Sunday, May 18, 2008

How To Maximize Every Article You Write By Thinking Outside Of The Box!

It pays to think outside of the box in business. If you utilize every resource you have to its maximum, it only means larger profits! This article will discuss several ways to advertise your articles for maximum exposure all over the World Wide Web.

1) Post your articles to article directories

This is the common one. But do not only post to one article directory like many article writers do. Find three popular directories and post all your articles to them. Thats right, all of them! You want to get as many visitors to your website as possible, dont you?

2) Post them to your blog

A blog needs content, and what better way to add content to it then by using your existing articles? Instead of spending time on the keyboard struggling to come up with new content, simply use the articles you have already written.

3) Post them on forums

Forums are a great way to brand yourself as an expert in your niche. You can start new threads that encourage discussion by using some of your more controversial articles. People will start to pay attention to you if you post interesting content.

4) Create e-reports

You can compile a set of related articles that you have written into an e-report. This is an awesome method to create an instant product! E-reports can be given away or sold and they are great for establishing credibility. In fact, if you have many articles, you can create dozens of these small reports.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before its gone!

Article Marketing - My Private SEO Experiment

In this article I would like to go over some interesting things that I discovered from search engine optimization using article marketing.

For the purpose of this experiment I set up two web sites. One is a blog and another a lead capture page with a blog as well in a directory on the domain.

Now what has really been interesting is the following. The first few months my sites had virtually no rankings on Google. After about five months I started to notice search engine traffic from Google. A few months later there was a lot more traffic.

Analyzing the links pointing towards my web site I discovered the following. I had a lot of links pointing from the major article directories that have a very good page rank. Also as more web sites published my articles I got a lot of one way links to my web site.

Basically my web sites were beginning to rank well because of all the links that I was getting. Before I was doing article marketing I was submitting to directories. This can be very costly, but is a very quick way to get links. You just need to be sure that you only submit to a few directories a month because if you submit to many directories at once Google may discount the links.

I also use to do reciprocal linking. This use to work before. Unfortunately with the changes in the Google algorithm this is no longer effective because Google is trying to combat spam.

The valuable lesson that I learnt from article marketing is that you only need to write a lot of articles and submit them to the major article directories to get good search engine rankings.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Targeted Article Marketing - Create More Money In Article Marketing

Article marketing is the fuel for my system. Everyone has to have a fuel. Others have other fuels some of you have affiliate programs, some of you have ppc, some of you do crazy free traffic stuff that I dont understand. I have tried all of that stuff and none of it worked for me like all the crazy manuals tell me it would.

I bought special affiliate software and I spent money to do free traffic dont ask me how..but you probably already know! But them I stumbled on article marketing. I was trying to get high rankings for a niche web site and it worked. I was crazy with that I was writing one article per day and submitting it to like 80 article directories and then the next day I would write another article and submit it to like the same 80 it was crazy times.

Then I decided to start testing where the traffic was coming from and found that 95% of my traffic was coming from one group of five directories (I was not willing to set up tracking links for all 80, so I did it in groups).

Then I found that one directory was responsible for around 95% of that group and so now I dont submit to all of them that much, except when I have a new site and I need fast inbound links, so I can start ranking then it is really useful.

But now I write like 20 articles a day and that is the way I have gotten a lot of traffic with article marketing.

Some people will ask me how I do it how I have built a business on article marketing and then I tell them or they pay me to tell them and then they go out and write 10 articles look that wont work have you seen how many I write?

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 900 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Amazing Article Marketing - Discover 6 Key Secrets to Explode Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best traffic-generating tools these days. Aside from the fact that it allows you to share your knowledge so your potential readers will consider you as an expert on your field, it also boosts your sales and profits by allowing you to advertise your products and services online for free.

1. Produce outstanding articles. If you want to succeed in this marketing technique, you should make the quality of your content your number one priority. This will either make or break your promotional campaign. To make sure that your copies will be read or republished, they must be content-rich, useful, scannable, easy to understand, keyword-rich, and informative.

2. Be familiar with the rules set by various publishing sites. This will help you write copies that conform to the terms and conditions set by publishers. This will increase the chances of your articles being accepted and published online.

3. Submit regularly. To make your online presence felt, you must write and submit your reading materials on a regular basis. Experts agree that you need at least 3 submissions per day to get optimum result from this method.

4. Track the performance of your articles online. Determine the click through rate of each of your copies to identify which ones are being read. The data that you can obtain through this process can be used in improving your techniques in writing and submitting your articles.

5. Widely distribute your articles. Aside from publishing sites like ezinearticles dot com, you can also post your copies to your website, blog, social bookmarking sites, or even on forums.

6. Proofread. Grammar, spelling, and factual mistakes can easily annoy readers. To make sure that you give your potential clients great reading experience, make it a point to manually proofread your articles before posting them online.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Best Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Incredible Ways to Explode Your Article Marketing

Your desire to impart your knowledge can take you a long way in internet marketing. Write articles that contain information that will be useful and valuable to your target market and submit them to publishing sites. This will not only help you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche, it will also augment the number of your inbound links that can easily pull up your search engine ranking.

Here are the 4 incredible ways to explode your article marketing:

1. Go for original content. While it is tempting to duplicate other writers' content, you must think of prioritizing your readers and give them fresh and new content that they will surely appreciate. Besides, copying others' work can greatly ruin your online credibility and can lead to penalties from the search engines.

