Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

First of all, some people give importance to PageRank and others don't. You do not need to worry about your PageRank much, however it is an indication of how many backlinks your website has, how good it is optimized.

When search engine software called spiders visit your website, they follow each of your site links, as long as the links have not the nofollow tag, or other signals for search engines to ignore certain links. Like robots files or instructions to spiders in the meta tags.

Now PageRank is given to your homepage and each of your website pages. The PageRank comes from those websites that link to you. So when someone links to your website it is like they are giving you some of their PageRank. The higher their PageRank number the more PageRank they give you.

That means the more websites linking to you the higher your PageRank will be.

So it's important not to link to other peoples sites if you don't have to. You will give them some of your website PageRank when you do so. So avoid linking to other websites from your own, or put the nofollow tags on these types of links. That way spiders ignore these links completely.

When you do link exchanges you give some PageRank but also receive from your link partner. It is important to check they still keep linking to your site because if not you give them PageRank and they give you none. If you have many link partners that do not link back to you, in the end the result will be bad. You will probably not only loose some PageRank but for sure rankings.

To fix the problem, you either contact those webmasters that removed your link, see why they did so and try to make them link back to you again. If they do not remove their links from your website.

In a certain way, the more links you have the higher your PageRank will be. Now your own website pages pass PageRank to each other. So if you link to your homepage from your blog you are giving some of your blog PageRank to your homepage.

The solution is to make sure the most important webpages of your site get the most PageRank. Make sure they are not passing PageRank to other pages they do not really require. It is better that your homepage gets the most PageRank rather then your privacy policy webpage.

So make sure you put the nofollow tags properly on your site, so certain webpages do not receive too many PageRank, while the important pages receive the most PageRank and do not loose a lot. A webpage looses PageRank when it links to another page within the same site or links to another site completely.

Your PageRank improves more if you get one way links. These are links you get when you submit your articles, submit your site to directories, get links from forums, blogs, and other places where you do not link back. So unlike link exchanges these websites give you PageRank and you give none.

Those are the sites that help you increase your PageRank really fast. But they are also the toughest sites to get links from, because it is easier to make a link exchange since there are millions of sites doing link exchanges. Article directories are limited in amount and even other methods of getting one way links.

So make sure you treat your PageRank well, so your most important pages get the most PageRank. That all helps your rankings improve.

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Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Given the ratio of the internet, and given the fact that so many people in the business world use it to further their goals and ambitions, it is shocking how so many people still have issues with using the internet appropriately. Search engine optimisation is one powerful tool that many people use when they are looking to increase the level of relevant traffic to their website, but remember, that like any tool, its efficiency depends on the employer. Take a look at a few of the reasons why so many SEO campaigns falter and fall, and often are unable to rise again.

Bad keywords are one of the first culprits. Look at the text on your website and really think about whether it reflects your company. Will the people who are searching for your services know to use those terms? Bad keywords can work in two different directions. Firstly the keywords are too specific. They are only understood by other professionals in your field, and someone who isn't aware of the ins and outs of your business would never think to search for them. Over-generalization is similarly a concern. With keywords that are too generic, you will simply bring irrelevant people to your site who have no actual interest in what you have to offer.

SEO also means that you have to take into account the format of your page. Are things placed in a logical way that will draw people? Have you made sure that your page has enough content to draw people to it? Part of good page optimisation is ensuring that your website has a good place when it comes to link building. The more people who link to you without you offering a reciprocal link, the better your rating goes. Link building is one aspect that the Google search engine uses to push you towards the top of your search page, so make sure that you don't ignore it when you are thinking about optimisation and content.

Some companies who try to avoid these mistakes contract with SEO consultants, but even there they might find that they are working with someone who uses illegitimate means to bulk up your numbers. Some warning signs include multiple names, the ownership of shadow domains and a guarantee of rankings through obscure keyword phrases that you would have gotten anyway. Beware of companies that give you a strange feeling or refuse to explain how your website would be getting the hits. Although there are many of them, the concepts relating to SEO are fairly straightforward, so if you catch someone being secretive, make sure you find out why.

When you are looking to conduct an SEO campaign, unless you are a specialist in the field yourself, you should consider consulting with a professional. A professional who cares about his or her work and is dedicated to making your site a success can easily save you from the blunders that could cost you in time, resources and money which is important to any business.

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents many UK businesses. For Search Engine Optimisation, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading suppliers of Search Engine Optimisation Campaigns.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Traffic is the lifeblood of your internet business. If you are not getting traffic to your website it will be very unlikely that you will succeed. However, this is a challenge that most marketers experience and the ones who master this skill will end up running a very successful internet business.

In this article I would like to go over good strategies that you can use to build a successful internet business.

