Friday, May 23, 2008

Simple, Step-by-Step, On-Page - Search Engine Optimization

Even though generating incoming links is most important in achieving high search engine rankings, making sure that your website or blog is properly optimized will ensure that you get the rankings that you are after.

For example, if you have tons of incoming links hyperlinked for the keywords "teen diet" but the phrase "teen diet" can't be found anywhere on your website, you've probably wasted your time, because your website most likely won't rank well for that targeted phrase. On-page and Off-page (link building) search engine optimization, work only in conjunction with one another.

So developing and executing a planned and coordinated attack is necessary when looking to compete in the search engines. Below, is a simple, on-page, step-by-step, search engine optimization plan that will have Google, Yahoo, and MSN crawling and ranking your website or blog.

1. At the top of your webpage, include the keyword that you are targeting in H1 tags. Your keyword phrase will appear, bolder and larger then the rest of your text.

2. Heading sizes range from H1 to H6. Place the keywords that are most important in H1-H3 tags, keywords that are least important can go in tags H4-H6.

3. Create an introductory paragraph. Be sure to add the most important keywords or keyword phrases here. Be sure that it flows. You don't want it to sound unnatural. Remember, you are writing for human beings too. A real person has to feel comfortable reading your copy, or they won't bother purchasing anything from you.

4. Add more copy and be sure to add some keywords that are relevant to your main phrase and place your main keywords throughout the next couple of paragraph as well.

5. Websites with lots of pages do better in the search engines then those with fewer pages. You don't have to have a 100 page website to be successful, but you should try to start off with at least five pages and then add a couple of pages every week. Once you have created your pages, you will need to link to them from your home page. Make sure that you name your pages with keywords that you can want to ge ranked for. Do a little research and try to choose less competitive keywords or phrases. You will also need to create a sitemap. This is simply a page that lists all of the pages in your website. You should always submit your sitemap to Google, to be sure that they index all of your pages.

6. Now it's time for your concluding paragraph. Be sure to incorporate your keywords in this paragraph as well. Not too much, 1-2 times should be fine.

7. If you have any images, be sure to add keywords in the alt tags. While this is as not as powerful as it once was, it will help some.

8. Add your targeted keyword and keyword phrases to the meta, description and title tags.

That's pretty much it for on-page search engine optimization. Now, you need to focus on off-page optimization. This involves generating links to your website or blog.


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Internet Marketing Articles - The Internet is One Place Where Discrimination is Good

I am not the brightest star in the sky by any stretch of the imagination. But I don't have to be to figure out that after I have read a few of someone's articles, I get a pretty good idea of whether or not this is the kind of person with whom I choose to do business. This is another one of the reasons that I like article marketing so much. It really gives me a chance to discriminate as to who my business partners will be.

Of course, it gives you that same chance to share who you really are with people who might want to do business with you. There are several aspects of your articles that act as "tells" when writing your articles. For example, is the content consistent with the title? This may seem like a little thing, but when someone is trying to decide if you are someone they can trust, and you start out with a little lie, it is not going to take many of these before someone decides you may not be worth the risk.

Article marketing is a great way for you to develop a body of content and have it spread all over the Internet giving thousands of people a chance to learn about you and see if you are the person that might be able to help them solve a problem, accomplish a goal or get something they want. All you have to do if you want to be successful, is share a little of yourself, be honest, and give them some real value from the first look. Let them discover something new, something useful, something of real value in every article. Give people a chance to reverse discriminate towards you.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Tips For Finding The Right SEO Company For You

If you wish to search engine optimize your website you will have to choose between doing the work yourself or hiring a search engine optimization (SEO) company.

Many website owners have successfully optimized their websites, but this can be a very time consuming task. You will have to make yourself familiar with the latest SEO trends and methods, and implement them on an ongoing basis.

If you do not have the time to do this and wish to get a good search engine page rank, you will have to pay for the services of a good SEO company. This is not cheap, but could be well worth it in the long run.

However, enlisting the services of an SEO company takes a certain leap of faith. Before choosing, try to find a company that offers the most up to date SEO methods and ask for references from other clients.

Basically, a good SEO company should offer at least the following services:

* Help with choosing and using keywords.

* The development of search engine optimized content.

* The submission of your website to the search engines.

* The development of a pay per click ad campaign.

* Help with getting quality links to your website.

Do not expect miracles from your SEO company in the short term. It can take many months to gain a first page ranking on the search engines for your chosen keyword. If an SEO company guarantees you a top Google ranking within weeks, look elsewhere.

Also be advised that any SEO company that mentions META tags when it comes to SEO probably doesn't know what its doing. META tags were once used for SEO, but those days are gone.

It is possible for an SEO company to get your site a top Google ranking within days, but that could be for some obscure search phrase that is barely related to your field of business. Because of this, insist that all keywords must be relevant and likely to be used as search phrases.

You will also want to choose a company that will react to any changes in the search engines' algorithms. These change regularly and can cause certain pages to drop in ranking. You will need a company that will react to any such change and get your site back up the rankings as quickly as possible.

Also watch out for 'black hat' methods that may get your website banned from the search engines. These are two numerous to mention here but are still used by unethical SEO companies.