2. Submit your articles to publishing sites the proper way. Identify the keywords to which your articles were based on and write a compelling article summary that will drive online users to check on your content. Use the preview feature of each publishing sites to ensure that all your links are working and that there is a proper spacing within you content to that make them easy on the eyes.

3. Ensure that your articles are posted online. Check publishing sites at least 5 days after your submission to check if your articles were accepted. Too many times articles are declined because of keyword spamming, inappropriate content, broken links, and blatant advertisements.

4. Use article submission software. Manually submitting your articles to publishing sites can be tedious, time-consuming, and downright exhausting. It can also eat up a lot of your writing time. Buy yourself more time and energy by using software that can help you electronically distribute your articles to various publishing sites.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Idea Creation

What Do I Write About?

Writing articles is not as difficult as you think. Think what your customers need to know about your products and you should easily be able to come up with ten or even more ideas about the articles you can write about.

Here are a few tips you can apply when planning to write articles:

1.If you do not know where to start, then go to where the money is.

Research for niches that are highly marketable and be creative. For example, we all know that 'golf' is a very popular word online. Everybody who's everybody else has written about that niche. So be creative. Look for long-tail keywords pertaining to that niche. Long-tail keywords are keywords which are more than 2 or 3 words long. 'Golf training', for example is a long-tail keyword, so is 'golf balls and clubs'. Write anything which are golf-related, but golf itself. You can easily write 10 articles from that niche itself.

2.Go to forums in your niche.

Look closely at the questions being asked. Supply the answer. A glass of water to a thirsty crowd is very very valuable!

3.Go to the best article directories

Get some ideas for articles from articles that are already there. Do not copy, but get some ideas from articles that are already written and accepted by these article directories.

4.Go to your competitors' websites, or websites that provide complimentary products to yours.

Check the information there. If they have great content, re-write their content into articles in your very own words. Remember this is research.

5.Look for ideas in blogs pertaining to your niche.

Use your main keywords and the term 'blog'. Have a feel of what people are talking about in your niche. If they have questions, answer them. Simple as that.

When you have finished writing your articles, the next thing to do is to submit those articles to article directories for exposure and great links. Here are the top 4 article directories:





The above tips and tricks provide an amazing launchpad for you in your article-writing venture. Try them and see what works best for you.

Article Marketing is just one of the way to generate Free traffic to your website. If you would like to learn more about Traffic Generation Tips and How you can start Generating Flood of Free Traffic from All Major Search Engines to your website, Click here to sign up for Your FREE e-Course worth $69.97USD Now!

Article Submission Services-Get Your Website Recognized Globally

Well after checking over the title of this article I am sure you must have scratched your head and said, "Is it possible to get my website recognized globally?" Well let me tell you this "Yes" this is possible. Article submission is a great way to get your website recognized in Google as well as in other search engines. It's not just about writing effective and appealing articles. However it is the way you showcase these articles to the world with the link back of your website.

If you feel I am speaking something logical then you better check out the following importance of Article submissions services.

Article submission is basically posting your article to different article directories with the link pointing back at your website. Different article submissions sites have different format for posting articles. One of the popular article directory on the web is Every article directory requires you to register and signup with an Author name. Likewise you not only get an opportunity to post an article to these article submission sites but also get yourself the credit for the article. One of the most important purposes of posting an article in the article submission sites is the resource box wherein you can speak about yourself as the author and most importantly leave a link of your website. Article submission is the best way to increase the back links of your website. So basically the more article directories you submit your article to the more back links you will have for your website.

There is no doubt that article submission can be a bit time consuming and a boring process considering the hundreds of article submission sits you have to post your article. If you too fall in a similar category then you better switch over to an SEO firm that will offer you effective article distribution services. There are thousands of SEO firm out there who offer such types of services on the web. A proper research can help you find a firm that will help you distribute your articles to different article directories.

Isabel is the author of this article on Article submission service. He has been a professional writer and currently handles an SEO Firm. Find more informatoin about his website at

Article Marketing - Top 10 Places to Market Your Articles (Besides Article Directories)

If you write articles to market your web site, then you know how much time you need invest to make it worthwhile. Most site owners use article directories to distribute their articles however this limits the amount of traffic you can receive. If this resource dries up and is no longer effective it will cut into your profits. Therefore don't place all your eggs in one basket by just using one resource.

1. Your own web site or blog

I always add articles to my web site first then wait for the search engines to spider the web page. This ensures the web page containing the article will be ranked first in the search engines so I can capture the most visitors. If you submit your article elsewhere first that site will rank ahead of your own. This means you will miss out on garnering the most traffic.

2. Complimentary web sites

Contact web site owners that have similar content to your own. Offer them your content making sure they include the live links in your resource box so you receive the benefit of an incoming link. You can find some of these sites at ezine directories where site owners have indicated they want to receive articles from others.

3. Ezine directories

If you already send out a regular ezine or newsletter that includes your newly written content, then be sure to also submit it to ezine or newsletter directories.

Here's a list of the top twenty ezine directories:

4. Printed version

Visitors to your web site don't often have time to read all your articles but may print them out for reading later. You can offer a printed version by converting it to a PDF file. A PDF file is the most browser friendly file because it will print correctly for any type of computer.

5. Social bookmarketing sites

These sites allow users to search, share, organize, and store bookmarks of different web pages. Below is a list of social book marketing sites you can submit to:

Social book marketing sites that don't use the nofollow tag (a tag which allows them to get spidered)

6. Reports and E-books

Take 10 articles you have written on a specific topic to create a short report. If you have many articles, compile them into an ebook. The report or ebook can be distributed to ebook directories or offered as a free download for subscribing to your ezine. You can also offer them to web site owners in exchange for a link to their web site. If you wish make money from the content within your ebook or report, include links back to your site, affiliate programs or other products.

7. Video and Audio

Not all people like to read content online. Modifying your content by creating a video or audio will help reach a wider audience. For example almost everyone is familiar with YouTube videos. Place the content of your article into a video file then upload it to youtube using your best keywords. When users do a search for those keywords your video may appear. You have now created another traffic resource.

8. RSS Feeds and Directories

RSS stands for "really simple syndication". People use RSS readers or news aggregators to obtain a summary of the articles on your web site or blog. This enables them to quickly discern what ones they wish to read.

Most blogs (ie Word Press) have RSS feeds built in and automatically ping the main RSS directories. If you don't have an RSS feed for your web site create one manually ( Submitting your RSS feeds to the main RSS directories is another way to increase the amount of visitors to your site because you created another method to distribute your content.

Top 55 RSS Submission Sites

9. Press Release

Increase your visibility and search engine rankings by sending out a press release about your web site. Make sure it is newsworthy otherwise irt will not be accepted.

Here are 2 free services

10. Guest Writer

If you have already built a good reputation in your niche you may get asked to write an article for an authority web site, blog or local newspaper column. This will help build lots of valuable links and increase visitors and sales from your web site. You can also search for web sites and blogs related to your area of expertise

and offer to contribute articles as a guest writer.


Don't just focus on article syndication sites as the sole source of content marketing. You worked hard to produce well written, unique content. If you use these top ten strategies to extend the mileage of your articles, you will receive a great boost in web traffic.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Design, SEO, Hosting

Receive fresh, in-depth articles articles on how
to design, optimize and promote your web site by subscribing
to his"Marketing Tips" newsletter at:

Fast Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Best Ways to Excel at Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the oldest forms of advertising that has been used even before the internet has been discovered. It was first used in newspapers where editors solicit free content from marketers in exchange of free advertising space. Due to its success, marketers have incorporated this technique in their internet marketing efforts.

Here are the 4 best ways to excel at article marketing:

1. Establish your expertise on your chosen niche by writing articles that are useful and relevant to your target market. Impart your knowledge to either help your potential clients resolve their pressing issues or increase their knowledge about the niche to which they belong to. If you can consistently provide your readers with content-rich articles, you can easily persuade them to trust you and follow your recommendations.

2. Drive quality traffic to your website by making your resource box powerful and enticing. To boost your conversation rate, communicate to your readers the benefits they can get once they accessed your website or offer incentives to make your call to action even more enticing.

3. Pull up your search engine ranking by obtaining more inbound links for your website. This can easily be done by writing and submitting more articles on publishing sites. Remember, each submission grants you at least one quality inbound link. So, the more articles you write, the higher your chances of ranking better on major search engines.

4. Increase your sales leads by writing about topics that can directly or indirectly promote your products and services. For instance, if you are selling sunglasses, you can write about celebrity sunglasses, where to find signature sunglasses, how to spot a genuine sunglasses, etc. By doing so, you will be able to attract the right kind of people who are most likely to consider the products that you offer.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Intermediate Ways to Create More Money In Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies around and the best thing is that it is virtually free to do. You just need to look at the way marketers are flocking towards article marketing to drive traffic to their sites and to create backlinks for search engine optimization, and you would understand how effective this proves to be. So, if you have a site, you should surely make use of article marketing to drive targeted traffic.

Another advantage to article marketing is that it can actually result in generating viral traffic to your sites with the increase in the number of publishers publishing your articles on their sites. This kind of viral marketing really spreads your name and site throughout and several useful and beneficial avenues open up in front of you.

The best thing about article marketing is that it drives targeted traffic to your site. When someone clicks the link to your site, it means that he read the article and found it interesting enough to try to find more of it and it makes an image of you as an expert in your chosen field.

Each and every article of yours, that gets published results in more and more advertising for your site. After all you are allowed to place a link at the end of the article or in the about the author section. You can place a small snippet about you establishing yourself as some kind of an expert. That would build your credibility and would drive traffic

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Article Marketing Online

Article marketing is an inexpensive venture and can dramatically increase your pool of leads. It can even help you increase your bottom line by adding new streams of income. Article marketing is the absolute advertising technique if you are promoting affiliate products. I bet you think that I am going to list all of the standard reasons, right? Article marketing is one of the best ways to pre-sell a product because it allows you to gain enough credibility with your reader that they are more apt to click on your resource box link to find out more.

Article marketing is one of the best traffic generating strategies and it's easily picked up by the search engines if you chose the right topic, keywords and of course the correct site to submit. I'm am just starting out after read a lots on the internet. and it seems that is the best. I would like to generating some qualified traffic to my site. Article marketing is one of the new, Hot ways to generate traffic, because you are meeting the needs of search engines and the needs of your human website visitors as well. You can distribute articles to submission websites like, and they will be published all over the Internet, with your contact information. Article marketing is by far the most misunderstood form of online marketing there is. It is many different things to many different people.

Article marketing is a tool whose time has come: You can write free articles about your area of expertise. Those articles are distributed across the internet, generating exposure and positive publicity about your business as they are used as free content on various websites. Article marketing is one of the best ways to build free traffic, build your link popularity, build your contact list .

Article marketing is the best content-based marketing solution in the internet today. That is why; every webmasters would like to excel in this technique to get ahead of the pack. Article marketing is a great way to promote your affiliate product or affiliate program. By writing an article that delivers value and offers a subtle mention of your affiliate product, you're well on your way to getting the proper exposure for your promotion. Article marketing is the process of writing articles and submitting them to other web sites to promote your web sites and article pages. This is often referred to as syndication.