1) Article marketing

This is my favourite method of promoting my website. It is completely free so whatever money that you make it will be complete profit. I have also found these leads to be the most responsive. The way that this works is you write articles and submit them to the major article directories. You include a link to your website in the resource box. If somebody likes what you have written then they are very likely to click through to your website.

2) Forum marketing

Using this method you can get traffic within minutes of making a post. The key here is to respond to other people who ask for help. Make a valuable contribution and include a link to your website in your signature.

3) Press releases

If you have a noteworthy event to mention for example the launch of a new ebook I suggest that you write a press release. Submit it to popular online sites like Prweb and Prleap. If your event is noteworthy it may also be published on the websites of media outlets. Your press release will also get picked up by search engines for additional traffic.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Are you wondering what you can say in your articles that will bring your readers back to your site, ready to buy? Give them informative content that answers their questions.

1. User Information & Directions

Tell your reader how to use products you sell. Offer detailed directions that improve results of using the products you sell and promote good relationships with the users of the product. How often have you heard someone mention an NEW idea and said, "Gee I wish I'd thought of that?" Well, now you can. And when you publish those ideas, you get credit and new customers for your ideas.

2. Details of Understanding

Don't you just find it easier to use a product you know something about? You could give the reader user friendly directions that would promote their ability to use your products. Perhaps the history of your product is interesting, or you have a unique story to tell about how beneficial the product has been to someone? Add in some flair or an amusing tale and you've got a great article that encourages customers.

3. News & Announcements

Has your product saved a life? Perhaps it's been beneficial to a group of people who help others? Maybe your products were used to help a family in need? Or did you donate products to the needy for the holiday celebrations? Let your reader know of these newsy events, or send them an announcement of an event they can participate in. Give them an opportunity to get to know your products better.

Are you ready to learn more about Article Marketing?

Obtain 2 FREE Article Marketing Templates at http://advertizeyourbusiness.com and learn more about the SECRET of Prospering from Online Marketing. Advertize is an online business owned by Jan Verhoeff, an Internet Marketer who believes Content is King. You may visit http://janverhoeff.com about online marketing and a wealth of information.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

You dont have to look at the results of the 2000 U.S. Census to see how diverse our population is becoming. Just look around you. The complexion of your workplace, your marketplace, and the street where you live is changing, and for most industries, a targeted audience will include non-native English speakers. As more people from other countries move to and settle in America, the greater the need is for all of us to widen our definition and understanding of culture.

According to the American Immigration Law Foundation, U.S. Census results demonstrate that immigration has become an engine of growth in U.S. metropolitan areas. [Policymakers] should keep in mind a simple truth embraced by officials in states from Iowa to Utah and in cities from Albuquerque to Boston: immigration is a key source of long-term economic vitality.

So what does this mean for you and your business? It means that communicating with your audience will most likely require a greater understanding of different cultures and their respective languages. The English language is one of the hardest to learn, and when native English speakers write it, they naturally use idioms particular to their language. This works well in many circumstances, but when your audience includes members of other cultures, it is easy to miss the mark of understanding.

Writing for a Diverse Audience
When writing for a diverse audience, write your first draft quickly and without editing so you can get your ideas or teaching points down on paper. Dont be too concerned about how youre writing looks or sounds. Once you have your ideas on paper, begin to massage the language. Look at what youre saying and ask yourself this about each sentence: If I were explaining this to a person who had recently immigrated to this country, would he or she understand what I am saying?

Put yourself in the shoes of someone who has very little, or no, knowledge of the subject, and from that standpoint, look at what you have written. Look at the phrases you have used. Does their meaning translate, or would they be understood only by a native English speaker? (In fact, put yourself in the shoes of in the first sentence in this paragraph is a good example of a common but abstract idiom.)

Tell a story. Many cultures use storytelling as a method for teaching and passing down information. Storytelling appeals to most audiences, and we remember best through stories because they provide a concrete image of the abstract.

Tips for Cross-cultural Communication
Speaking the same language can enhance communication between cultures, but for it to be most effective, it must also include a shared understanding in a shared context. When communicating between cultures, it is important to consider the linguistic variations within the cultural group, the cultural variation within a language group, and the variations in literacy levels. (Variation in literacy levels also applies to native English speakers since 90 million Americans have low literacy skills.)

When communicating with other cultures, keep the following in mind:

Identify your own cultural values first. Recognize your cultural biases (we all have them), and think about your own attitudes.
Show respect, and listen carefully.
Ask, dont assume. Allow people to show you what they want and need to know.
Keep in mind that people learn in very different waysour experiences, upbringing, and environment influence how we perceive and process information.

Effective cross-cultural communication is a continual process. As you learn about the different audiences you serve, look for the strengthsobvious and hiddenthat exist in their cultures. You just may find that what you thought was a communication liability is actually an asset.