For more information about starting a freelance business, visit

Article Marketing & List Building - 3 Simple & Powerful Steps to Build & Take Care of Your List

The most important asset in your internet marketing and article marketing business is your list.

Let me give you just three steps. One of the things I'm known for is breaking things down to make them as simple and doable as possible. Albert Einstein said things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.

No in no way am I comparing myself to Al, I just really like the quote and think it is useful for our purposes here today.

3 steps to build a list:

  1. Write an article. It gives people good quality information that they can use and results in the reader wanting more good quality information...from you!
  2. In the resource box you invite them back to your website to trade their email address for some more good quality information.
  3. You conduct the trade and they're on your list.

The rest is taking care of your list. The one thing you always want to remember is that your list is made up of people. People with lives, hope, hurts and dreams, hearts and heads.

Here's three words I want you to think about in terms of taking good care of your list:

  • Relationship - You want to create an ongoing relationship with your list.
  • Interaction - To create and build the relationship you need to interact with them. Answer their questions. Ask them what they want to know.
  • Marketing Intimacy - When you take good care of your list, you amplify the know, like and trust factor which results in marketing intimacy.

We do business and spend money with those we know, like, and trust.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Targeted Steps to Make Money With Article Marketing

Any wise marketer today will surely not dismiss article marketing if he is trying to drive traffic to his site. For one, this technique is not only proven to increase the number of visitors a website receives every single day, but more importantly it improves the website's page rank. Not to mention, it is also a good avenue for webmasters to showcase their expertise so they can convince their readers to trust them then eventually buy from them.

By now, I am pretty sure that you would like to use this technique so you can get all the benefits I have mentioned. So, let's uncover the 4 steps to make money through this marketing technique:

1. Write as many articles as you can. In article marketing, the quantity and quality of your articles play crucial role in driving traffic to your website. Thus, I strongly suggest that you create at least 5-7 unique articles per day. This will yield to at least 25 articles per week, enough to increase your site's popularity and page rank.

2. Be direct. In writing articles for the web, it is important that you have the ability to get your message across without beating around the bush. So be direct and communicate your point quickly. The more time you spend using fillers or fancy words, the more time you are allowing your target audience to switch to your competitors.

3. Your articles must be related to your website or your products. There is no sense in writing travel articles with URL pointing to a website about how to make money online. The reason why your readers will click the URL on your resource box is for further reading or to get more information about the topics your have discussed in your articles.

4. Post your articles on blogs. If you are looking for other ways to market your article other than article directories, post your articles on your blog or somebody else's blogs that share your topic. Like article submission sites, blogs are easily indexed by search engines because they are so in demand and they are frequently updated.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Insights by a Real Article Marketer

Article Marketing Insights by a Real Article Marketer

Dont take offense to that if you are a real article marketer. And I will let you determine what a real article marketer is.

But one of the things I have observed online is that there are roughly 100 people or less who make a full time income online using article marketing. I call them real article marketers. Then there are people who are actually article marketing, but just do it part time and I dont know the number of this group.

But I can tell you this. At the time you are reading this, I have over 1300 articles published online, and all of them are set up in such a way that I get traffic to my web site from them every single day.

The articles are my lifeblood they drive the traffic that makes me a living.

In the process of writing and publishing 1300 articles, I have developed some insights. The first insight is that there are two purposes to article marketing.

One purpose is that of generating backlinks to your web site. To do that you need to write a few articles and submit them to hundreds of article directories.

The other purpose of article directories is to write multiple articles and submit them to a few directories, the top few directories in terms of traffic.

Another insight I have had is that you cannot accurately measure article marketing results after 20 articles, or even 100 articles. I have been article marketing for over 8 months now, and I still get traffic from the very first articles I published over 8 months ago. This means that there is a cumulative effect of time on my articles. If I had measured the success of my articles that first month I would have only been measuring 1/8 of the total time that my article is online. And if I try to do a complete measurement right now, I would only get half of the result that I will if I measure in another 8 months. What about 5 years from now?

It is impossible for me to even imagine the total impact of my articles after 5 years on the internet.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Improve Search Results With Article Marketing

The key to improving search engine results is to develop quality links to your website. There are a variety of techniques you can use to get others linking to you. One of the most popular and effective methods is through article marketing.

The concept of article marketing is to take authored content that you create and distribute it to websites in need of content. When you distribute your article, you include links back to your website (usually in the About the Author section). These links help to improve your websites link popularity and therefore search engine results.

Article marketing is most effective when you can create articles that are of value to a wide audience or targeted niche market. Keep these guidelines in mind when article marketing:

1. Use original article content. There are a variety of ways to write articles. I find the best way to generate articles that improve search engine results is to make sure its an original. There are many websites that offer PLR articles (private label rights), article wizards, and so on. Regardless of how you produce your article, make sure it is one-of-a-kind.

2. Make your articles available on your own website. As a starting point, each time you create original content, post it on you website. Google looks for and diminishes the search results of duplicate content. Therefore, its important that you stake a claim for your content by promoting it on your website before any distribution effort.

