Saturday, June 7, 2008

Best Article Marketing - 7 Key Steps to Make More Money With Article Marketing

Article marketing offers webmasters numerous benefits: Quality backlinks to their blogs or website, increased traffic, and cost-effective marketing technique that is proven to work. If you want these benefits and more, follow this 7 steps to successful article marketing:

a. Avoid blatant advertising. Refrain from writing articles with the sole purpose of promoting your website and products. Instead offer your readers quality content that is useful, timely, relevant, and interesting.

b. Check your articles for broken links. Usually, articles with broken links are rejected by article submission sites. Thus, it is helpful if you can use the preview feature of each directory to make sure that all links are working before you click that submit button.

c. Bank on your content. Make your articles engaging and interesting. Also, use the articles to show your expertise on your field. This is the fastest way to gain your potential client's trust.

d. Make use of anchor texts. Hyperlink your targeted keywords so it will be easier for your readers to go to your site in just one click on their mouse.

e. Make short articles. Based on studies, short articles are preferred by most online users. Increase the chances of your articles being read by making them as short as possible. 250-500 word article is ideal for most article submission sites.

f. Create intriguing, interesting titles. Titles act as baits to get online users to read your articles, so take advantage of it. Make sure that your titles will capture the interest of your potential clients by establishing the benefits they can get from reading your articles.

g. Sprinkle keywords on your articles. To get your articles indexed by search engines, use keywords that are usually being used by your potential clients when they use search engines. Use these keywords on your title, on the body of your articles, on your anchor text, and on your resource box.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

AdWords Keyword Research Tool - Your Profits Will Fail Without One

Lets face it, Google AdWords is getting more and more expensive and very difficult to turn a profit. The need for a good AdWords keyword research tool is paramount to have any kind of success with AdWords.

There are a number of free tools available which can be used to a degree for Pay Per Click keyword research however they provide minimum data for you to use and will only provide a limited top 100 search terms.

To be successful at AdWords requires you to dig a little deeper into your keyword research. There is no doubt about it, you will need to invest in some good keyword software.

Generally most keyword tools search popular search engines to get keyword data, some of the best keyword tools can find you over 10,000 keywords at the push of a button. They will give you data on numbers of searches and amount of competition you are up against.

Keyword Elite for example will also give you average AdWords bid prices and the number of competing AdWord ads. This is dynamite if you are using Google AdWords, it also has a function you can use to see which AdWords ads are constantly being shown, this will indicate that a keyword is profitable.

Keyword software will help you to find low cost long tail keywords you can use for your AdWord campaigns. Many AdWords specialists say that the long tail keywords yield better profits and they are a lot cheaper. Having a tool that can throw out thousands of keywords in minutes cuts down many hours of research time which allows you to spend more time on your business.

So, finding the right AdWords keyword research tool isn't that difficult but it boils down to whether you are willing to invest money into your AdWords business or not.

Keyword Research is fundemental to your online success. Find out how Keyword Elite can help you succeed by visiting

Breakthrough List Building - 3 Best Ways to Start Building Your List

Building a strong subscribers' e-mail list is an activity in an organization that is seriously being done. Every subscriber's list that adds-up on the pile of list counts a lot and means so much. For every successful attempt to have the list padded means more potential clients to have and greater success in store for the business. For this reason, a business entity takes so much energy and effort in making sure that the e-mail list remains strong and competitive. Cited below are three of the best ways to start building a robust list of e-mail addresses:

1. Make your subscriber or registration box notably visible in all possible ways. You can opt at putting this registration box on your landing page or any where else on your site page. Make sure that it is not positioned somewhere at the bottom because generally of net visitors do not land on the most bottom part of the webpage. Putting it on the bottom part makes you lose your chance to catch the potential subscription.

2. You can incorporate on every article material that you create and publish on article submission sites a single byline area where you can make an invitation on how they can practically subscribe or register. This will give your business more chances of capturing more possible potential registrants. In addition, the visibility of these forms on every way possible gives you better exposure thus, greater potential.

3. To entice more people to register and leave their personal information, you can give them some freebies or give away gifts like free download or a free e-book or any simple token that you think is going to be well-appreciated. The giving away of these free gifts make some positive impact especially to new subscriptions.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Five Magical Words On Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is the best source of marketing. If you are interested in becoming an internet marketer, you need to be an expert in this field to succeed. You should consider certain rules and trends prevalent in this field.

Here are five basic words that you should be aware of to have a successful online business. Almost all successful internet marketers put these words in to play to promote their products and services.

a) Target:

You cannot win in any field without a target. Internet marketing is no exception you should have a target to succeed in the world of internet marketing. Try to have an aim wherein you would be targeting your market. Study your prospects well. Try to know what is their life standard. This is the best way to give them what they want in terms of products and services. It would be wise to create a profile of who your target market is and then advertise to the. Believe it. This is the best strategy. Try to target forums or ezines that get traffic from your target market.

b) Traffic:

Are you expecting to be successful without generating potential traffic to your website? You would require waiting for ages in this regard. Online business success depends on traffic and you should focus on getting potential and a lot of traffic to enhance the chances of sales. Study on different ways to increase traffic.

c) Conversion:

Once you are successful in drawing traffic to your website, you should concentrate on converting them to your client. For this, you require a good sales page. In case, you have a high amount of traffic without sales, then you should consider reviewing your sales copy. Try to change it as soon as possible. Consider hiring a good copy writer if budget is not your concern. You can also copywrite it on your own.

d) Backend:

Backend is responsible in delivering you repeat sales. You should capture your customer's email address and stay in touch with them. Send them emails that consist of useful tips and information associated to your products. Remember, repeat customers are result of a good product and adept customer and after sales services.

e) Repeat:

Here you need to repeat the whole process for each website or product you develop. The above-mentioned five most powerful words in the internet marketing will let you succeed in this field within a short period of time.

