, if you have not availed the services of an internet marketing consultant till date, then you should definitely do it now to improve the popularity of your web site and increase your profits.

A large number of internet professionals offer free initial consultations and asking at least two or three such professionals to evaluate your website for free will give you a fair idea of how such a service can help you.

Apart from this, you can also get a good idea about the services that each internet marketing consultant will be able to provide for you and help you in choosing the best firm for your business.

When hiring a consultant or firm, make sure that you check their credentials thoroughly. The firm that you hire should have to its credit at least some years of experience in the same field. They should also be able to provide you with the details of their previous projects and clients. An honest and professional firm should be able to give you complete details of past marketing campaigns along with the strategies and tools used, the costs involved and the increase in site visits and conversions as a result.

Your internet marketing consultants should also be able to tell you about the strategies that they plan to use for marketing your website and have a projected estimation of the results that they would be able to achieve for you.

Peter Milazzo has been involved in sales and marketing for nearly 30 years.He was for many years the top salesperson for a major U.S. corporation and is a successful entrepreneur having run several profitable businesses.To learn hundreds more proven money making techniques on Internet marketing visit

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Key words are the magic players who let search engines to recognize your website and take your website to higher rankings. Key words are the single or multiple words that describe the content of your website most appropriately and relevantly. When you select keywords, you must do it very carefully and intelligently following the guidelines that I provide in this post.

There are few tools in the internet where you can find keywords. Two of them are keyworddiscovery and free tools in seobook dot com. The keyworddiscovery dot com asks for purchasing their service but also provides a free trial where you can register with an email. The free trial only allows limited number of keyword searches per day. But if you can create few email accounts and register in keyworddiscovery dot com, you can easily avoid this limitation. SEO tools in seobook dot com are absolutely free and they were designed by the father in SEO, one of my favorite, AARON MATTHEW WALL. These tools are highly used and trusted by many SEO guys around the world. If you have money to spend, there are hundreds of sophisticated and automated SEO software to be sold. But I personally feel that the free tools I provided are quite enough to SEO your website. All you have to do is thinking of a keyword or few keywords which describes the content of your website or webpage best. Then search them with an above mentioned tool and check the number of searches. You have to find your keyword or number of keywords in a way that they have the highest number of searches.

It is a better approach if you can have a keyword phrase than a single keyword. Because it is proved that the keyword phrases are more productive compared to a single keyword. For an example, let's assume that your website is about webhosting and the keywords you found are "web hosting", "cheap hosting" and reliable hosting", you can make a phrase as "cheap reliable web hosting". Never use a single key word or phrase for multiple pages. Always try to use a different keyword phrase for each webpage. Otherwise you will lose the quality and productivity of the SEO. Never use more than two primary and few secondary keyword phrases. I will let you how to and where to put these primary and secondary keywords in the coming posts.

If your website has more than hundred pages, make sure that all your pages convey the main theme and niche of your website. Each page must have a unique content and it should be informative and useful for your visitors and customers. As I mentioned earlier, you must have separate keyword phrases for each page. Always make sure that you select the best keyword phrase for each page.

If there are dynamically generated web pages in your website, you should find a technique to add the keyword phrase suitable for each page. For an example, if you provide a customized search option in your website, the result page will differ according to the search parameters. Then you have to define keywords for each criterion and add it in the programming level of the website. The most important thing you must understand is, the best keyword phrase you found for a page might not be the best after few months. You must do keyword research few times per year if you maintain a high productivity in your SEO effort. In the next post I will explain you about the webpage optimization and homepage optimization.

Sampath Wijeratne is the administrator and main contributor of which provides information on various topics related to the internet with free of charge. It also provide RSS subscription through a RSS link and by email. You will find more related articles in his website.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Many internet marketers try to fight just to get onto the first page of Google to totally dominate their keyword. There is a marketing strategy that can get you onto the first page. That is article marketing.

How do you do it? It's simple. Just start writing articles about whatever it is you want to market. But you have to write many articles. You have to completely flood the market with your articles if you want to get onto the first page of Google. So to help you out on your article marketing success, here is a simple guideline that you should follow.

1. Your articles must contain quality information! Your articles need to have valuable information for the reader. When you give away valuable information, that is where people are going to be linking your articles, and that is how your going to get onto Google's first page.

2. Use your resource box to your advantage. Don't waste this valuable tool. Use your resource box is the gateway where people are going to go to to find out more about your product or your website. Your resource should have a catch and a link. Get your readers hooked by your resource by giving them a call to action. Have your resource box look professional. Don't fill it with a bunch of links. This looks childish and no one will go to any of them.

3. DO NOT make your articles too long. Long articles are boring and no one will want to read them. Give them information fast. That's what people want. They want information fast and to the point. Get in, and get out. Don't beat around the bush. If your article HAS to be long, than put in bullets and paragraphs so people can have access to the main points of the article.

4. You must write a lot of articles if you wish to get onto the first page of Google. This is the best way to get onto the first page of Google and stay there. Flood the marketing with your articles and just keep writing. You have to write more than 100 articles. Don't worry, it'll be easy.

5. Follow the guidelines. Don't break the rules. You don't want to get your valuable article marketing account deleted. You'll get taken off of Google!

Use this guide to article marketing, and soon you'll be getting the traffic that you've always wanted.