3. Embed your keywords and keyword phrases. When writing your articles, be sure to include your keywords and keyword phrases throughout your document. Using the proper keywords is essential for website indexing and search engine optimization.

4. Write articles with a minimum of 600 words. A number of websites that accept and distribute articles will only do so if you meet article requirements such as minimum length. Many of these websites process a large number of articles and attempt to reduce spam with a minimum word count requirement of 600 words or more.

5. Use article distribution sites. By submitting your article to the largest article distribution sites you improve the likelihood of your article being repurposed by third party websites. Sites like eZineArticles and GoArticles are popular resources for webmasters seeking quality content. If webmasters find the information in your article valuable, theyll repurpose it on their own website. This viral effect can provide significant traffic to your article(s).

6. Include an About the Author section. At the conclusion of your article, be sure to include an About the Author section. This is one of the most important things you can do to build back links to your site. When other websites publish your content they are required to include this section. Make sure that multiple links to your site are present in order to build link popularity and improve your search engine result placements.

7. Be persistent. The benefits of article marketing are seen over time. As a rule of thumb, you should begin any article marketing campaign with a commitment to produce and disseminate a minimum of 10 articles. This gives you a good footprint in your area of expertise and builds a number of backlinks to your website.

Whether youre new to article marketing or are an experienced article marketer, each article you produce and distribute provides value to your website when executed correctly. Write valuable content, include an about the author section, and use article distribution websites. Youll quickly discover that article marketing is a great way to promote a product, website or service!

Michael Fleischner is an Internet marketing expert with more than 12 years of marketing experience. He has appeared on The TODAY Show, Bloomberg Radio, and other major media. For additional free marketing articles visit

Advanced Article Marketing Secrets - Learn The Fundamentals That Will Boost Your Profits Part 2

So by now you have come to the realization how important your list is. You understand the importance of first building a relationship with your subscribers so that you can sell to them later on and significantly improve your conversion rate.

Now let us look at the process of getting visitors to your website. You first need a compelling title. If it is boring then it is unlikely that people will actually read your article.

Subsequently I suggest that you write a 250 to 350 word article. The shorter articles do better for lead generation because the reader will see your resource box with a link to your website at the end and there is a bigger chance that they will click on it. I also suggest that you write in a relaxed conversational style like you are talking to a friend. You would only write in a long formal style if you were doing an essay for academic purposes.

Now this is where the important part where actual lead generation will take place. You need to create a squeeze page. This will consist of a headline with some bullet points. You need to offer a free report for download as an incentive for a visitor to give you their email address in exchange for a valuable report. You need to also add some html code to your web page to include the code that will submit the form with the email details to an autoresponder. I suggest that you use a professional one like Getresponse.

Finally, if you generate 5 to 10 leads every day you will build a stable business.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

How To Write Good Articles To Bring More Traffic To Your Website

Many people dont realize the importance or the power of article writing in generating high targeted traffic volume to your website. It is also a good way to inform people of home business ideas and opportunities, marketing tips or strategies as you provide new content to your own website. If you do this consistently you not only become an expert author in the article directories you submit to, people look up to you with authority in your own niche market. There is only one way to translate all this to a very successful home based business for you, even working as part time work.

You can make residual income from writing articles in a number of ways. You can post the articles on your own website. This can be done by creating an article directory or simply create a link in your website pointing to your articles in html page. Another way of course is to write and publish these articles in other peoples websites.

Writing an article for the purpose of increasing web traffic is a lot different than say writing for a newspaper column. One important factor which determines your success is your keyword optimization. You will need to spend some time to identify what keywords are being searched on the search engines. Target these keywords and sprinkle them throughout the article body and title. Your article will come out high on the search engines.

By doing this you will have a high chance of having your article and your website seen. If it is your article that comes up high on the search engines, you have passed the first test. With the ability to place a resource box in your article, people have the opportunity to be directed to your website. This way people can read what you have to say, and at the same time visit your website, which is your ultimate goal.

At the bottom of the article you can place a short description for your website. You first introduce yourself and your website, or add a couple of sentences on what the readers can expect to find at your website. At the very end of the resource box you want to place a link to your website so they can be directed to your homepage.

Im sure by now you would realize the effect article writing has on your home based business and how it is generating a higher traffic volume for your website. The more people you can get to your website, the better chance you have of promoting and selling your products from your affiliate programs, or selling your own products.

If you are using an article directory to publish your articles, one important thing to remember is to read its editorial guidelines. Follow these guidelines well and be careful here if you want to ensure your articles get published. Some websites are pretty strict about the minimum number of words used, while others forbid the use of html among other things. Others are even particular about how you select your author name and may suspend your account if this is not followed.

Article writing is a quick and enjoyable way to make online income in your home based business There are many successful marketers who use this to manage their link popularity too. There are many work at home ideas that you can use, but article writing is by far the simplest and one of the best methods.

To find the best Work At Home Ideas and Opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Are Your Forms Hurting Sales?

Have you ever filled in an online form?

Of course you have.

Was it a good experience? Probably not.

Do you think your customers experience with your online forms any better? Probably not.

One of the basic principals of marketing is 'make it easy for your customers to buy your product'. Unfortunately, too many online businesses never got that message.

The problem is three fold. First, many web designers are just to lazy to make their forms easy to use. Second, users have become accustom to bad online order forms. And, finally, many online businesses don't test the forms.

The triple threat of bad service.

How do you improve your online forms?

The first step has nothing to do with form design. Simply make sure every page has a prominent link to you purchase form. It never ceases to amaze me how many sites hide the link to the order form.

How do you make your forms more customer friendly?

Pre-fill as much information as you can. As soon as a potential customer visits your site you know, or should know where they are located. This allows you, or rather your web designer, to pre-fill items such as the country and state. This is all done with software before the form is displayed to the customer.

Take this one step further. After the customer enters their name ask them for their zip code, (or postal code if they are from Canada). Now you have their not only the country and state but also the city and street. If your web designer can't update this information 'on the fly' - find a different designer.

Once you have the form layout - test - test - test.

This doesn't have to be complicated. Ask four or five people, who have never seen the form before, to come to your business and try to complete a transaction online. (Friends or family will be fine.) Don't prompt them or answer any questions - just watch what they do. The results may surprise you.

Once you have a form that is easy to use, start looking at other ways to make it customer friendly. For example are your required fields clearly marked; do you automatically rewrite the phone number to the correct format; do you automatically check email addresses before the form is submitted; is there a calendar for entering dates.

Think of all the things that you find frustrating when you fill in an online form. Treat you customers the way you would like to be treated.

Michael Regan is head of website development and online marketing for TIMR Web Services He has more articles on marketing your business online on the TIMR website and on his blog Seo Vancouver Island

Sizzling Article Marketing - 4 Mind-Blowing Tactics To Supercharge Your Article Marketing

Here's the type of marketing article you might write. Try to write a product or service review with every article if at all possible. People love reviews because they don't feel like you are selling anything to them.

Here are 4 mind-blowing tactics to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Let's say you have an affiliate product to sell pet products. Hopefully you have a lead capture page (homepage) setup to capture a customer's email address by offering a free report and free e-course about a topic related to pets. If not just remember to move in that direction over time.

2. Now, let's take things one step further and let's assume you want to write an article that you can submit to several article directories (FREE) to get a rush of traffic to your affiliate products, your own products and or your own website.

3. Here's the type of marketing article you might write. Try to write a product or service review with every article if at all possible. People love reviews because they don't feel like you are selling anything to them. I'm going to use "get rid of flees" as the actual keyword from my research criteria here. The title is a bit too long but I'm using this example to make a point here. Note the power words used in these examples below.

"Discover 5 Safe And Natural Remedies Guaranteed To Get Rid Of Flees In 5 Days Or Less Using Only Five Basic Ingredients Found Right In Your Pantry -- Plus Save Over $500 A Year On Harmful Pesticides".

Here is another example using these tactics...

"Discover An Amazingly Simple Yet Effective Shortcut To Housebreak Your New Puppy In 7 Days or Less...Spending Only 5 Minutes A Day"!

4. Spend 50% of your efforts on the "TITLE" of your marketing article! This is extremely important. If your title isn't full of benefits for it's readers, chances are the article won't even get read... so spend a lot of time on it!

I have dozens of articles from when I first started writing that need to be edited because they have boring titles. I had no idea of what I was doing a few years ago. I was so focused on the keyword aspects of the article titles. This is not wise to do.

You need to find a way to make each and every article title "Grab You By The Arm" as if saying, "Hey Look At Me Now and Read Me Now!"

Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Grab your free 10 page PDF Ebook from his "Secret Bum Marketing Golden Article Writing Formula" loaded with tactics and secrets at:

Multiple Streams of Income In Internet Marketing

The world of the internet has gained lots of popularity over the last few years. People are coming up with new ideas of utilizing this great technology. Businessmen see it as an excellent yet cheap way to go global with their business while others find it the easiest way to contact their loved ones abroad. Recently, another use of the internet is becoming very popular and that is to come up with multiple streams of income.

Internet marketing is proving to be a very useful tool for those who have been trying to use the internet as a way to make money. There are multiple streams used over the internet to earn income which is most commonly known as "home business" or "work from home" business. Men and women alike are trying to excel in this field and have been succeeding for more then a decade. However the greatest hurdle in earning from home is that most people don't know where to start.

There are many resources available online that claim to provide you with material that will be helpful in your earning a 6 or 7 figure income. But the truth is that only 1% of these are fair in their dealings and will not rob you of your precious money. Those who can really guide you in the right direction to earning multiple streams of income are seldom seen offering their services to help you earn.

However, before you start making money online, it is very important that you understand multiple streams of income to its fullest. To put it simply, "multiple streams of income" means earning an income from different sources over the internet. Internet marketing is a vast industry and there are numerous methods that can be used to generate a steady income.

Some of these are given below:

* Affiliated advertising
* Selling products and services
* Posting reviews
* Launching websites and many others.