Amber is a quick learner of marketing strategies and practicing SEO and Website Promotion techniques at SEO Notes If you like to learn more about new SEO & marketing strategies in 2008, please visit Seocontest2008 blog now, where you will find exclusive resources on search engine optimization & website marketing strategies.

Link Building Strategies That Work And Cost Nothing To Use

Driving traffic to your website and gaining higher search engine rank positions can be done in several ways and each are important as an overall strategy, however in this article I am going to focus on one main way which is link building.

In specific when planning a link building strategy it is of the utmost importance to realise that not any old links pointing to your site are advantageous. In fact some links to your site can have the complete opposite effect and be detrimental to the performance of your websites rankings.

You need to plan which type of sites you are targeting to build link relationships with and the obvious first starting point on the link building platform is to look for links from sites that are of a similar nature and category as your own.

The saying goes that birds of a feather stick together and this is most true in search engine optimisation as in general most major search engines will tend to rank you higher if you site becomes what is known as an authority site and has many links from sites offering similar and complimentary content matter.

Combined with this criterion is the added fact that these similar content sites to your own should be quality sites that in turn may be well linked to from other quality content sites.

As you will see there is a constant theme emerging here that quality content sites with a similar theme when linked together aid and assist each other to improve their search engine ranking positions and in turn this brings increased visitor traffic.

Moving on one step further in our link building strategy we can improve our chances of increased search engine positioning even more by obtaining links from these high quality content sites in one direction only, in other words to optimise the benefits of these links we need to obtain them in such a way, if possible, that there is no requirement to link back.

One way links from quality content and authorities sites can be considered as the most beneficial links to obtain and are seen by most search engine optimisation experts as the best.

Now of course in general most website owners are unlikely to give you a one way link without some sort of compensation, but there are ways were you can obtain links and these methods should be part of your overall strategy.

Remember that, in my opinion, this should be looked at as a marathon and not a 100 yard dash, in other words working on a strategy to consistently obtain links to your site over a long period of time is far better than having one mad session for a day and then forgetting the whole business to move onto some other interest.

It has been suggested by some people that the longer a website has been registered online and operating the better it is perceived as far as search engine rankings is concerned and with this in mind it would also seem quite logical that the long term link building approach should also fall into line with these thoughts.

Some obvious ways of receiving one way links to your website could include writing articles and submitting them to article directories and also using website link directories.

Of course trends will come and go so you should always be prepared to adapt and look for new ways to increase your link building methods but the main quality you will need is to prepare a plan and take positive action on a regular basis.

Copyright 2008 Terry Till

Find out how you can get instant one way links to your site :

Webmasters and ezine owners may use this article provided they leave all content and links in full contact and without alteration.

Tips On Researching Your Target Market Using Yahoo Resources

Whenever you are truly mixed up onto searching a subject for an information product, you can actually utilise the Yahoo Directory for searching Hobbies. It can dome implicit gold mine when searching fruitful subjects for information products! Remember that most peoples are highly enthusiastic about their spare-time activity. Therefore, if you make an information product about a popular hobby, you're for sure to shovel in the moolah!

Furthermore, you can as well have a look at the Yahoo Groups that are available for your market. In favorable view, Yahoo Groups are bulletin boards that are domiciliated at Yahoo and mostly operated by individual people. In search of the results, there are tens of thousands of Yahoo Groups available.

The direction that they function is this:

People signup as member of each bulletin board. They can then take part either by logging on to the bulletin board to view, post or by selecting their emails subscription method of that group.

By viewing at the subscription methods, you can select to get notify individually based on daily or weekly batch of posts. If you discover a blistering group, be sure that you do not choose the individual posts or you will be bombarded with email! (As a matter of fact, I've a separate email address that I apply for Yahoo groups so that I do not have to view all of that mail unless I've time for it.) After that, please make sure you have bookmarked the groups that you find it related to your researched subject!

These can be an priceless resource when you begin marketing your completed product. To make things easier for you now, you can find Yahoo Groups for Hobbies by typing yahoo groups for hobbies and craft this keyword on yahoo search to locate targeted groups of your choice.

So now, are you still stumped for ideas on a subject you 'll need to target for?

Well, If you don't find a hot topic on the yahoo groups I just show you with the tips above with one suitable for the next best seller, I'll be VERY surprised.

Beside looking at the yahoo groups, here I attached a few more places you can look for ideas and subjects on your research:

* MyHotItems -- This is a hot directory that is generated based on keywords that are being searched over the last 7 days.

* The Yahoo Buzz Log - this is another directory which indexes the top 15 search terms for that day on Yahoo. It sorted by the results for several categories. Scroll down to the left side, you'll find Today's Top Movers, Actors, Movies, Music Sports, etc. And on the right, you'll find some analysis about search spikes and trends. Very informative isn't it!

* Google's Press Center - the Zeitgeist - In German, "Zeitgeist" refers to the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era. Google chose this term as the name for its list to the top 15 most searched keywords. Google also breaks their lists up by categories such as the Top 30, Popular Retailers, Popular Sports Queries, and Popular Music rated categories.

Kenny Tan is specialized on sourcing and creating quality niche contents & information products with private label resell rights which you can find his quality work at his site: and his marketing blog at