Article marketing is a critical part of any successful internet business plan. It is an amazingly effective way to get traffic-building backlinks and a reputation as a reliable source of knowledge.

by William Roberts

I am the owner of several Blogs and websites. I live in South

Georgia. I am also just getting started at writing articles.

2008 all rights reserved

Seven Tips to Keep Your Subscribers Subscribed to Your Opt-In List

The goal of every Internet business is to provide great service to their customers. A satisfied customer is a happy customer. A happy customer is a returning customer. A happy customer is a promoter of your products or services. This could potentially generate more revenue for your business.

As more people visit your website, you should not let the opportunity of getting them to subscribe to your mailing list slip by. This list is also called an opt-in list whereby subscribers agreed to receive periodic mailings like newsletters to update them of your business or promotional offers of your products or services. This is important to the longevity of your Internet business.

Relying solely on drop-in sales is not a good option. You need to build a loyal customer base from your opt-in list.

With an opt-in list of subscribers, you can be sure that your mailings are received, opened and read. However, you should be fully aware that a subscriber could choose to opt out at anytime when they feel that they are not getting what they wanted or expected. The link to unsubscribe from your opt-in list is only a click away. You have to be on the alert to keep your subscribers happy and satisfied.

Here are some helpful tips that can keep your subscribers subscribed to your opt-in list...

1. Use creativity in your promotional materials. Build around your product or service. For example, if you are selling home furnishings, insert some pictures of what is new in the house furnishing industry in your promotional mailings.

2. Keep one step ahead of your subscribers. Research what current new things people are looking for. This way, you stay one step ahead of your subscribers. They will look forward to receive your mailings as you always have fresh, new things and ideas to share with them.

3. Write informational and easily digestible articles. Ok, you don't like writing. Don't fret. There are professional writers that will do the job for you for a minimal fee. The initial investment may be worthwhile. For it could lead to more sign-ups and potential sales.

4. Write an ebook that is related to your niche and give it away free to your subscribers. Use your experience and expertise to help other people. Reports, how to do it manuals and guides are hot. Encourage your subscribers to give away your ebook as long as they don't change the original content and keep all links intact. This will attract more people to your website and possibly more sign-ups.

Again, if you don't like to write, you can always hire someone to do the job of writing for you. Or you could buy ebooks with rebranding and reselling rights. With this arrangement, it gives you the rights to brand and sell the ebooks as your own without having to pay the author for every ebook sold. This initial investment of hiring someone to write your ebook or buying rebranding and reselling rights will go a long way to yield dividends.

5. Offer special discounts for your product. Add e-coupons in your newsletters that entitle your subscribers to special discounts for your products. Insert a control number on every e-coupon so that it can only be used once. When your subscribers get special discounts that can be found in your newsletters, they will be eager to receive your mailing in anticipation of what you will be promoting next.

6. Hold special contest and lucky dips. Reward winners with bonus gifts. Don't stinge. Give your subscribers incentive to stay on your mailing list.

7. Offer freebies once in a while. Free is the buzzword. Offer freebies to your subscribers. However, don't overdo it. When people get used to receiving freebies too often, it would become difficult to get them to fork out money for your products or services.

Many email marketers make the fatal mistake of flooding their mailing list with nothing of value but thinly disguised sales pitch. If your subscribers can get benefits from your newsletters, they will look forward to your mailings.

You got to feed the goose that lays the golden eggs. Maintain your opt-in list, and you'll have a list of happy and eager subscribers. This translates to potential sales.

So, keep your subscribers happy and eager.

Gerrick W
Information and Software Tools You Need to Effectively Promote Your Online Business.


Article Marketing - How to Sculpt a Beautiful Body with Your Articles

Is a great way to market yourself on the Internet, drive traffic to your website's, and build your lives.

One of the challenges especially new article writer's face is how to make sure their articles and get picked up. One of the things I teach my students, members, and mentees, are the dozens of small nuances that help you get your articles picked up more often.

Sculpting a great body and your articles

one of the ways to get your articles picked up more often it is to sculpt a really great article body. Here are three tips for sculpting a great article body.

Tip 1 - Make sure you create lots of white space. So many times I see writers just sort of squash their article body all together. When you create white space you give the impression that the article is easily read. This is very important on the Internet because it can be difficult to read online for some people.

Tip 2 - Use bullet points, numbers, lists, laws and rules. Anything that allows you to break up your article body in two separate areas. Bullet points, lists, etc. create bite sized chunks of information that are easily consumed by the reader.

Tip 3 - Use sub headings. A subheading is simply a mini headline used to begin another thought or section of your article. An example would be a subheading I used above when I wrote sculpting a great body and your articles. This lets the reader know a new section is on the way and light tips wine into break the article up, create lots of white space, and gives the impression that this is an easily read article.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 4 New Steps to Excel at Article Marketing

There are billions of marketers who are currently using article marketing as their primary marketing arm. With this number comes a stiff competition that every marketer must learn to deal with in order to survive online. In this article, I will impart the 4 new steps that will empower you to excel in this amazing marketing tool so you can take the lead and stand out from the rest.

1. Quality. This is the main element that will determine the success of your article marketing campaign. When you are able to write and distribute articles that are well-written, informative, and useful, people will most likely to pick them up and republish your content throughout the internet. This will boost the number of your inbound links that can lead to augment traffic and sales potential.