Let us consider the example of a person who is a successful businessman and has heard about internet marketing. He decides to try this method of income, since he does not need to invest and thus has nothing to lose. Even if this goes wrong, it can be a learning experience. As the name implies, through multiple stream income, you will be able to earn a steady amount of income from multiple sources. If one of the sources fails, you will have other resources to cushion your losses.

One of the biggest downsides of multiple streams of income sources is that there are so many companies and websites offering their services that it is almost impossible to determine which one is right and which one should be avoided at all cost. There is a 99% chance that the method you have signed up for is not the right one and you will probably end up investing more of your precious and hard earned money and getting nothing in return.

Multiple stream of income in internet marketing is considered to be the ideal source of income for those who do not have a steady job or those who want to get rid of their 9-5 job. The best part of this is that you do not need to commit so many hours to the work like your desk job. All you will need to do is setup the program the first time only and sit back and preferably forget about it. The system will keep working on its own since it is automated, you will only need to check it once in a while and even that to check the amount you have received in your account.

Many of those who have adopted the multiple streams of income as a method to increase their earnings have successfully earned so much that they have changed their lifestyles completely. They succeeded in achieving this by carefully investing their hard earned money and then sitting back and seeing the money roll in. Given below are some of the advantages of running multiple streams of incomes to earn money:

* You will get a continuous cash flow, which is impossible with a single income stream

* You will be able to attract a larger pool of people to your business, which would have been impossible otherwise

* You will be able to gather information from many reliable sources and thus sell them to your clients

* You will feel more peaceful and secure in your newfound freedom of making money

Andy Michaels is a known internet marketer, check out his site at

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Fast Secrets to Make Money With Article Marketing

Did you know that article marketing has been used way before the internet was discovered? Years back, businessmen who are looking for great deals in advertising their products and services used to trade their articles with newspaper for free ad space. Since newspaper owners did not need to pay their contributors, the arrangement worked for all parties involved. This is the same concept that made article marketing an instant hit. Webmasters do not have to shell out money to cover their advertising costs but still get the exposure they need by banking on their writing skills. Here are the 4 fast secrets to make money with article marketing:

1. Make your articles informative. When online users read your articles, they expect that they will get something from it and that is information. To satisfy your readers' needs, make sure that the information you provide are highly relevant to their pressing issues and are timely.

2. Focus on the quality of your articles. Sometimes, even if you offer the juiciest and most sought-after information, if you are unable to present them in a logical, easy to understand manner, you will not get the nod of online users. To prevent this from happening, make sure that your articles are well-written and flow naturally. Your sentences must be well-constructed and they must be coherent to avoid confusion among your readers.

3. Stick to your writing style. If half of your articles are upbeat and the other half sound very stiff, you maybe projecting two different personalities and this might confuse your readers. Master the best writing style that works for you, stick to it, and be known for it.

4. Proofread before you submit your articles. Before distributing your articles to various publishing sites, make sure that they do not contain errors that can affect your credibility.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Brand New Methods to Make Money Through Article Marketing

Are you apprehensive to use article marketing in promoting your products and website? Well, don't be! Technically, you have got nothing to lose in using this marketing tool as you don't need to spend a single dime. Just write quality articles and post them on submission sites and you are guaranteed to earn quality inbound links. See? You will not lose anything in fact, you'll be able to gain more rewarding benefits!

1. Attract and sustain the interest of your potential clients. Use striking titles to compel your readers to open your articles. Then, hold their interest by giving them equally striking introductory paragraph that contains all the information they are looking for. By doing so, you can compel your readers to read on until they reach your resource box.

2. Include keywords/key phrases on your articles. Online users usually search information with the help of search engines and search terms. Thus, it is important that you embed the most searched keywords on your articles so they will match relevant searches and boost their exposure online.

3. Consider appropriate keyword density. Loading your articles will keywords is such a smart idea but only if you know how much you should include in your content. Right now, the acceptable keyword density is 3% of the total article word count. Don't exceed this number if you don't want to be tagged as keyword spammer.

4. Widely publish your articles. If you want to easily boost the number of your quality inbound links, you can post your articles to all leading articles submission sites and directories. You can also offer them to bloggers or website owners that target the same niche. By doing this, you can maximize the exposure of your articles and connect to more online users.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Advanced Article Marketing Secrets - Learn The Fundamentals That Will Boost Your Profits Part 1

Article marketing is really one of the best ways that you can promote your business online. Basically, you can use this to promote nearly any type of product.

The big advantages is that it is completely free so you get to keep all the profits. Also the leads are proven to convert up to ten times better than other sources. Think about it logically who would you rather buy from an author who writes consistently and helps you to build your business or an advert that you clicked on in Google. As a famous sales trainer once said people only buy from people that they like, know and trust.

Now let us look at the purpose of an article. It's primary purpose is to generate leads. You may be wondering why you would like to do this? Very few people will actually buy from a site that they do not know much about the very first time. If you are very lucky you will get about one percent of people to buy.

An important part of the relationship selling of internet marketing is to generate leads and then first warm those leads up and establish trust and credibility with them before you start selling to them. At this point in time I am sure that you can see that article marketing is a long term process. You may only reap the full benefit a few months down the line. Your primary goal is to build a big list of long term subscribers that you can sell to over and over again.