Want to learn how to make some serious online income? Sign up for my FR-EE online money making ecourse by Clicking Here Now, and I'll teach you how to do it step by step!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Automatic link exchange is the method of links being instantaneously switched over with other Internet websites. There are assorted ways of arranging an automatic link exchange with webmasters. The quickest and most effective way to forward emails to another website owner is to perform an automatic link exchange. Many computer users visit webmaster discussion boards which offer a specific automatic link exchange forum where different webmasters can actually request an instantaneous link exchange, whether its a particular category or even open to the public. The control panel edits and deletes the links automatically. Automatic link exchange detects the various links that do not respond and you can immediately notify the website owners or simply delete the links with one click.

Automatic link exchange directories are used frequently by several webmasters to attempt and build up their link popularity generally by searching for other proficient webmasters listed in the directory who are looking for link trades. The majority of these automatic link exchange directories charge a nominal fee for the access to the webmaster directory or even the database. However, one can find many free link exchange directories on the Internet. Often at times extremely useful, the automatic link exchange is viable. However, its wise to be cautious with whom you trade the links. Getting in the habit of trading with the wrong site can have a horrific impact on your own Internet website. The safest bet is to maintain a specific and secured linking method where you neither accept links from certain non-related Internet websites nor even post links to these non-related Internet websites.

Discovering websites via the automatic link exchange that resemble your own Internet website may be quite difficult. However, its important to note that the end result is usually at best when simply linking to a multitude of websites that arent in your particular industry whatsoever. In other words, with the automatic link exchange, its much more achievable to find ten links from Internet websites that are similar to your own than finding plenty of links from Internet websites that are foreign to your demographics, interests and target market.

There are a host of considerations with the automatic link exchange. Its important to note that search engines look at the Internet websites that links to you and alludes to a particular theme for your own website. This is based on your own Internet website content as well as an assortment of content from the websites linking to your own. Various undiscovered and secret methods that the search engines use that are improbable to understand completely may not actually help with your specific cause in the automatic link exchange. Therefore, its not necessary to learn them.

The author is owner & operator of several automatic link exchange websites. Visit today.

Article Marketing What You Know

If you want to be good at article marketing, you have to give quality content! And how do you give the best quality content? You have to talk about what you already know! This is the best way to really excel in article marketing. If you don't talk about what you already know about, your going to be left behind.

When you start article marketing, talk about something that your capable of talking about. Don't talk about fishing when you have no idea what kind of bait to use if you want to catch a certain fish! This is crazy! Talk about something that you really understand.

Usually people get into article marketing because of affiliate programs. Well there is a little something that you should know about affiliate programs. ONLY JOIN THE ONES THAT YOU KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT! Don't join an affiliate program about video games if you've never played any. That is why so many beginning article marketers fail. They don't know what they're talking about, and so they give up. Start writing about something that your comfortable writing about. If you don't your going to lose!

You need to be an expert on whatever your writing your article about. You can't do this if you have no idea of what your writing about. How do you expect to write hundreds of articles about something you've never touched,or used? It's insane! Your just going to be wasting your time because no one is going to take you seriously.

Find a topic that you can talk about, and your article marketing success will skyrocket.


Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Gone are the days when you have to launch link building campaigns and literally beg established webmasters to link with you to increase your page ranking. Today, obtaining quality inbound links can be done by just writing and submitting your articles on leading publishing sites like EzineArticles.

Here are the 4 marvelous steps to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Make your articles interesting to read. It is very important that you give your readers great reading experience. This is one element that can lead to rapport and trust. Write your articles in a conversational tone, insert comic relief whenever appropriate, ask questions once in while, and connect your readers to your content.

2. Less is more. Ditch the idea that your article will be more valuable to the eyes of online users when it runs more than 1,000 words. Truth be told, online users get easily bored with lengthy articles especially if they don't offer page break or if they are not scannable. Strive to make your articles short but concise by offering your information upfront and by avoiding using too much fillers and fancy words on your content.

3. Talk about your products. I don't mean advertising your products blatantly on your content. By this, I mean write about topics that will build up your offering so they will become more valuable to your readers. For instance, if you are selling diet pills, you can talk about the disadvantages of being fat and offer your product as solution.

4. Offer only quality content. If you want your articles to be read and republished, you have to make sure that they are well-written and informative. People simply love reading articles that are easy to understand and offer sound solutions to their problems.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Link building is definitely the hot thing right now. So, what exactly is link building? Simply put, link building means increasing the number of links on other websites which point to your website. Why do this? The idea is that in the eyes of the search engines, the more links a site has pointing to it, the more relevant and important it must be, therefore it gets ranked higher.

There are several ways to build external links, some more effective than others:

1. Submit your site to directories. This used to be very effective, but now since it seems like everyone is doing it, the search engines have caught on a bit, and it has also leveled the playing field to some extent. Submitting your site to directories in your industry is the best way to go.

2. Join online forums. Most forums allow you to have a signature which includes your url. Every time you post a comment, your url appears, thus another external link is born. Contribute to these forums, post new topics, get involved. The bonus is you can learn something while you're there.

3. Write and submit articles. If you like to write, this is a great tool for you. You can submit your articles to sites such as, where others may use your articles on their sites. Every time your article appears, so does your signature which includes your link.

4. Join social networking sites. Sites such as (Which I use) or Myspace or Facebook are great places to interact with others, post comments, and a great place to build links.

5. Blogs. Start your own blog - its free and easy at or It's a great source for links, and creates lots of relevant content. Also, post comments on other's blogs. This will create more links to you, plus if you post a comment on someone's blog, they are more likely to check yours out and do the same.

Keep in mind, though, link building is just one effective tool in the SEO arsenal. Do it well, but don't neglect the other methods.

Amir Watynski owns Watt Media, Inc., which helps businesses promote their services and enhance their image with telephone "on-hold" messages and music, and web design services. Website: Blog: