Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tips To Promote A Website Or A Blog

Do you want to promote your website or a blog? Do you know how to do that? If the answer is no then you are reading the right article.

Why I should promote my website? Thousands of websites are launched every day. Many of them have good content and some of them offer great services. But what is the use of creating excellent websites if nobody reads them. A webmaster has to spend some time and money if he wants to build the credibility of a website.

How can I promote my website? This is most common question which is asked by webmasters and bloggers. There are several methods which can help you in building credibility of a website. Most common methods which are used by people are directory submission, submission of articles to article directories, Submission of website link to social book marking websites and Submission of website to popular search engines.

The main aim of these services is to build quality one way backlinks. Why my website needs quality one way backlinks? Major search engines as Google and Yahoo use many criterias to count the credibility of a website. One of the main methods is number of quality one way links.

What is should do if I do not have time to spend on website promotion methods? There are many SEO companies which are offering quality services at reasonable prices. Your job is to find the best one which suits your budget and requirements. SEO Company you will be selecting should be reputed. The methods of the payment should also be secure.

Search engine optimization is a slow process. Your task is to build the backlinks slowly. Never use illegal methods to build backlinks.

It is a good idea to use all the common methods to build backlinks. A proper combination of most common methods can give you excellent results in couple of months. As the number of backlinks increases the credibility of your website also increases. A great number of backlinks will result in a higher rank on the search engine result pages. Which means huge number of visitors through search engines.

There are lots of website promotion methods which are available on the internet. You should have enough information about the methods before you start a link building campaign. It is a good idea to go through some SEO related websites and blogs. There are many sources on the internet which can provide you free information about link building methods.

If you want to know more about Website Promotion Service then feel free to visit SEO Services India and SEO Company India.

How Do You Get Links to Your Website?

Building links to a site may be one of the most challenging things you can do. Most webmasters are very aware of what giving links can do, and some are reluctant to give links, even when deserved, to competitors.

It can make link building pretty difficult.

But links are vital to the health of any website. It's not just that search engines use them in their algorithms. It's that high quality links themselves can send in regular traffic. Low quality links not so much, but they can still send occasional small amounts of traffic.

Article Marketing

Article marketing is a very popular way to get links, and just like any other method requires a lot of work. But perhaps the biggest challenge is getting your high quality articles noticed when they're surrounded by all the spammy junk other website owners are submitting because they heard that article marketing is a good thing. It can be pretty frustrating.

Social Media Marketing

A better way, when you can manage it, is to get attention through social media marketing. The Digg effect does more than just crash websites, after all. It can generate links as other websites blog about your post.

Crafting something that will do well in social media takes time and a great deal of research, as a rule. You cannot just write something quick and expect massive results. You may once in a long while hit it big with something you never thought would. And often the results aren't what you expect. There's a degree of chance in there, due to algorithms on the social media sites, who submits the story, who else likes it, who hates it and so forth.

Lists can do very well, however. You can do a longer list with minimal detail, a shorter one with greater detail, or a long one with detail. Short lists without details rarely do so well, as they are rarely unique, funny enough or useful.

A good list can create some authority for your site. People may refer back to your list to get to more information on your topic. Include the number of items in your list. Numbers go over well.

It can help some to have a group of friends who will help one another get social media attention, whether it's on Digg, del.icio.us or another website. However you do not want to be overusing your friends, sharing junk or anything like that. Make what you submit or ask friends to submit something really worthwhile. It will improve your overall results.

It also helps if you're a regular enough user that you know what is likely to do well. Be prepared for the simple fact that social media traffic doesn't tend to convert directly into sales.

Directory Submissions

Directories have been popular in the past, but many really have minimal effect, at least with Google these days. My own rule for directory submission, if I choose to do them, is to submit and forget about it. They go in or not.

Some directories require payment. I wouldn't recommend paying for a spot in a directory unless you've researched it to find out if the links are any good.

A bad directory can do more than fail to send traffic. It can get you associated with penalized or banned sites. Do directory submission with caution whether you pay or not.

Post Questions and Answers on Other Sites

Yahoo! Answers, Google Groups and Squidoo can be decent sources for links. You do have to watch how you place your links, and avoid spamming these sites. People do catch on quickly.