Basically, this is an asset the same as a house or shares that you invest in. Every time you send emails to that list you will make money.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Secrets To Achieving Quality Links

When it comes to SEO, link building is by far the hardest part to get right but once you do your set for higher website rankings and more targeted traffic being to your website.

There are a number of things to remember when link building for your website:

#1 - To Buy or Not to Buy

When buying links you really do get what you pay for. The more expensive your links are to buy the better they are for your site so avoid purchasing mass links for a bargain as these can actually be damaging to your websites ranking.

#2 - Good Links

The best kinds of links are ones which come from universities or government agencies and search engines play favourites with these kinds of links so if you can obtain one for your site it is sure to boost your ranking to the first page within a relatively short amount of time.

#3 - Bad Links

The worst types of links are backlinks from gambling, pharma and porn sites. These can be detrimental to your websites ranking so avoid these at all costs.

#4 - How to I get more?

There are a number of ways to get quality links to your website without purchasing them.

The first is to actually ask for them. You can do this by emailing the webmasters of sites that you wish to link with you and request a link exchange. If you can obtain a phone number it is a good idea to call and make a request as you can use your selling powers to get their link.

Submitting your articles and Press Releases is also a great way to obtain those quality links and will help in driving up your website ranking as the search engine robots will be more attracted to your pages.

Barbara Mesar is Marketing Manager at Apex Pacific, the leading developer of Internet Marketing and Web Promotion solutions. Apex Pacific helps organizations of all sizes increase their online marketing presence leading to stronger business results. If you would like to learn how to improve your website performance, visit Apex Pacific at

Internet Marketing Using Articles - How Do You Generate Income From Articles?

What is it about articles that attract so many to publish so much content to the net? Mainly it would be for one of three reasons, the first being that you have absolutely nothing better to do with your time. That is not entirely true but fact is that there are many people writing and publishing articles to websites and article directories simply to share information and knowledge.

The other two reasons are web site related. If you are a webmaster of an established site or your own newly self appointed webmaster of your own website aiming for the internet so you can kick your boss under the butt, the following would be your primary reasons for writing and publishing articles.

From a broader perspective the internet is filled with information contained in a variety of formats. Now those looking for the information use the search engines, quite logical. For the people who have the information published on their sites this is where the trick comes in. The search engines need to find that content and display it as a search result so that the visitor will land on the page of the publisher.

For a webmaster this means traffic and in turn traffic means money. The money can be generated from different avenues but without the traffic there will be no income.

The role of the article, first and foremost is links. Any site that has any hope of getting indexed by the search engines needs links pointing to it. The second reason is sales, at times also referred to as bum marketing, it is a proven method of creating sales and thus generating income using the internet.

Indexing Your Site Using Internet Marketing Articles

For any site to feature in the search engine rankings it needs links pointing to the site telling the search engines that there is a site. The link in the article normally placed in the resource box of the author is the anchor text, these words or key phrases are telling the search engine the content of the site that is linked to and that it should be ranked for those words. For the webmaster these are very important elements in generating traffic.

A site is judged on the links from other sites pointing to that site, the more links a site has the more highly regarded it becomes. This is a very broad description and many other factors play a role but for the purpose of articles these are the basic principals.

Using Internet Marketing Articles to Sell Products

The next very good use of articles is for what is sometimes lovingly referred to as bum marketing. You don't need to be a bum to use this method but it sometimes helps, on second thought, maybe not. In most cases you would not even need a website of your own but your own site would open up some doors to other forms of marketing like list building.

The principals remain the same as for indexing a site but the purpose of the article changes. The content and writing style is aimed at leading the visitor to a product he might be looking for and then sells the product to him. If you are an affiliate for a product the sales page would do the selling part, you just need to get the visitor to the sales page.

Many webmasters and non webmasters have used this technique successfully for a long time now. The problem you are faced with here however is the article itself, how to write it in such a way that you keep the readers interest and move him on to the next step which is clicking on the link leading to the pre sales page or the sales page itself.

Just publishing any old article will not achieve any success and it takes some real time and effort to learn the skills and the little nuances needed to write in such a way until it becomes second nature. Of course this does require practice, repetition and some experimentation.

If you want to write to sell, even if you have never written anything but a love letter before, in which case you sold yourself of course, here is a resource that will guide you through the process of successful writing to sell. If you have been struggling to get the results you are only reading about, now is the time to get what you need to succeed.

Article Marketing - How to Benefit from the "John Grisham" Effect When Marketing Your Articles

Article marketing is a great way to build an internet business. One of the things I really like about article marketing is the more articles that you write and post on the article directories, the more traffic, prospects, publicity and profits come your way.

Article marketing is a numbers game - the higher your article numbers, the higher the rest of your numbers (traffice, prospects, subscribers, customers) will be.

Life begins around 100 articles

Now don't panic. One hundred articles sounds like an unreachable goal if you are just starting out, but it is achievable. I have one student/mentee that is going for 100 articles in 100 days.

Once you get to that level, and sometimes even before, you begin to experience the benefits of something I have come to call "The John Grisham Effect."