2. Quantity. There is never too much when it comes to article marketing. In fact, the more articles you write and publish, the more popular your website will get. Strive to write at least 7 articles per day which are enough to strengthen your online presence and expertise.

3. Titles. I missed a lot of good movies because they have lousy titles. My perception is, if the title is not that enticing, there is no way that the movie will be interesting. This is how most people think when they search for articles online. That is why, you must understand the importance of your titles and make them attention-grabbing so they can get more people to read and open you content.

4. Resource box. I have read a lot of good articles online but their great content wasn't enough to compel me to check the authors' website. Why? Because the authors did not take the time to make their resource box compelling. In fact, I have encountered some that has only the website's URL. No information about the author or why should I visit the website, so why should I?

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Proven And Effective Strategies For Writing Killer Classified Ads

If you want to see your classified ads pull in result in multiple thousands, then you must follow some time tested rules to produce those ads that no one can refuse. Developing a classified ad that pull in responses takes practice and study.

You have to determine what makes people respond to advertisement. You must learn to appeal to their emotions, not their logic. Here are some guidelines to lead you in writing that irresistible classified ad.

1. Do not try to use your classified ads to make the sales. There is practically no way you will expect to convince someone to buy your product/services with your 30 words ad. Avoid this error. The purpose of internet classified ads is to generate leads-not sales. Aim at attracting targeted, interested individual to your sales letter. Don't try to make the sale with your classified ad.

2. Direct your leads to your auto-responder where a carefully prepared free report is sent to them. In getting the free report, the reader had to send a blank email to the auto-responder where his email is captured with his consent. This email is then used for follow up.

3. Spend some time in developing killer Headlines that will turn glances into stares. A headlines' sole purpose is to grab the readers' attention. Google cash takes you on a trip to the ultimate Headline writing.

4. Be specific: Specific information will always outpull general information. Example- "Earn up to $300 in one day with your computer" will bring in more responses than " Earn money with your computer Daily.

Kingsley is an Online marketer. The internet Best work on Writing Profitable Google Adwords written By Chris Carpenter is here.

Article Marketing-Persuasion Techniques

If you intend to make money from your website by using article marketing, therefore, your first objective is to get your article accepted by the directories. To achieve this, the article must be relevant to the subject, which is defined by the keywords you choose, or the title. You must persuade the article directories to publish your article. Some directories use the title, and some use keywords.

You must devise a title to persuade visitors to choose your article, or keywords relevant to the content. You must also compose a summary or description of your article that will persuade someone interested in your niche to click on your article rather than that of someone else.

Thats just the start. You must then write the article in such a way that it retains the interest of the reader. It is much easier to click away from your article that read through it, so it must provide an answer to a question or a solution to a problem. The days are gone when a meaningless article would attract visitors to click on Adsense ads. If your readers believe that you can help then they will click on your link and visit your website. Article marketing is a cross between literature and advertising.

When you are article marketing, you are literally thinking of all the ways you can persuade as you are writing. You must persuade with the title, with the keywords, with the content, with your bio, and of course you must persuade with whichever offer you are using to compel readers to click into your web site.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Online Marketing Hierarchy and Definitions

Here is a short list of common terms with my version of their definitions and in their hierarchical structure.

Online (or Web Site) Marketing: I think a case can be made that online marketing and website marketing are two different functions, but only slightly. However with the advent of pay-per-call it will be entirely possible to market your online without even having a website. Not sure if that would be advantageous or not, but possible. I place a distinction here between online marketing and search engine marketing because the functions of online marketing , while including search engine marketing, may bypass the search engines altogether.

Examples: email marketing, link buying, renting or exchanging (when done for exposure, not search engine relevance), online ad placement, website design, usability, conversions, etc.

> Search Engine Marketing: SEM is the primary subset of online marketing and focuses its marketing efforts primarily to gain additional web-site exposure via the search engines.

Examples: SEO, Pay-per-click, press release distribution, link building (all forms), keyword research, traffic analysis, etc.

> > Search Engine Optimization: SEO is the act of manipulating a websites on and off-page factors causing the search engines to recognize the site as relevant for specific keyword phrases. The primary function of search engine optimization is get a website ranked, drawing new traffic to the website. What happens once they get there is, by the strictest definition (and one employed by most SEO companies) is not under the purview of the SEO company. Usability and conversions are both functions higher up the chain.

Examples: code and text optimization, keyword research, link building, ranking reports, etc.

Many of the jobs that need to be performed can cross each into other categories. For example, keyword research is the function of SEO and SEM, same with link building. It is important, however, to recognize the distinctions in each of these categories. While everything an SEO does is considered a function of online marketing, if you hire an SEO or purchase an SEO only service, dont expect to receive search engine marketing or online marketing service with that. And if you do want those services included, be ready to pay substantially more for the service.

Stoney deGeyter is president of Pole Position Marketing (, a search optimization marketing firm providing SEO and website marketing services since 1998. Stoney is also a part-time instructor at Truckee Meadows Community College, as well as a moderator in the Small Business Ideas Forum. He is the author of his E-Marketing Performance eBook and contributes daily to the E-Marketing Performance marketing blog. (ea)

The Benefits Of Exchanging Links With Other Online Businesses And The Importance

In the real world, you would never advertise your competitor's store in your own store especially if you are selling your own product. However, on the internet, it's a whole different ball game. Besides getting the best website hosting, trading links is one of the oldest practices found on the internet today. People trade links, not only to exchange traffic, but also to boost ranking in search engines. But you are probably thinking... how is that possible? Why should I trade links with my competitor especially if they will steal my business away.