Guest Blog

Guest blogging has lately been a popular way to get links. Not only can you have the chance to get your writing up in front of a new audience, you get a link to your site. There's some pretty good potential to that if you choose wisely and keep it relevant.

Hold a Contest

Holding a content can also bring in the links. People love to win, and some of them will tell all their online friends, through their own websites, all about it. There are also websites that specialize in announcing contests. The better the prize you can give, the more attention you may get for this.

Link Out to Others

Give links to quality sites that are relevant but not too competitive with yours. You'll have to decide how competitive is too competitive, and that depends on your niche. But linking to other sites is a great way to get their attention, and there's a chance they'll return the favor. If not, you have at least provided your audience with a quality resource, right?

Participate on Forums

Find forums that will allow you to have live links in your signature. The forums should be relevant to your topic.

Participate in these forums. Ask and answer questions. Do not, however, do nothing more than push your own site. That is rarely welcome behavior. People do click on signature links, especially if you have interesting things to say on the forum itself.

There are many more ways to get links, of course. The important thing is to make sure that the links you get are good quality. It is possible to hurt your site through careless link building practices.

Stephanie Foster blogs at http://www.aspectsofhomebusiness.com/blog/ about her experiences running a home business. Get more tips on optimizing your site for the search engines at her site.

How Important is SEO for Natural Search Engine Rankings?

I do not know much about SEO.

But that is OK. Some of my sites rank far higher than a lot of optimized sites. Well, I guess there are optimized sites out there. The search engines tell me that my sites are ranked in the top ten consistently. Hmmm. I do not do any SEO at all. No white hat. No black hat. Nothing.

Dont believe me? Type in my name and each of the following keyword phrases into the various search engines: secrets of internet success, internet marketing secrets, time management, christian success, christian time management, christian leadership, christian article bank, christian article directory, list building, secrets of list building, list building secrets, email list secrets, and traffic generation. When you find my sites (so you will know what you are looking for), type in the keyword phrases without my name and you will see the natural search engine rankings for my sites. Go into cached results. You will see that my sites have not been around for long. But they outrank longtime black hat, white hat, what hat!

So what do I do? Articles. That is about it. When I first started I did some directory listing stuff and asked for a few links.

But I would rather write articles. It is a great feeling when I type in one of my keywords and one of my articles is in the top ten results. And an even greater feeling when I get a click from a natural search engine click through from an article.

If you arent writing articles, you are missing out on one of the best contributors to natural search engine rankings.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

SEO - It's Easy To Be Effective

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is so easy a child could so it well, the main problem is that it is incredibly time consuming. If you dont have the time to do SEO then you may be better off hiring an SEO company.

Search Engine Optimisation is governed by two basic but powerful guidelines and they are:

- Have keyword rich text.

- Have links back to your website.

1) Having keyword rich text is absolutely critical to your websites success as
your chosen keyword phrases will be the words that trigger your site to appear at the top of the search results. I would suggest having four or five keyword phrases on your home page. Also, repeat them four or five times each throughout your copy.

2) Getting links back to your website is also vital to having a website that ranks highly in the search engines, even better is having your keywords in your links back to your website. These words within the links are called Anchor Text.

Getting links back to a website is always the hardest part of any SEO campaign. However, it does account for around 80% of a websites performance. The latest buzzword in SEO at the moment is Link Baiting, this involves creating a page that has a feature or content that is Link Worthy
Having a website that has a page that people want to link to is incredibly powerful as the more people will see it, the more people will link to it. This will create hundreds if not thousands of links back to the website that has the interesting content on it. A good link baiting campaign will give the same amount of links in two weeks than traditional forms of SEO will create in an entire year!

If you dont want to do down the link baiting route you can always gather links in a variety of different ways. These include, Article writing, link exchanges and registering with Internet directories.

Anthony Gregory is a SEO and Expert Link Baiter. He is also a White Hat SEO. He can be contacted at sales (at) brilliantseo.com

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Using Directories For SEO Benefits

Links are one of the most important parts of successfully running a search engine optimization campaign. As a matter of fact, having well-placed links will do a lot to help to push your website to the top of the search engine result pages for the keywords of your choice. Although there are many different ways for you to acquire these links, there are some ways which are almost automated in nature. By taking advantage of every aspect of your link building campaign, you can not only get your website listed in the search engines quickly, you can also be benefited by the incoming links for a long time to come.