You know what it is like - you read a novel by an author you have never read before. You really like the book. So you want to read more by the same author. You go looking for what else that author has written. Sometimes you wind up reading everything that author has written.

It is the same as you begin to get more and more articles on the article directories. Someone finds and uses your article, and they have found your article to be very useful. So then the reader wants to know if you have written anything else. Then your new prospect is excited because they have found more information by you.

Pretty soon you have a loyal reader, subscriber, fan and maybe even customer. All from writing and marketing good quality articles.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

How To Be An Online Marketing Genius

"Genius. It is just attention to something specific. That's all it is ... so anyone who gives attention to any subject for a period of time will evolve in the direction of that understanding." -- Abraham-Hicks

Most of us wish we were geniuses but almost none of us feel that we are. Society tells us that the Einsteins of the world come along maybe once in a generation.

But you are a genius - we all are. At what? At being you. And that may be enough to help you create online success. Why?

Ever look around on the web and find that most online businesses are, well . . . boring? Loud? Obnoxious? And definitely unappealing? Ten-page ads are NOT appealing. Empty promises of making thousands of dollars in a few weeks - appealing, but not very realistic. This mass of unappealing web content is the result of people trying to be the model of success - but these people have forgotten to be themselves.

At the other end of the spectrum, look at what's really a success online: social networking. MySpace, YouTube, Facebook. What's that all about? These sites are about people being themselves. They show themselves as they really are--grungy, attractive, silly, sad, and smart by turns. Other people are really attracted by that authenticity.

Some MySpace users have over 1.5 million friends. Count 'em. Yup, we said millions. What are they doing? Nothing but putting a spotlight on who they are. They are geniuses at being themselves, and that attracts.

You are also a genius at being you. So if you want to attract people online to your business, be the genius that you are. Don't hide your personality under a bush or cloak it in a lot of "expert" bull-pucky. Express yourself!

Whether you write articles, author a blog, put up a page on MySpace or post a YouTube video, the germ of success for you lies in your own genius.

The age of the guru is over. The age of "people like me" is here, now. People want to interact with people like them, people like you.

Whoever you are and whatever you're situation, write about it so people can connect with you. Connecting is as simple as letting people know not just who you are, but how you are. Describe your situation and BE HONEST. Are you a mom stuck at home dealing with dirty diapers and toilet training but longing for some time and money for yourself? Then say so. If you haven't washed your hair in three days because you don't have time to, but you really want enough time and money to hire a babysitter, dress up for a few evenings of adult conversation and wine ... then blurt it out!

If people can have 1.5 million "friends" online talking about their most recent fight with their boyfriend or a bad day at work, just think of what you can do with your home-based business by just being you? Blog, submit articles, write reviews, set up a business website, get a MySpace page ... whatever. Just don't lose your personality along the way.

As Coco Chanel, the grande dame of fashion, once said:

"How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone."

Stephanie Yeh and her business partner, Leta Worthington, are the Pajama Mamas, XanGo independent distributors and founders of No Brainer Networking, the network marketing site for people who hate to network (and want to earn a profit in their pajamas!). The Pajama Mamas have over 2 decades of success in networking marketing. Learn more and access free home-based business resources at

Quick Article Marketing- 6 Quick Steps to Article Marketing

If you have a website, nothing may be as important to you as attracting quality traffic. One of the best ways to do just that is to use quick article marketing. Article marketing means that you submit articles that are relevant to you website and distribute them online. The result is that people read your articles and then are directed to your website. If you wish to get started in article marketing, here are six quick steps.

1. Write for quality, not quantity. There is so article marketing on the Internet these days, and the vast majority of it is junk. The articles that attract the most attention and rise to the top of online tiers are ones that are well-written, original, informative and interesting. You could submit 100 junk articles that wouldnt do as much for your business as one high quality article that gets a lot of coverage.

2. Have a good headline. The article headline is 90% responsible for how much traffic and distribution the article will get. Keyword optimization always helps.

3. Make sure you include some active URLs at the bottom of your article with your companys name. This will help tremendously in generating traffic and links.

4. Be consistent. Just like any other kind of advertising, quick article marketing needs to be done on a consistent basis to keep generating results.

5. Submit articles to a small list of relevant publishers. This is much more effective than sending them to lots of irrelevant publishers.

6. Keep the articles reasonably short. You want the reader to get to the bottom of the page and see your website link.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Internet Article Marketing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Sean Ray is an accomplished internet article writer, and uses articles to drive online traffic.

Learn the Top 3 Website Marketing Secrets To Boost Your Traffic

90% of webmasters are not marketing their websites correctly. They lose 1000's of visitors each month due to this. There are 3 secrets every webmaster must know in order to learn website marketing correctly. Check 'em out:

Secret 1 - Be a Focused Website

Most website marketers are aiming far too broad with their campaigns or keyword focus.

If your website is not focused on particular keywords, you won't get ranked in the search results of Google, and you won't be getting any free traffic. Choose 3 keywords you want your website to be ranked under. Then make sure that there are a couple pages with each keyword found 7-9 times on them. If you take this approach you're much more likely to get free SEO traffic, rather than pay for it.