Trading links with other competitors especially if they are in the same industry as you are helps the search engines understand that your website exists and your website is recognized in that industry. It shows that other competitors know who you are. As a result, search engines tend to give you a boost especially if you trade links with websites which are more popular than you. However, popular sites would less likely trade links with you because they will be giving away more than they are receiving. That is, because your site is less popular, they will get fewer hits coming from your site and also because your site isn't as popular, they will not get a ranking boost as much as they linking to you. When a big competitor links to you, they are not only passing a search engine boost to your website, but they are also allowing their potential clients (visitors) to access your homepage from their website. Every time they do so.. there is a possibility that they will lose a client.

However, many of the webmasters fail to see the bigger picture. Consumers nowadays are more sophisticated than ever. Even when they don't access a competitor's website from your web page, they will some how get to it by using a popular search engine. Online savvy consumers do not just access one website and make their final purchase at that one website. They do plenty of research, and they will bound to access your website in one way or another.

In order to win this business game, you must have a niche product. Do not be the same as the bigger competitors. Offer something unique to the audience so consumers will buy from you. If you offer the same product as any other website, there is less chance they will buy from you. What is the reason they will buy from you? The only reason they got is price. And being in the price war game is not something fun. It is costly and is one of the reasons why many businesses fail. When your profit margins remain negative for too long of a period of time, your business will fail.

When you provide links to your common competitors for your website, not only do tell the search engines that you are part of that industry, but you are also helping your consumers provide a useful resource. So they will come to your site not only for information in the future, but they might even end up making a purchase because of their increase in frequency for accessing your website due to the usefulness of the resources.

All in all, trading links with your competitors isn't as bad as it seems. It helps increase your targeted traffic to your website (because when you exchange links with your competitors and they agreed to put your link on their page, their customers who are looking for similar products to yours) will also access your website. Furthermore, it helps boost your ranking in search engines that are related to the product you sell. In the long run, trading links with other businesses will improve the viability and awareness of your website on the internet, which in the long run will help your business succeed online.

Marion Pollan is a writer at Upperhost Business Web Hosting Reviews. The site provides independent reviews on the best website hosting along with the latest articles and news on the industry.

Powerful Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Ultimate Steps to Make Money Through Article Marketing

Article marketing is commonly the primary marketing arm of most webmasters today. Why? It's because it delivers great results, it's easy to use, and it's free. Today, it is considered the easiest way to create inbound links for your website that can lead to improved traffic and higher page ranking.

Here are the 3 ultimate steps to make money through article marketing:

1. Write more. If you want online users to consider you as an expert on your chosen niche, you have to make them feel that you have so much valuable information to share. You can do that by writing numerous articles. Explore all the topics that play crucial roles in your target niche and those which interest your potential clients and write about them. Running out of great topic ideas? Visit forums that are frequented by your target market or access leading article submission sites. These are gold mines in niche-related topics that you can use when writing your articles.

2. Stick with short articles. As you know, the audience you are serving have limited attention span and have little time to spare when surfing the net for valuable information. Based on research, people online appreciate getting the information they need upfront and prefer short, direct to the point articles. Increase the chances of your articles being read by keeping their word count to 300-500. It would also help if you can make them scannable so your readers can easily skim through your content.

3. Do your research. Your main objective in writing your articles is to inform your audience or equip them with valuable knowledge that can help them in improving the quality of their lives or resolving their pressing issues. Thus, it is of outmost importance that everything you put on your content are fact-based and credible to avoid misleading your readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - Revealed - 6 Amazing New Secrets to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Promoting your products and website cannot be easier these days. With the advent of article marketing, you need not to learn technical skills nor have huge marketing budget just to create brand awareness or increase your website's traffic. You just have to write and market your articles that are relevant to your target niche and useful to your potential clients.

1. Empathize. People would feel a lot better if they know that somebody understand where they are coming from. Learn how to empathize and put yourself in the shoes of your readers. This can promote customer trust and loyalty that can end up to trusting business relationship.

2. Content. Your articles must be able to offer valuable, useful information to your readers. In addition, they must also be well-written, fact-based, scannable, and free from grammar and spelling errors to give your potential clients great reading experience.

3. Be familiar with the rules set by publishing sites. This can help you create articles that conform to the standards set by publishers so you can be assured that you won't have problems in posting your articles online.

4. Make your resource box powerful, enticing, and compelling. You would want your readers to click on your resource box; otherwise, your article marketing efforts will just go down the drain. Strive to create a resource box that can effectively move your readers to visit your website.

5. Be consistent. Don't stop writing and submitting articles even if you have attracted enough traffic to you website. This can strengthen your online presence and pull up your search engine ranking.

6. Distribute your articles on other avenues. Aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles to your blog, website, or use them on your email marketing campaign.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Link Building Companies - What They Can Do For You

If you own a business with an online presence, or if your business has decided to opt out of a brick and mortar store entirely and is run entirely online, you are already aware of the importance of search engines. As more and more of the internet's traffic is run through search engines, and as Google gains more and more of a hold on what people think of when they go to search for information, you'll find that one of the ways that people are helping themselves when it comes to taking advantage of search engine marketing, is to take a look at link building companies.

To understand a little bit about link building companies, it is important first to think about what link buildings are. Essentially, search engines like Google have very complex search formulas. When someone types a search into Google, the Google search engine uses a variety of factors to decide which results will end up at the top. Given the fact that most people will not look beyond the first few choices, let alone past the third page, it can easily be seen why so many companies want that top ranking and will use any means to try and get there.