~ Visit Kristina on the Web at EasyReadWriting.com

Kristina Anderson is President of EasyRead Copywriting, LLC, a company specializing in plain language communications. She can be reached at Kristina@easyreadcopywriting.com

Please feel free to forward this article as long as you keep author byline information intact. No portion of this article may be copied, reproduced or altered in any way without express permission from author.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

You have a web site or a web page and you want that people go, look at them for different purposes, generally to sell something. So your site must be known and visible. Different possibilities are available for you:

1. You can use ads in the search engines where people go (example: adwords for google). There are different ads : sponsored links, PPC (pay per click), etc... The cost is different between the search engines, the traffic societies... but it always costs as long as you keep your campaign "active".

2. You can write in different blogs, without telling directly your link. Blogs are not supposed to do your ads for you, but to be a link between people who speak on same subjects. But it can help, if you write interested things without telling all, some people can ask you more and then, up to you ...

3. But all this will not surely place your web site on a good place for a long time and be visible for specific keywords representing your web site. The main point to be well positioned is a professional job. The experts on submitting and positioning will surely do it. Of course, this place has a price, but if your web site is visible at any time somebody types the keywords or expressions keywords, the price will be nothing because you will have a lot of specific and real traffic. It will not be people who are paid to click, your visitors will come because your site comes on these keywords which represent what your site is or gives. And one of the main points of an expert's job is the link popularity.

The link popularity depends on different things : the number of in and out-going links within your site versus your competitors and the page ranks of these links. If your competitors have around 1200 links, you must have at least 1200 links. But if the majority of your links are bought to some directories. The robots of the search engines will not take care of them because they know the link addresses (URL's) of the societies who sell links by package of 100, 1000 or 10000. They have no value. Before they could have a small value by the quantity but now, this is the marketing war on internet. So the robots look at more and more things every months, and forget the sites with a big number of links if they have no added value.

What is an added value for a link?

It could be the fact it comes from another web site building on the same subject, or from web sites of education centers or governmental centers. And the popularity of the others is represented mainly by the page rank. If you only have a few links going to your web site with a high page rank, you will be more lucky than a website with 15000 links without any page rank and no specific value.

And higher is the page rank, better your website will take points for the robots. I do not say that if you succeed to get a link from a site with a page rank of 7 or 8 !!! , that your site will get a similar page rank. Not at all ! But it will be a plus, for example if you have already a page rank, even if it is zero, with a few links of page ranks of 4 and 5, you can be sure your site will upgrade.

I know, you are going to tell me : how can I get links from web sites with good page ranks or even small ones ? I will answer, this is the job of the experts in Submitting and Positioning Sites in Internet. They know which sites to look at, same theme or subject as your site, then look at the page ranks, and then obtain a link with or without a back-link. Question of expertise ! Because, a professional site is not a shop window full of links, a professional site is a site speaking on your subject, your products and your partners if your have some.

I would say that to obtain a good place, for example within the 3 first places on the first page of Google, on specific keywords, the optimization of your web site and the popularity link work are the main keys of the success and the success of the traffic for your site.

Michele PORRETTA - 25 years in IBM Product Manager in EMEA (Europe Middle East & Africa). Now Referencing & Positionning Internet Expert in POSITIONNEMENT 1er Society - Success University Director - Motivational Club Member - Success University "USA/UK/MALTA/CANADA/FRANCE Success Team" Leader http://positionnement-referencement-site.net

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The use of article marketing in the business arena is deemed very essential and significant. Article marketing is a tool that allows your business and the products attached with it to be promoted and advertised by channeling it thru the articles that you create. In order to make the whole article marketing process simple and easy, follow these steps:

1. Target your audience properly. You need to make sure that you know the profile of your targeted audience. It will also be a big help for you as the article maker to determine their needs and want in terms of information. This will help you get into the right target in terms of what to write for them. In addition, when you know who your targeted audience is, there is a lesser probability of you mistakenly addressing and highlighting some irrelevant issues.

2. Prepare the message to be delivered. With the numerous options where you can deliver the message, all you have to do is to potentially study and assess every option that you have. You can have your message published on every article sites or have it displayed on your own website. If in case that you are targeting a wider mass audience, you can have it displayed on all possible display sites like web logs, newsletter, Ezines, message and discussion boards. Besides, there is no rule on the net that prohibits a single article to be republished on all available publications.

3. Track your development and be able to proactively take counter measures. When the article has been delivered and distributed, you are not supposed to be sitting on your laurels. You have to help these distributing media sites attain your objective. Make sure that you know where the article is failing in attaining your objective and be willing to revise to attain your pre-set goals.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.