Secret 2 - Value

A site without anything useful won't get any real traffic flow. In order to get some serious traffic, you have to have something worth while on your website. Help out your website's viewers by giving them something useful, like a free resource. If you are in the skateboard niche for example, offer free trick tips or videos. If you are helping people out, they will spread the word for you and your website will grow. It all takes time, but if you have something awesome, people will find you.

Secret 3 -

More and more webmasters are turning to Myspace as a marketing tool for their websites. The logistics of it is simple. Myspace has millions of users, and they are all organized into specific niches called Myspace Groups. If you can learn to leverage this powerful resource into traffic for your website, you will never pay for advertising again. The amount of traffic some users get to their profile is ridiculous. The key to achieving this is having a huge network of friends. The more Myspace friends you have, the more people that could be going to your website. Include links and banners on your profile so people click on them, rather than just a text link. And really help people out in the Groups, it will go a long way.

If your website isn't getting over a thousand unique visitors a day, you are missing out on your traffic potential. To take your website to the next level and get some serious traffic flow, Sign up for the free e-course at It's totally free and has some serious info in there to take your website to the top of the search engines.

Promote Your Site Using Squidoo - 5 Strategies For Success

Squidoo is a web 2.0 website that allows users to build web pages, or lenses that give users interesting information--think Friendster meets Wikipedia. It has become a handy work at home tool. But besides being able to showcase your knowledge, Squidoo lenses can earn top Google rankings in the search engines. What this translates to is a load of traffic for your website.

Although Squidoo is a very effective traffic generating strategy, like all website promotion techniques you need to plan carefully if you want to truly make it work. Below is a check list of things you'll want to do if you want to promote Squidoo to earn money at home.

Look at the more popular lenses.

While many people fear competition, I like it. I lets me know what do right. Before you create your lens take a look at what the popular lenses look like. A Squidoo that achieved a top Google ranking must have done something right. What did the owner do with their lens?

Now that you have some ideas, do some planning by writing out what exactly your lens is going to look like. Think about who you want to target, the theme of your lens, the content you'll provide and how you are going to outdo the already successful Squidoo lenses.

Do some keyword research.

If you want to earn money online you have to do some keyword research. No good marketing campaign is complete without thoroughly investigating what keywords to use. Creating your lens is no different. Try to uncover low competition keywords to use in the headline of your lens. By including keywords in your Squidoo URL you improve your chances of getting a first page ranking in Google.

Provide good content

To do really well, your Squidoo should have high quality content. If you are not up for creating new content then gather old blog post, articles and even forum posts into a text file to use on your lens. You can also try purchasing fresh private label rights content. Do not post all your content at once. It's best to save some for later. Having well written content will help you earn money at home.

Collect suitable multimedia and graphics

Be careful when choosing the graphics and multimedia for your Squidoo. While it can enhance your lens, it can also distract users. Ensure that they are suitable for your lens and consider hiring a graphic designer to create unique graphics for your lens.

Use your Squidoo to market

Now that your Squidoo is published you are ready to use it to earn money online by promoting Squidoo. You can do this by adding an opt-in form. Not only will you be sending traffic to your website but you will be building your list. Then, use an RSS feed module. Simply load the RSS feed from your blog or website and your Squidoo lens will then update automatically as you update your website.

Squidoo is a great website promotion marketing option if you want to earn money at home. Simply use the information above to ensure that you get as much success as possible with your Squidoo lens.

Jeff Casmer is an internet marketing consultant and work at home business owner. For more information on work at home jobs for moms please visit his "Top Ranked" Earn Money On the Internet Directory which gives you all the information you need to Work From Home in the 21st century.

The Fail Safe Way To Write Articles For Money!

As you read each word of this article you will begin to feel a sense of joy. When you write articles for money and they start to generate profits from the internet, there may be no better feeling of satisfaction.

You don't realize it yet, but in a few short minutes you will learn how to become a compelling writer making people hunger for your next sentence. You probably have heard of bum marketing and how people are deriving online income using it. But, you probably didn't know only 5% of the people who try it succeed. Here are some useful tips when you write articles for money.

  • Speak to your article readers like they are right in front of you. I always visualize I am talking to someone and I try to have an open dialogue with them. You need to be able to write hypnotizing articles, put your readers in a trance and they will be more likely to click on your resource box at the end of your article.

  • The end game - You put in the time and effort to write a article. Make sure you are writing articles people want to read. Research your niche or topic and find out what problems people are faced with. What kind of solutions have they tried? What product have or have not worked? Find these things out and people will continue to look forward to your next article.

  • Search engine placement - A very important aspect to consider. Your keyword phrase must not have too much competition and it needs to be searched daily. I may spend hours on keyword research. I understand the more I dig, the better chance I will find low competitive keywords that are searched heavily.

Imagine what it would be like if you wrote content so compelling people all over the internet awaited your next article. People will put their trust in you and they will be eager to whip open their wallet for the products you are promoting. When you gain the trust of your readers and web site visitors and continue to provide them with quality content and answers you will have a client that responds, a client for life.

A wealth of information can be found at Write Articles for Money. Those truly interested in seducing their readers will only find this makes them a great writer.