One of the best and most sure ways that you can get to the top of the Google search page is to take a look at link building. One of the largest and most important formulas that Google uses to determine who ends up at the top is how many sites will link to you without your linking back. Essentially, this is Google treating the search for good sites as something of a popularity contest. The more people who talk about you, the better your chances of getting noticed!

When you are looking to tap into this potential, you'll find that link building is something that is best handled by professionals. Even by reading the small bit of basic vital information that is given to most marketers, there is still a lot to know. First off, there are many unethical practices that are shut down by Google on a regular basis; these are techniques that would take the customer away from what they were originally looking for and send them somewhere they didn't want to be.

To avoid problems with link building, hire a professional company. Even the internet is rife with critiques, evaluations and word of mouth referrals so take a look around and find out what is available. When you have a list of a few names, contact them, and see who deals with you professionally and can promise you good results. We use link building companies because they can help us when our knowledge of the search engines falls short, and a good link building company can be essential to your business's function.

When you are looking to increase your relevant traffic and to do so in a way that won't make your company suffer, a link building company might be exactly what you are looking for.

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents many UK businesses. For Link Building, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of Link Building Companies.

How To Get Your Visitors To Knock Each Other To Rush Into Your List!

The money is in the list - or so they say but it is really true for Internet Marketing? It sure is and having a good list of targeted subscribers is the one way to take your business to a whole new level.

To earn a lot of money on the Internet, you need to build your list. Every successful Internet marketer has a big list. In fact, they can just send an email and generate thousands of dollars in minutes.

I don't know for you, but I like to click a simple broadcast button and see my paypal or clickbank account on fire.

To build an list, the first thing you need to do is to create an optin page.

Why You Should Build a Squeeze Page?

Many webmasters newbies make a huge mistake here. They just build a web page and add a small optin box in the sidebar or even worst at the bottom of the page.

The problem is that visitors don't notice the optin form and never sign up to their lists. No wonder why they don't earn a lot of money.

By using a squeeze page you can 'sell' your newsletter or optin in a more effective way than just having this small optin box in the corner of a webpage.

Once you have built your squeeze page you will need to drive traffic to your page to get plenty of sign ups. A very effective way of driving traffic to your squeeze page is by using article marketing.

So take the time to build your squeeze page so that your visitors will be knocking each other over in a rush to join your list and you will start to see some amazing growth in your bank balance in no time.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Succeed Quicker On The Internet With These Time Saving Strategies

A majority of us who want to venture into starting a new Internet home business do so only on a part time basis. Not all of us can afford to just quit our day jobs on the spot. We still need to pay our bills until we reach a level of earning legitimate money online that will change our lives dramatically. Until we achieve those financial goals, our largest dilemma is finding time to work on our home business outside of our regular jobs. If you implement a few powerful but simple strategies of time management you can easily save several valuable hours a week that can be used towards developing your success online a lot quicker.

Procrastination is your worst enemy of making legitimate money online. You simply can't afford to do that when juggling an online business, a 9 to 5 job, your family and other important affairs. Wether you're tired when you come home from work or just lazy, it's vital that you move beyond any procrastination and set into motion an action plan to get you going. Give yourself daily goals to work on as soon as you have free time for your business. You have to create a sense of urgency and importance to complete these goals every single day. Learn to get excited and enthusiastic about developing your home business that will eventually fulfill your dreams of success online. Always take immediate action to avoid the destructive path to procrastination that goes nowhere. The sooner you start doing this, the quicker your success will come to you.

You can still progress your home business even when working at your day job or doing other activities. You can find time during your breaks or when there are certain pauses during work that give you a few minutes here and there. Activities such as exercise, chores, shopping, picking up the kids up at school or running errands can be done while thinking about your business. These are perfect opportunities where you can brainstorm about ideas related to the development of your home business.

Brainstorming ideas is a great way to improve your Internet home business. However, if you don't write down your ideas right away, all of that time thinking will be wasted. How many times have you stared blankly at your computer screen trying to think of the great ideas you came up with the other day? Great ideas come in waves. If you don't catch them in writing, you will lose out on some potential Internet gold for your home business. If you're on the go, a simple pen and pad will do. Most of you have cell phones with features such as voice recording, word processing or email capability that can easily be used to take notes down. Even with the most basic phones, you can use the text messaging application to jot your ideas down and save the draft for later reference. Just ensure that you get them written down.

The more time you can find for your Internet home business, the more quickly you will find your success online. Take action right now and commit to moving beyond procrastination by completing the daily goals that you set for yourself. Take full advantage of the unused time at your day job or during those every day activities to come up with ideas that will help grow your business. Always write down your ideas as soon as they come to light. This will prove to be a huge benefit to continually developing your growth online. The key is to always take action. Don't wait around and waste precious time that you can never get back. Now is the best time to get started. Good luck to you and your success!

Commit to success now! Visit for a list of the best, 100% scam-free and hand picked Internet opportunities available today!

How to Develop Effective Marketing Strategies Easily

If you are about to spend your time or money on implementing the latest marketing tactic that you heard about... STOP. In fact if you have not developed a marketing strategy as part of your marketing plan you are probably wasting money. By developing your marketing strategies at the time of marketing planning it allows you to really focus on what is most important to kick start or successfully grow your business.