One of the easiest forms of linking that exists is that which is found in directory submissions. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of directories for you to choose from on the Internet where you can post a link to your website. Some of these directories are free to post links and others charge a fee, either a one time fee or a recurring fee. It is up to you to decide if it is worth the effort to post to the free directories and if it is worth the cost to post to some of the paid directories.

Some of the paid directories are very important for you to be listed in, regardless of what the price is. This is especially the case if you are a little bit experienced with search engine optimization and are fairly confident in your ability to get your website listed well on the search engines from your efforts. Some of the paid directories that you want to make sure you're part of include Yahoo and Joeant.com. Yahoo is fairly expensive at $299 a year but by having a link in the Yahoo Directory, you will be giving your SEO efforts of major shot in the arm. Popular directories such as Joeant are an excellent way for you to position yourself with some back links as well.

Submitting your website to the free directories is also an excellent way to give yourself a boost in the SERPS as well as getting yourself listed on the search engines initially. Google does not necessarily give as much weight to these free search engine submissions but remember, Google is not the only kid on the block. Yahoo also has the ability to send you a massive amount of traffic if you're positioned well in their search engine results and MSN can send you traffic as well. Each of these lesser search engines will place a lot of weight on many incoming links from these free directories.

All in all, submitting to directories, whether free or paid is an excellent way to set yourself up for success in your search engine optimization efforts. Make sure, however, that you don't stop with just a few simple directory submissions. Make it a part of your overall efforts to continue improving on your rankings in the search engines.

If you like to discover many more proven to work marketing strategies, then head over to the Profit Work From Home website. We show new internet marketers how to successfully work from home

5 Simple Steps to Skyrocket Your Website Traffic in as Little as 30 Days For Free

Step 1: Write and distribute articles. Publishing articles online using a free service such as EzineArticles or Articlesbase will help boost your search engine ranking, making you more accessible to prospects who search terms related to your industry. Search engines love content-rich websites that are updated often.

In addition, the more you have other websites linking back to your website, the better chances you have for higher search engine placement. Article distribution services help this cause by making it easy for publishers to upload your writing for use in their newsletters or websites, meaning any links to your website reach an even larger audience.

Step 2: Use the link building and link exchange approach. As stressed in Step 1, the more text links you have directed to your website, the better chance you have of receiving higher search engine placement. So make it your objective to get your website listed on as many relevant websites as possible.

If you want to make this task really simple, there are companies such as Professional Link Building that will provide you with relevant links back to your website for free. As a bonus, your home page will be indexed on Google within 48-72 hours.

Step 3: Write and distribute press releases. Not only is a properly written press release a cost-effective and efficient means for getting your news to a large audience, it can help drive traffic to your website, especially when circulated online. A distribution service can help deliver your press release to a wide online audience.

Companies such as PRLeap will even distribute your release for free. Youll always want to include your websites URL in any press release. That way whenever its posted online, youll have another one-way link back to your website.

Step 4: Make use of social media. If you havent done so already, create a blog for posting articles, press releases and news about your business. There are multiple ways for creating your first blog one of the easiest options is Blogger. Best of all, its free. With Blogger, you can be online in less than five minutes. Once your blog is functional, be sure to visit Technorati to claim your blog. This will help with your search engine ranking and make it easier for online visitors to find your postings.

Also, why not create videos to help promote your company and demonstrate your knowledge? Todays technology has made creating and sharing videos easy and free. Check out YouTube or Google Video to post and help generate ideas for your next video. (While youre making a video, you may want to consider creating a podcast as well.)

Step 5: Post comments in forums. Do you frequently have an opinion for just about any topic? Use this trait to your advantage by seeking out forums with information similar to the topics covered on your website. Post your comments and include a link back to your website in your signature.

The increasing popularity of social media makes it as easy as ever to find articles, blog postings, videos and podcasts. Again, check out Technorati as well as websites such as Digg and ContentPop for information you can comment on that is relevant to the topics on your website.

* Due to link restrictions, URLs are not included with many of the suggested websites. A simple Google search for the websites mentioned in this article should reveal the URLs.

Tom Trush is a commercial copywriter based in Phoenix, Arizona. Receive writing tips, tricks and suggestions by signing up for his free newsletter at http://www.writewaysolutions.com