What is a Marketing Strategy Versus a Marketing Tactic and a Marketing Objective?
Many small businesses can get confused with the jargon, but it is very important to understand the role each one plays in marketing your small business. A marketing objective is simply what you want your existing or potential customers to do. A marketing strategy is your overall game plan and outlines what your business will focus on to achieve your marketing objectives. Marketing tactics are the activities, tools and business decisions that you will need to implement to support your marketing strategies.

Before you develop your marketing strategies you need to have a good understanding of your small business's key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as really knowing your target market's needs and desires.

To simplify the process, you can select your marketing strategies using 2 steps.

The first step is to decide the overall direction that is the most important for your business or brand and involves either one or a combination of the following:

Retention i.e. protecting your most profitable customers and keeping them loyal
Expansion i.e. maximising your existing customer relationships through up sell (selling more of the same product or service) or cross sell (getting them to buy other products or services in your range)
Attraction i.e. attracting new customers that have similar characteristics to your existing profitable customers and getting them to return

Whilst it is very tempting to just focus your small business marketing on attracting new customers, protecting and developing your existing customer relationships is far more cost effective and will guarantee a successful business long term.

The second step in deciding your marketing strategy is to determine your key areas of focus. The key here is to only choose those areas that will move your business forward and are necessary. These may include:

Product or Service Offering
This relates to the actual product or service that you sell. If you have selected an overall expansion strategy you may offer additional products to your customers.

This has anything to do with the pricing of your product or service. Your attraction strategy might be to offer value added pricing on selected services to attract new customers.

This has to do with all the distribution channels you use to sell your product or service or the number of locations you sell in. For example, if you wish to attract new customers, your strategy for the year ahead may be to expand your store locations in one state.

Service Delivery
This relates to the way your product or service is offered to your customers. For example your retention strategy may be to introduce a new customer service policy for your most valuable customers.

This relates to how you will communicate your brand or business message to your customers. An example of a retention strategy may be to introduce an enhanced personalised communication program for your most profitable customers.

Developing effective marketing strategies for your small business is an essential step in your small business marketing plan and makes selecting your marketing tactics so much easier.

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Multiple Path Link Building

In just about any form of marketing, when something works it gets repeated to death until the strategy is no longer effective. Good product tag lines get over used (got milk?, got sand? got Jesus?), TV shows have to get more and more "cutting edge" (NYPD Blue, Family Guy, CSI), and movies have to be bigger and better than their predecessors (Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean). It's not long until yesterday's big thing is today's normal thing.

Online marketing, especially link building, is similar. While there is no replacing the concept of building a good site worthy of links and letting people know about it, there are actually numerous strategies available for attracting good links through solid marketing efforts. In any kind of marketing its good to have multiple strategies, or multiple paths, which one can travel to get to the goal. Putting aside the whole concept of persona marketing which understands that you need to reach different people via different means, it's a good idea not to put too put all of your time, money or effort into a single marketing approach. Again, this is especially true with link building.

Over the past few years we've seen the rise and fall of single-path link building practices: automated reciprocal links, link swapping, link buying, link spamming, etc. I'm not suggesting that all of these methods are dead or useless, but their use as a quick and easy solution is extremely limited. Many times, when one finds a link strategy that works, they drop all else and run with it. This tactic gets broadcast on the online forums, others jump on the bandwagon and soon enough, that strategy becomes moot to the overall process of search engine optimization. It's no longer effective, but out of habit (and ease) people continue to follow that single-path, until the next great path is discovered.

With online marketing there are many paths to the same goal. There may be well over 100 paths of link building alone but not all the paths lead to the goal for every client. You can't just find one that works and run with it, you need to find several that work for one client, and several others that work for each other client.

For example, paths A, D, F and G may be great for client X but not for client Y which needs paths H, L and P. Then you might have client Z that will best be suited for link building paths D, P, S and V. Client Z's link paths overlap with X and Y a bit but also has a couple paths unique to it as well.

That's why link building isn't so easy. Most people are comfortable working within their own boxes. They like to develop strategies and checklists that take them from point A to point B, but start to get confused when each client needs to take a slightly different path that hasn't yet been mapped by the marketer, a path unique for that particular client's needs. Well hey, that's just like real marketing.

This is why single-path link building just isn't very effective anymore. Each client can have a dozen link building paths that are unique to them alone. The job of the SEO is to determine which paths are right for which client. This can take some trial and error but ultimately each client should have a good handful of link building paths to choose from.

Be cautious of any new link building path you learn about. All paths may be legitimate, but not all paths are legitimate for every client. Each new path you learn, consider carefully whether its for you or not. Most of all, if you find a link building path that works, great. But don't put all your links in that one basket. Find the other link building paths that work for you because you never know when one or more paths will become obsolete from overuse or abuse. Multiple path link building helps you keep your linking efforts on solid footing achieving a variety of link types. Too much of a single type of link looks like obvious manipulation, something the search engines don't like and you should avoid.

Stoney deGeyter leads a spectacular team of seasoned marketing experts at Pole Position Marketing, a Search Engine Marketing Company. Stoney started PPM in 1998 by finding the brightest minds in the industry and nurturing within them an intense desire to become leaders in their respective fields. With this team of professionals, he has built a wildly successful website marketing company that succeeds through both personal and professional integrity.

You can read Stoneys blog posts at the E-Marketing Performance blog and more of his work on several well-known SEO and marketing news sources including Search Engine Guide and Web Pro News. Stoney has authored two website marketing books: E-Marketing Performance: Effective strategies for building, optimizing, and marketing your website online and Keyword Research and Selection: The definitive guide to gathering, sorting and organizing your keywords into a high-performance SEO campaign.